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Joystick Rotator

Archive: 6 posts

Whenever I use a joystick rotator it works fine until I stop using it. It keeps rotating when I don't want it to. How can I fix that?2011-02-06 04:40:00

Unknown User

Hook the up/down and left/right connectors from the analog stick into an OR gate. Hook the OR gate into a NOT gate, and hook the NOT gate into an Advanced Rotator with rotation speed as high as it will go and deceleration at 100%.2011-02-06 05:58:00

Posts: 5

Hook the up/down and left/right connectors from the analog stick into an OR gate. Hook the OR gate into a NOT gate, and hook the NOT gate into an Advanced Basic Rotator with rotation speed as high as it will go and deceleration at 100%.

Fixed it
2011-02-06 06:27:00

Posts: 2188

Fixed it

I just checked it, and both work, but differently. The basic Rotator needs 0% rotation speed, and the Advanced Rotator needs high rotation speed.
2011-02-06 07:13:00

Posts: 5

That's great and all but that doesn't help with joystick rotators...2011-02-06 19:06:00

Unknown User

Put a Material Tweaker on the Controlinator circuit-board. Set the Anti-Gravity setting to 100% and the dampening to (about)40%. 40% gives it a kind of floaty decelerating type of stop and 60% will stop it immediately. I tested this with all of the Basic Materials. It worked the same with all, except for Dark and Light Matter. Hope this helps.2011-02-07 07:36:00

Posts: 19

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