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Ana.log Signal Plotter

Archive: 9 posts


I have remade and republished a demonstration level showing some of the things the plotter can do. It walks you through the circuits seen in the video as well as a couple more real world examples. Plotter as a prize bubble.

A few build details and comments.

The heart of the plotter is actually a logic probe circuit I built earlier in the beta.
The probe contains a sequencer that converts an analog input signal to binary coded decimal format.
That BCD signal is then converted to both decimal and seven-segment outputs.
Those signals drive the plotter and numeric displays respectively.
There are two of these probe/driver/display circuits, one for each axis.
Each axis contains 200 tags and 220 tag sensors. 400 and 440 total.
There are only 2 moving parts. A holo beam of tags that is the X axis and a small shuttle that contains the indicator and plot emitter circuit.
The holo X axis beam travels up and down, following an immobile vertical stack of tags that is the Y axis.
The shuttle follows the beam of tags along the X axis and emits the plot markers.
It has a circuit that detects motion in a tweakable threshold. By cranking this way up it allowed me to turn off the plot emitter if the shuttle isn't moving. This prevents too many holos from stacking in one place which would lag things out badly.
The entire device is wireless. Both on the input and output side. This saved literally hundreds upon hundreds of wires being strung about the small space that is the device. This also saved me many gray hairs and time, cutting the time from concept to complete down to two evenings of work.
Wireless input means you can just place your test circuit or contraption down and stick two tags anywhere on the device or chip and get a plot. No need to string wires from your device and no ghost connections left after testing.

Special thanks to Shadowriver for the excellent YouTube video with your wonderful as always VoiceOver.

YouTube link - Ana.log Signal Plotter (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGAd326kKDU&sns=em)

Thanks and enjoy,
2011-02-03 15:40:00

Posts: 62

Hehe i remember this one and even contributed a little bit fun thing to play with2011-02-03 18:31:00

Posts: 3991

I'm sorry, What exactly does this do? Could you "dumb it down" for me? 2011-02-04 01:55:00

Posts: 607

it can make a plot of analog signal


Like oscilloscope do:

2011-02-04 03:59:00

Posts: 3991

Awesome! We might have to work together and perhaps build something even grander. I have recently published my first version on my CPU and working on my second, more portable version.2011-02-05 19:10:00

Posts: 18

I just played and commented on this about an hour ago. To sum it up this is amazing, and it really demonstrates the power that has been given to us via the LBP2 logic tools.2011-02-07 00:44:00

Unknown User

Hm... I was certain it's "analogue". Am I going nuts?2011-02-07 13:13:00

Posts: 5338

Depends. What part of the world are you from? I believe analogue is British English, while analog is American English, with other Englishes picking one depending on how British they feel (wot, wot).

This device, BTW, is made of brilliance. Excellent work.
2011-02-07 13:20:00

Unknown User

wow, i think my face just creamed itself. I've wanted to get my hands on this ever since i saw Shadowrivers video. Sheer excellence!2011-03-06 21:44:00

Epicurean Dreamer
Posts: 224

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