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L.A Noire

Archive: 46 posts

Of all the games due to be released; L.A: Noire (http://www.gameinformer.com/games/la_noire/b/xbox360/archive/2010/11/11/l-a-noire-preview.aspx?PostPageIndex=1) is defintaley the one I'm most intrigued about.2011-02-04 09:58:00

Posts: 1970

The technology behind the facial expressions is impressive. This game is going to set new standards for character modelling in video games.

Can't wait. Rockstar rarely fail.
2011-02-05 08:33:00

Posts: 1477

I loved how they came up with the idea for capturing facial expressions, and I will get this game. However, my expectations for the game itself are not to high. This game can easily be ruined by lack of memorable elements in the gameplay itself. Unfortunately, the only thing this game seems to be relying on for hype, is the facial expressions. I'm expecting a Saboteur-esqe environment//feeling, without all the other gameplay elements.2011-02-05 08:38:00

Posts: 67

As well as the new facial scanning system (which is used heavily in the gameplay in the "interview" sections) - there is also a new "global illumination" engine, that apparently breaks new ground aswell.

I think the gameplay sounds good - you're basically working for LAPD and use a series of "benches" with which to do case work - such as a phorensic bench etc.
And the main way that cases are progressed is by searching locations for clues and interviewing witnesses - and tying up what you know about the case, with the question you asked, the response the witness has given and any facial nuances that you feel may be giving away their true motive - and then choosing a conversation response based on that and the clues you have gathered.

Happily - "Combat" is being given a back seat to this "investigative" gameplay.

Hopefully the gameplay will be something genuinely new.

Expected release date May 17th/20th
2011-02-07 08:21:00

Posts: 1970

The more I read about this game the more excited I become. New IGN article here (http://ps3.ign.com/articles/115/1155234p1.html) copy paste below:

After showing me pretty much an entire mission of L.A. Noire, the Rockstar spokesman put the controller down, recapped what I had seen, and described the detective title as something different for the video game industry -- "a breath of fresh air."

I couldn't agree more.

L.A. Noire casts you as Cole Phelps, a war hero turned police officer in 1947's Los Angeles. It's an open world game where you'll work four different desks in the LAPD, tackle more than 20 cases, and use clues and evidence to bring criminals to justice.

It's also the most serious thing I've ever seen Rockstar -- the company that brought you the Grand Theft Auto franchise, Bully, and Red Dead Redemption -- do. The developers have recreated more than eight square miles of 1947 L.A., and there's no sign of the goofy gags or senseless killing GTA is known for. From the moment the case title of "The Red Lipstick Murder" popped on the screen in black and white to the super-realistic facial animations that followed alongside the sharp dialogue, this felt like something different. Something most games aren't doing.

The clearest example of this -- especially considering how other Rockstar games have portrayed the female form -- came when Phelps and his partner arrived at a crime scene. There, an attractive woman lay murdered, and she was completely naked. The framing of the initial shot made no attempt to hide her pubic hair or bare breasts. When Cole examined her body for clues, the player was put in charge of lifting her arms to check for signs of struggle, examining the gash on her head, and checking out the messages written on her torso in lipstick. This whole time, breasts filled the screen, but there was no giggle from the crowd I was in, no flip comment from the characters on the television, and no question as to how somber this scene was.

It's one of the most adult moments I think I've seen in a video game. Not "adult" in the sense that this is dirty but "adult" in the sense that this is the video game medium maturing.

The last time I remember feeling like this was when I played Heavy Rain. Hunting the Origami Killer was cerebral at times and packed a control scheme that meant not every gamer was going to give it a go, but even that had a bunch of brutal action and a gratuitous shower scene for its female lead that you could see grabbing a large audience. L.A. Noire is a detective game where you wander around crime scenes, examine clues and consult your notebook. You head to interviews, question suspects and try to catch them in a lie using the evidence you've dug up.

Sure, my demo ended with Phelps getting into a fistfight with a suspect he was trying to bring downtown, but that was still just a small section of what I saw and was just simple punches. This is a game that's aiming for a mature audience and not a mature rating. L.A. Noire wants people who really want a cop drama. People that want to think things through and investigate appropriately before ever having to think about firing a gun. This is a world where bad things happen and you try to get justice for the people who have been lost.

That's heavy subject material, and it's something I can't wait to tackle. More developers need to think outside the box of first-person shooters packed with boobs and **** jokes and offer something that shows that video games can appeal to every audience.

Will L.A. Noire come together in the end and be something we can point to and say this is the type of emotional experience that only video games can deliver? I don't know. I saw just half of one mission today, but I can tell you the direction, gameplay, and presentation sure make me think it's possible.
2011-03-13 15:24:00

Posts: 1536

I will buy it, but I think I will fall asleep over it like in every Rockstar game.
Every game that wants me to go from where I am to other 25 spots at the same time annoys me.
I mangaed to do it with GTA IV this gen because it was the first GTA I ever played (yes...:blush and on a certain degree with Mass Effect 2 (that is not really dispersive anyway) and Assassins Creed 2 and Brotherhood (for the cool story)
The list of game I couldn't finish for too much annoyance this gen includes
Fallout 3
Fallout New Vegas
Episodes From Libert City
Alpha Protocol
Dragon Age: Origins
....an a lot others
Red Dead Redemption
Alpha Protocol

Hope this will be linear as hell
2011-03-14 12:50:00

Posts: 5112

I think there are only a few "crimes" going on at anyone time. Though there may be several different locations you'd need to visit in order to investigate it. I don't think it'll be anywhere near as disperate as GTAIV (that sent me to sleep too)
Not sure how many investigations you'll be carrying out simultaneously - but given the dialogue/story heavy nature of the game - it must be 'relatively' linear.
2011-03-14 13:13:00

Posts: 1970

I think there are only a few "crimes" going on at anyone time. Though there may be several different locations you'd need to visit in order to investigate it. I don't think it'll be anywhere near as disperate as GTAIV (that sent me to sleep too)
Not sure how many investigations you'll be carrying out simultaneously - but given the dialogue/story heavy nature of the game - it must be 'relatively' linear.
Here's hoping you're right.
And I hope that the game is a bit brain-ish...anyway a huge bet on game changing.
2011-03-14 16:08:00

Posts: 5112

L.A. Noire (http://www.rockstargames.com/lanoire), published by Rockstar Games, developed by Team Bondi, using groundbreaking new facial animation technology. A mix of action and detective work... DO WANT.2011-04-12 03:10:00

Posts: 299

what? a new rockstar games game (ow that sounded stupid)
awesome, but i still like GTA the best
but maybe this game will change that
2011-04-12 10:07:00

Posts: 5482

I like Rockstars 'mature' approach, Red Dead was vulgar at times but there was no strip clubs or dirty gameplay mechanics. I've never been a fan of GTA, I like western films and that's what brought me into Red Dead. I just hope this game doesn't pale in comparison. It has a lot to live up to 2011-04-12 21:14:00

Unknown User

Wow, I am surprised at the lack of activity on this thread lol. L.A. Noire is only going to be one of the best games this year, maybe even this generation. Here is the new launch trailer:


Also an interesting article regarding the future of R* games, I am very happy to hear there will be missions in L.A. Noire with zero gunplay, chase sequences etc:

2011-05-11 19:48:00

Posts: 1536

Lack of activity? Maybe this comment helps that a bit.
I have been planning to get this game. Nobody seems to understand why. They can't get the idea of the game not shooting like crazy in hope to hit something.
This game is going to be great from information I've heard so far. Not as great as RDR though.
2011-05-11 20:32:00

Posts: 2462

Curious that this thread does not have more activity, are there any gamers on this forum? lol. Reviews are coming in fast and furious, here are some choice quotes:

Using a brand new technology called MotionScan, it's striking, sometimes unnerving effect certain to help push video games closer to true cinematic experiences - IGN

The homes of murder victims feel lived in as a result of pictures on the walls, notes pinned on refrigerators, and clothing tossed on the floor and forgotten. Pick up an official document while rummaging through some files and you'll see that it looks genuine right down to the fine print. This attention to detail makes the often unsavory business of being a detective deeply absorbing. - Gamespot

L.A. Noire's interrogations rely so heavily on natural intuition that really makes the whole thing work. As humans, we know how to read faces, and that's what L.A. Noire exploits. To be able to have a player thing, "Okay, I can tell this guy is lying, but do I have proof?" is what this game is all about, and the fact that it works so well is truly, truly jaw dropping. I can think of no other game that has exploited a player's own innate mental faculties so deftly. - Destructoid

Above all else, L.A. Noire is something new, and something that I believe this generation sorely needs. And that's just fantastic. - Gamepro

Though some of the credit has to go to Team Bondi's script, seeing it combined with the work of Fringe's John Noble, Southland's Michael McGrady and literally half the cast of Mad Men makes for one of, if not the, most compelling video game stories ever. - Joystiq

L.A. Noire is a bold release, because it defies the expectations not just for the type of game Rockstar usually releases, but also for the type of game that receives this degree of care and proficiency in its execution. The world already has enough open-world action games, but a game which marries that open world to such a methodical style of gameplay, with a budget this big, is a rare thing indeed. - Giant Bomb

2011-05-16 20:23:00

Posts: 1536

The more I see of it, the more I like.

So who's getting this on friday then?

I know I will.. I may even take a day or two off work to steep myself in it's Noiresque goodness!

And how good do the facial animations look?!
2011-05-17 12:15:00

Posts: 1970

Just picked up my copy, will be playing A LOT tonight 2011-05-17 12:32:00

Posts: 1536

Just picked up my copy, will be playing A LOT tonight

No spoilers please.... just tell us how awesome it is!
2011-05-18 11:28:00

Posts: 1970

No spoilers please.... just tell us how awesome it is!

Played for 3 hours last night, where to begin? The game is jaw-dropping/mind-blowing/insanely amazing (excuse the hyperbole but I do really feel this way lol) and unlike anything I have ever played before. Within the first 10 minutes I new I was in for something special, a big smile was on my face the first time I picked up something to examine. Finding evidence for each case is a big part of the gameplay. You will walk around and pick up objects that you can then manipulate by turning your wrist this way and that using the analog stick. This is very, very cool. Every thing is super detailed and there is something very satisfying about turning a gun the right angle to read the serial number (there is an audio cue indicating you need to keep the analog stick locked at that angle at which point the camera zooms in) or methodically searching the corpse of a victim.

All clues are added to your notebook which is the main interface used when questioning a person of interest. The originality and creative beauty that went into this part of the game cannot be overstated. As many reviews have said, this is the first video game that actually relies on your own intellect and instinct when dealing with the many characters. You will question people based on evidence gathered and info acquired from other people. After they reply to each query you will have the option of choosing whether you think they are telling the truth, you have doubts about what they are saying or they are flat out lying. I always thought I was a good judge of character and this game reaffirms it, I am difficult to deceive! I really don't want to spoil anything here, trust me, you are in for a treat!

This naturally leads to the much talked about Motion Scan technology. I do not care how many videos you have watched of the game, actually seeing it first hand on your HD TV will be like an epiphany. These are real actors, they look as they do in real life, the facial animation looks so real it is unreal. Seeing eyes crinkle, a lip tremble, tendons in the neck tighten, a forehead crease, no other game even comes close to this level of detail, this is the new standard and I sincerely hope every game that relies heavily on story and characters will use the technology, there is no going back. Needless to say the performances are masterful, lots of great dialogue acted to perfection. At times you will be so absorbed that you forget you are playing a video game.

At any given time you are only doing one case. This keeps things structured and very focused and is very similar to Mafia 2 which was released last year (great game btw). Now, as you drive along the lovingly recreated city of 1940's L.A. you will get calls on your police radio regarding crimes in progress. Hit the X button and an icon will pop on the map giving you the opportunity to complete the quest. These are entirely optional and independent of the story cases. There are 40 in total and I will be doing every single one so I get the most out of this amazing game. So far each has been different from the last and each have there own cool cutscenes allowing you to admire more of the wonderful motion scan. I have only done 3 thus far but one of them had a very cool surprise. It was a chase sequence (which, btw, is beyond cool. Picture running through alleys, cars breaking at the last second, vaulting over chain link fences etc). The first time I tried it I chased the perp to a certain spot and when I rounded the corner he had a hostage. I waited to see what would happen and he eventually killed the hostage. I retried the mission but this time, mid-way trough the chase, I gunned him down from across a street, through traffic, before he was able to turn a corner, no hostage situation. Very, very cool.

While driving through the city you will pass landmarks which will be added to your map. There are 50 to find in total and when you pass by one you can hold the circle button to freeze the picture and admire the structure. There are also 50 film reels to collect but I have not found any yet, will be interesting to see what they are (also, 13 newspapers which I will not spoil here!). You may have the urge to drive like a maniac GTA-style but remember you are a cop and that will have negative consequences. Specifically, it will effect you overall case ranking after you have solved the case. The melee combat and gun play are fun, once again, very similar to Mafia 2. This is definitely not the focus though and if you are looking for non-stop action and gunslinging ala RDR then this is not the game for you.

I could go on and on. This is a generation defining game that should forever change the industry and raise the bar. Anyone who calls themselves a gamer needs to pick up L.A. Noire, it really is as simple as that. To think I have all this to write after only 3 hours, imagine how much more wonder and excitement is in store!
2011-05-18 12:31:00

Posts: 1536

Roll On Friday! 2011-05-18 12:39:00

Posts: 1970

With the quantity of DLC thats already been announced or hinted at I'll be waiting to see if there's a LA Noire GOTY/Ultimate/Complete Edition.2011-05-18 16:30:00

Posts: 6728

How did I miss this thread?!

This is definatly a game I am getting - In fact, Amazon have just e-mailed me to tell me it's on the way! It looks really good, exciting and almost a new type of genre. I'm kind of expecting it to be similar to what would happen if Heavy Rain and GTA had a baby...

Looks really good - does anyone know how long it is in terms of gameplay? I know Rockstar usually make pretty lengthy games...
2011-05-19 20:13:00

Posts: 1113

I'm not exactly sure how long it is, but I've surely put a good amount of hours into it and I'm not really sure how far in I am...I'm working homicide cases and I would assume that's top dog, but apparently they're hinting at Vice being top so maybe I'll have to do Vice cases later...2011-05-19 21:32:00

Posts: 511

I'm not exactly sure how long it is, but I've surely put a good amount of hours into it and I'm not really sure how far in I am...I'm working homicide cases and I would assume that's top dog, but apparently they're hinting at Vice being top so maybe I'll have to do Vice cases later...

Homicide is only the THIRD of FIVE desks, we have quite a way to go (I am on homicide too!). Love love love the game, once again, a must-buy!
2011-05-19 23:11:00

Posts: 1536

I even seen this game getting reviewed on a high brow culture show - talking about it like the watershed moment when Games have finally blurred the line between interactive/non-interactive entertainment.
High praise indeed considering they usually view games as a childs persuit
2011-05-20 08:03:00

Posts: 1970

Wow, I'm working Vice now. It's a real change of pace from the boorish brutality of Homicide.

Spoilered for possible spoilers about homicide, read after you're in Vice if you don't want anything ruined.
The final Homicide case... Just wow, enjoy it when you get there boys! It's like removing the rose tinted glasses. I was really getting nervous at one point. It helps if you do the 'final clue' at night, just such a scary atmosphere. My luck, it was even raining too! It would take place at an old church too...
2011-05-20 15:36:00

Posts: 511

Getting it today from GAME
really looking forward to playing it <3

It is very reassuring that people here seem to love it to
2011-05-21 09:20:00

Posts: 591

Getting it today from GAME

Just picked up a copy. Couple of oddities...

When I first put it in, it asked to update to v1.01, at which point it said the game data was corrupt (presumably because it cancels the initial install halfway through), so I deleted it all, and let it install the on-disc game data before updating. Probably makes no odds, but I'd rather "play it safe".

Also it seems to crash if you pick the "PlayStation Store" option from the main menu, so probably best to avoid that for now. Still, doesn't bode well if the game crashes whenever the PS Store is down, which happens from time to time anyway.
2011-05-21 23:13:00

Posts: 2870

I'm slow with this puzzle game stuff, so I'm only at case 2 of the Traffic desk. Then again, it doesn't help I'm trying to 5 star it all the time.

Also, I was playing this the other day and my sister thought I was watching a really good movie for awhile, and when she realized I was playing a game, she gave me some much needed help. That Frank Morgan was a tough nut to crack.

Anyways, awesome game, nice change of pace from the usual fast pased games.
2011-05-22 02:27:00

Posts: 1703

So, it's just as awesome as I thought it was going to be.

Can't really add much to what has already been said... other than;

While the game is a AAA+ title (deservedly so) - the actual mechanics of the game - driving, shooting, moving - leave alot to be desired. All of the stuff surrounding the core mechanics - the cases, the faces etc - they're are all top-notch... but the physicality of walking, driving and shooting are certainly not the best.
I'm surprised it hasn't been marked down more for these bad points - I mean Heavy Rain was absolutey slated because of it's control method - but in all the reviews I've seen of LA Noire, none have even mentioned the shoddy controls.
2011-05-23 11:43:00

Posts: 1970

I am right near the end now, almost don't want to continue playing because I don't want it to come to an end lol. I wish this was a 40 hour game

but the physicality of walking, driving and shooting are certainly not the best.

The driving seems to be a love it or hate it thing. Personally, I love it. I think the "loose" feel was the right way to go considering all the cool car chases where you want to be able to weave in and out of traffic quickly and turn tight corners with relative ease. I agree the walking/shooting could be a bit better but ultimately they do the job and it they are considered a negative then it is a very small one in my mind.

I was thinking that it would be great if R* kept creating games that used the exact same mechanics but were not necessarily "noire". Imagine the same sort of gameplay set in Victorian London for example, would be beyond cool. Either way, if they make a direct sequel to this then I won't be complaining
2011-05-23 17:49:00

Posts: 1536

There's no real difference to the feel of any of the different cars either - it seems they didn't really spend the time getting the basics right - focussing instead on the newer mechanics.
It doesn't detract *that* much from the game - but when a suspect escapes because of the control scheme - that can be a bit annoying.
I've also had the odd crash at certain points aswell.
It's not perfect - it's just **** near perfect

Imagine the same sort of gameplay set in Victorian London for example, would be beyond cool.

A Sherlock Holmes detective game - in a manner similar to LA Noire - would be awesome. <3
2011-05-24 11:27:00

Posts: 1970

I finished it the other night, story ties up well by the end. Now I will hunt for that platinum trophy

One thing I found baffling was that your car can only ram through certain fences. WTF? During numerous chase sequences I tried breaking through various fences to make some ground and basically hit a brick wall (fence? lol). I can't think of any logical reason why R* would have made this design choice but ultimately it is the only real complaint I can throw at the game. I should also mention that I strongly disliked the main character, there is something very...irritating about this actor. You know a game is great when you praise it till the ends of the earth despite the fact that you can't stand the protagonist

A Sherlock Holmes detective game - in a manner similar to LA Noire - would be awesome.

Yeah, exactly the sort of thing I had in mind. However, published Take-Two has stated "this is a powerful new franchise" which is safe to interpret as "we will have more L.A Noire games because they will make us money".


A game set in modern L.A. would actually be very cool. Evidence gathering would be more high tech, lots of possibilities
2011-05-26 06:59:00

Posts: 1536

I moved up to Homicide awhile back. And I wanna go back to traffic.

Main reason? Bekowski is a better partner than stupid Rusty.
2011-05-26 22:08:00

Posts: 1703

Hmmm....I've just completed the story. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing.

I've got a few issues, maybe someone could help me out understanding them.

Technically, the game is brilliant. A new milestone in gaming technology wise. The faces and acting are great, the game play is good, shooting/driving is fun, the only point which makes me stray away is the story.

The first issue I have, is as to why Phelps had an affair with that German singer? It was so sporadic and supplied little explanation.

To me, it was like:
"Answer my questions"
"Ok, blah, blah, blah."
"Thanks...hmmm I think i'll stalk her"
*Stalks* *Knock knock*
"Oh, Hi. Mind if I come in?"

WTTFFFF? In a game that had given you so much choice and warning you of the consequences, your character does something dumb with you (the player) having no choice in the matter.

At the end of the game, one of the detectives said he was "Wrongly accused".... Wait, what? We clearly saw he was having an affair and he never denied it.


My other problem was with Phelps's death. It didn't seem like a fitting end at all. Not to give him credit though, personally, like OCK said, I really didn't like him.

Good game, bad story & main character.
2011-05-27 01:20:00

Posts: 1477

Hmmm....I've just completed the story. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing.

I've got a few issues, maybe someone could help me out understanding them.

I'll try to shed some light on it. Although some of it is bad planning, for all we know the reason why could have been contained in the Burglary and/or Fraud desks that were removed.
The affair, while seemingly sudden is slightly hinted at with the way Phelps continually goes back to the Blue Room to watch her sing as well as Roy Earle's (Partner from Vice.) taunts of "So you've been spending time with that German junkie, eh?"(going from faint memory on the quote) We can assume that they have talked with each other prior to you questioning her, it for some reason was just removed from the game or not explained as well as it should have been, which leads to many people feeling that it was rather forced.

In case you haven't found all the newspapers that fill in some of the side stories, Roy Earle is frankly corrupt as sin. With the newspapers going on about whatever event that caused them to gather outside the police station on that one case the upper brass start looking for a scapegoat to shed light and Roy back stabs Phelps by outing the affair he had so they could feed him to the wolves. At the end when he gives his life to save his friend and lover we can assume the case about the corruption got out through Jack's contact with the DA. Of course just before the final mission in the sewers, you see the chief of Police talking with the DA so you can assume going by the funeral scene in which everyone on stage was the Corrupt officials Jack was hired to bring down had bribed the upstart DA with a deal too good to refuse in order to stay in power.

With Phelps dead and the Suburban Redevelopment Plan's corruption outed through Dr. Fontaine and Mr. Monroe everyone else used the bribe they made with the DA to keep their power, symbolized by the fact that all of those corrupt are the only ones who spoke at Phelps funeral, showing that in the end the Corruption within the LAPD tainted and then defeated the Clean Upstart.

Although I could just be reaching for straws. Either way, it was either explained badly or had a few pieces removed when they dropped the two desks.
2011-05-27 01:53:00

Posts: 511

Does the main character's face creep anyone else out? Something about it just gives me the heeby-jeeby's! 2011-05-27 03:41:00

Posts: 1651

FYI: The additional DLC case 'Nicholson Electroplating' is available now.

The (supposedly) final DLC case 'Reefer Madness' is expected to be released on July 12th.
2011-06-22 17:41:00

Posts: 2870

FYI: The additional DLC case 'Nicholson Electroplating' is available now.

The (supposedly) final DLC case 'Reefer Madness' is expected to be released on July 12th.

Final DLC already? What happened to the cases of the two desks they took out of the game? Or do I just have the wrong facts?
2011-06-22 20:03:00

Posts: 1703

What happened to the cases of the two desks they took out of the game?


I'm basing it on this quote (http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/16561/announcing-la-noire-downloadable-content-details.html) from a R* employee...
...although I s'pose just because there's no more "planned" doesn't necessarily mean there won't be any more.

TBH, there's a common belief that the DLC cases were supposed to be included in the game at release, but either weren't finished in time, or they just decided to squeeze a few extra bucks out of the fans.
2011-06-22 20:17:00

Posts: 2870




Burglary and fraud desks.
2011-06-22 20:26:00

Posts: 1703

Burglary and fraud desks.

From the tone, it sounds like they never bothered implementing them. Maybe they'll stick 'em in a sequel instead - they can charge more money that way.
2011-06-22 21:14:00

Posts: 2870

LA Noire coming to PC this autumn Probably not going to get it, but still good news2011-06-24 15:35:00

Posts: 486

Something I was wondering - the "Rockstar Pack", in the LA Noire section, says it is a "subscription". Whilst it says that, it doesn't say how long the subscription is for - such as, does it take the money out every month, week, day, year etc. It seems like a good deal to purchase, but I'm a little wary...

Can anyone shed any light on this?


2011-06-26 01:08:00

Posts: 1113

Dispite what it may suggest, I haven't seen any news on it having a time limit? I'll assume it's a just a way to make DLC more accessible.2011-06-26 01:29:00

Posts: 918

Finished the game yesterday. My favourite parts of the game were the car chases. Soooo well made.2011-06-26 11:08:00

Posts: 2391

Something I was wondering - the "Rockstar Pack", in the LA Noire section, says it is a "subscription". Whilst it says that, it doesn't say how long the subscription is for - such as, does it take the money out every month, week, day, year etc. It seems like a good deal to purchase, but I'm a little wary...

Can anyone shed any light on this?

It's a little misleading. It's only a 'subscription' in the sense that not all of the content that you get by purchasing it is currently available.

Bascially, it's a one-off payment which gives you all the currently planned DLC...

The Broderick Detective Suit - ?0.79
The Sharpshooter Detective Suit - ?0.79
The Badge Pursuit Challenge - ?1.59
The Naked City (vice case) - ?3.19
A Slip of the Tongue (traffic case) - ?3.19
Nicholson Electroplating (arson case) - ?3.19
Reefer Madness (vice case) - ?3.19

...for ?8.99 instead of ?15.93, but it was a limited time offer, so it may no longer be available.
2011-06-26 18:27:00

Posts: 2870

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