Would you pay ?275 for headphones ?
Archive: 27 posts
I got my self Dr.Dre Studio headphones which cost a whopping 275 quid . some people think i was silly to buy headphones for that price . but what people dont realise that the sound quality is BEAST! would you buy these ? http://beatsbydre.com/ http://www.jonathanagardner.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/beats_by_dr_dre.jpg | 2011-02-04 16:51:00 Author: howMUCHforBOUNTY ![]() Posts: 623 |
No, I just wouldn't. | 2011-02-04 16:54:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
I would. Out of interest, what amp are you using to power those beasts? Surely not from your laptop or whatever ![]() | 2011-02-04 17:01:00 Author: Asbestos101 ![]() Posts: 1114 |
Nope.. sorry. I would buy these instead and already have a few pair. Sony MDR-7506 (http://pro.sony.com/bbsc/ssr/cat-audio/cat-headphones/product-MDR7506/) | 2011-02-04 17:02:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Not personally because I can get some for half the price but I know some people who would pay that much because they're crazy about audio stuff.. So umm, no. BUt it's a good choice nonetheless. | 2011-02-04 17:02:00 Author: Chump ![]() Posts: 1712 |
I would. Out of interest, what amp are you using to power those beasts? Surely not from your laptop or whatever ![]() i use them on my CD decks and also my ipod if i just want to listen to music when ever ![]() | 2011-02-04 17:13:00 Author: howMUCHforBOUNTY ![]() Posts: 623 |
When I read the price I immediately knew it was Beats by Dr. Dre. My friend has some and I think they sound good but I don't know, I guess I'm too used to my headphones to use some DJ Headphones. I think one of my friends has the Lady Gaga Heartbeats too, I wonder how those sound o: If I ever get money to just throw around, I'd get these (http://www.geekalerts.com/u/tron-headphones-daft-punk2.png). | 2011-02-04 19:11:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Sh****t my mate always wears them, I didnt know they cost that much..... | 2011-02-04 19:28:00 Author: MrFunctionality ![]() Posts: 637 |
I found some from Argos for ?20, and the quality is just brilliant! You wouldn't expect it for the price! Surround sound too. Sounds amazing on LBP2 or Bad Company 2 due to the surround sound! ![]() ![]() http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/5344046/Trail/searchtext%3ESONY+HEADPHONES.htm | 2011-02-04 19:49:00 Author: Weretigr ![]() Posts: 2105 |
Try those headphones with bad company 2 ![]() | 2011-02-04 19:56:00 Author: Jonaolst ![]() Posts: 935 |
When I read the price I immediately knew it was Beats by Dr. Dre. My friend has some and I think they sound good but I don't know, I guess I'm too used to my headphones to use some DJ Headphones. I think one of my friends has the Lady Gaga Heartbeats too, I wonder how those sound o: If I ever get money to just throw around, I'd get these (http://www.geekalerts.com/u/tron-headphones-daft-punk2.png). ive wanted these for ages and soon as i got payed i ran to the shop and got them . the lady gaga ones are like over 150 just for the in ear ones :/ | 2011-02-04 20:43:00 Author: howMUCHforBOUNTY ![]() Posts: 623 |
I laughed when I clicked on the thread. I immediately thought of Beats when I saw the thread title. Short answer, hell no. I have Sony MDR headphones. 50 bucks, sounds as great as I would ever care for. I don't need to hear the breaths of artists in order to really enjoy music. I can go visit friends cross country with the money saved, round trip at that. Now, if you have the means to buy them, go nuts. I'm sure they are fine headphones, unlike the Skull Candy crap. (Waste of money on hipster account of good quality) I do want to say that it's amazingly cheaper here in the states, I saw multiple pairs of these headphones going for 175 USD at Staples, an office supply chain. So.. make of that what you want. | 2011-02-04 21:11:00 Author: KoingWolf ![]() Posts: 386 |
I laughed when I clicked on the thread. I immediately thought of Beats when I saw the thread title. Short answer, hell no. I have Sony MDR headphones. 50 bucks, sounds as great as I would ever care for. I don't need to hear the breaths of artists in order to really enjoy music. I can go visit friends cross country with the money saved, round trip at that. Now, if you have the means to buy them, go nuts. I'm sure they are fine headphones, unlike the Skull Candy crap. (Waste of money on hipster account of good quality) I do want to say that it's amazingly cheaper here in the states, I saw multiple pairs of these headphones going for 175 USD at Staples, an office supply chain. So.. make of that what you want. I have Skull Candy earbuds o: Man, those things can block out noise. @Bounty; yeah they are pretty expensive earbuds, but they do look fancy ![]() | 2011-02-04 21:14:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Haha, one step ahead of you, but I have these instead http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTBrdHZY2wG0KRkz_zt7cC82PlfLsP3S vbqEHVpRJun4_U6wzKe They were $100 but still worth it! | 2011-02-04 21:21:00 Author: ceejayem13 ![]() Posts: 181 |
I have Skull Candy earbuds o: ... Maybe I was screwed when it comes to Skull Candy, but so far the only two pairs I've ever worn sucked big time. One I was borrowed was crap, one I bought was worse. Sounded almost like.. double mono sound, with missing details. Ended up giving them to niece when she needed some. | 2011-02-04 21:25:00 Author: KoingWolf ![]() Posts: 386 |
Maybe I was screwed when it comes to Skull Candy, but so far the only two pairs I've ever worn sucked big time. One I was borrowed was crap, one I bought was worse. Sounded almost like.. double mono sound, with missing details. Ended up giving them to niece when she needed some. Did you have the earbuds or the DJ headphones? I've never used the headphones but my friend has the one with the little amp attachment and he loves them. The only thing I hated about the Skull Candy earbuds at first was that you had to jam them into your ear. But then you get used to it and it doesn't feel like your ear is being torn apart by a cheeto. sexual innuendos everywhere. | 2011-02-04 21:29:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Did you have the earbuds or the DJ headphones? I've never used the headphones but my friend has the one with the little amp attachment and he loves them. The only thing I hated about the Skull Candy earbuds at first was that you had to jam them into your ear. But then you get used to it and it doesn't feel like your ear is being torn apart by a cheeto. Headphones, but were not fancy, just regular sized, kinda small. Maybe that's the issue.. Great expensive line, terrible "economy" line. If that's the case then ah well, on me. Enjoy the donation Skull Candy. lol @ cheeto comment, that's why I much prefer regular headphones. | 2011-02-04 21:40:00 Author: KoingWolf ![]() Posts: 386 |
?275? Hold on sec. *Uses the magical currency conventer* That's about 326?. and that's impossible amount to reach while I'm still studying. Those would be awesome, but I only when I get extra 326? in my right pocket. | 2011-02-04 21:50:00 Author: Coconuts ![]() Posts: 384 |
?275? Hold on sec. *Uses the magical currency conventer* That's about 326?. and that's impossible amount to reach while I'm still studying. Those would be awesome, but I only when I get extra 326? in my right pocket. What about your left pocket? Back Pockets? These look snazzy http://gadgetszoom.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/JustBeats-Justin-Bieber-Headphones.jpg | 2011-02-04 21:55:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
What about your left pocket? Back Pockets? These look snazzy http://gadgetszoom.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/JustBeats-Justin-Bieber-Headphones.jpg hell no not bieber beats , id rather have GaGa beats , stupid bieber the girl (or boy who hasn't yet started puberty and when he dose it will end his music career thank god) | 2011-02-05 11:56:00 Author: howMUCHforBOUNTY ![]() Posts: 623 |
What about your left pocket? Back Pockets? These look snazzy http://gadgetszoom.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/JustBeats-Justin-Bieber-Headphones.jpg Left pocket is reserved for my keys and lucky charms. Back pockets are full of junk I never bothered to clean up. Those look. . little Bieber'ish for my taste. ;| | 2011-02-05 14:49:00 Author: Coconuts ![]() Posts: 384 |
While it's expensive, I understand the want for good quality headphones. My last pair were ?100, and my next pair will be sannheiser IE8's ![]() | 2011-02-05 14:51:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
No way! Do you know what I can do with that money! I can buy an HDPVR for my LBP2 videos. | 2011-02-05 15:31:00 Author: Arnald23 ![]() Posts: 1843 |
you know those headphones (the ones in the OP) have waay to much bass. dont get them unless you only listen to drums and the double bass. | 2011-02-05 22:47:00 Author: unXpectiD ![]() Posts: 1132 |
you know those headphones (the ones in the OP) have waay to much bass. dont get them unless you only listen to drums and the double bass. thats why i use them for the music i listen to , mostly rap, DnB and Dubstep | 2011-02-06 12:38:00 Author: howMUCHforBOUNTY ![]() Posts: 623 |
thats why i use them for the music i listen to , mostly rap, DnB and Dubstep![]() | 2011-02-06 17:33:00 Author: ceejayem13 ![]() Posts: 181 |
Depends...i cant even afford 275..i wonder how much that cost =P | 2011-02-06 17:45:00 Author: Bloo_boy ![]() Posts: 1019 |
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