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How do you make the sizziling sound?

Archive: 3 posts

I played Patients are a Virtue and Casa del Higgenbotham, and I really liked how the sizzling sound comes into play when you put the fire out. I connected a projectile sensor and attached it to an object tweaker, but when I shoot it with water, it makes a BEEP BOOP BEEP sound instead.(Like when you shoot a paintinator at one of those paintinator switches) How can I make it sizzle? I can't find a sizzling sound in the sound objects either.2011-02-05 15:17:00

Posts: 337

1. Its in the sound objects. (There's SO many you could have missed it)
2. It's the natural sound fire makes when it dies. :/
2011-02-05 15:31:00

Posts: 256

Thanks for the answer! Also another question. (Sorry to be a bother!) How do you make the fire spread like in Casa del Higgenbotham?2011-02-05 15:32:00

Posts: 337

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