Archive: 17 posts
Hi. Try out my platforming/puzzle level on LBP 2. Name: Octavarium Creator: absolutedesign Description: The Octavarium has trapped you! Complete a series of platforming challenges and puzzles to reach and defeat the boss. This is the only way to escape the Octavarium... or is escape even possible? Inspired by the song Octavarium by Dream Theater. Thanks! http://lbp.me/v/xbsvpr | 2011-02-03 15:40:00 Author: absolutedesign ![]() Posts: 10 |
Hey, I'll check it out. Would love to see some screenshots though. I'd appreciate you r feedback on the level in my signature as well! ![]() | 2011-02-03 15:45:00 Author: Aselrahc ![]() Posts: 185 |
You get bonus points from me for being inspired by Dream Theater ![]() | 2011-02-03 16:18:00 Author: Powershifter ![]() Posts: 668 |
I've added some screen shots on lbp.me if you want to check them out. The level is more gameplay focussed rather than presentation to be honest. I'm still getting used to the creator ![]() | 2011-02-03 16:20:00 Author: absolutedesign ![]() Posts: 10 |
What a beautiful level, it is very difficult as well, and i like that in a level ![]() You shouldn't change anything and it deserves a heart ![]() Could you check out my level ? Its in my sig "Movies go wrong" | 2011-02-03 16:49:00 Author: onaga666 ![]() Posts: 293 |
Wow, I could never pass up a Dream Theater-inspired level haha. Can't wait to try it ![]() My level's in my sig if you're interested. | 2011-02-03 17:41:00 Author: Dietomaha ![]() Posts: 156 |
I've seen Dream Theater live thrice, hung out with Jordan Rudess once before a show, and have been a huge fan since Scenes from a Memory. I'll play this as soon as I get the chance, though I must say, I doubt escape is possible. ![]() | 2011-02-03 17:48:00 Author: Frydo ![]() Posts: 6 |
I've seen Dream Theater live thrice, hung out with Jordan Rudess once before a show, and have been a huge fan since Scenes from a Memory. I'll play this as soon as I get the chance, though I must say, I doubt escape is possible. ![]() Awesome, your a lucky guy then, im yet to see them. I was tempted to make it impossible to escape but thought that would annoy people (especially those who don't know what octavarium is) so I did put a finish lol. But the comment in the description hints that you can't escape (not in real life anyway). | 2011-02-03 18:18:00 Author: absolutedesign ![]() Posts: 10 |
+ Nice visuals. - Gas death. Why? - Constant walking/running through intro over and over. With added gas death insult. - Cannot read sticky note while in controllinator. My new LBP2 pet peeve. You can label your outputs on your controllinator, which makes them appear clearly at the bottom of the screen. - Why not use the create mode way of moving layers? Using the L1/L2 shoulder buttons? I also think you should have O as a dismount. This controls are way more familiar to the player, and probably wouldn't even need intstructions. You rotation controls could be the same as create mode as well. I would also give more room to fit the shapes in. - You could wire the controllinator for auto exit at the end of the wheel section. - I would make the three bounce pads a consistant height if possible. - Camera was a little too zoomed out on the boss (hard to see which layer you are in, etc), and the boss was really easy. I would have loved to have seen a puzzle element with the boss. Constant intro running/dying was the worst part. Plus the controllinator controls could be better. The most natural controls for LBP are: (L1/L2=layer switching, X=action, O=back/dismount, R stick=movement, L stick=rotation) Rated ![]() Will give it a ingame review in a sec. ![]() | 2011-02-03 18:35:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
+ Nice visuals. - Gas death. Why? - Constant walking/running through intro over and over. With added gas death insult. - Cannot read sticky note while in controllinator. My new LBP2 pet peeve. You can label your outputs on your controllinator, which makes them appear clearly at the bottom of the screen. - Why not use the create mode way of moving layers? Using the L1/L2 shoulder buttons? I also think you should have O as a dismount. This controls are way more familiar to the player, and probably wouldn't even need intstructions. You rotation controls could be the same as create mode as well. I would also give more room to fit the shapes in. - You could wire the controllinator for auto exit at the end of the wheel section. - I would make the three bounce pads a consistant height if possible. - Camera was a little too zoomed out on the boss (hard to see which layer you are in, etc), and the boss was really easy. I would have loved to have seen a puzzle element with the boss. Constant intro running/dying was the worst part. Plus the controllinator controls could be better. The most natural controls for LBP are: (L1/L2=layer switching, X=action, O=back/dismount, R stick=movement, L stick=rotation) Rated ![]() Will give it a ingame review in a sec. ![]() Thanks for the tips/feedback. To answer a few of those points... - Gas death was because I didn't know a better way to make you teleport to the next area (I haven't created since LBP 1 and that was ages ago) - The walking bit I should have probably made shorter - I didn't know about being able to label the controls like that. How is this done? - Good point, I'll change the controls to the standard - Don't know how to make you leave a controlinator like that... some kind of tag sensor? - I'll change the bounce pads too, thanks - I'll zoom the camera in on the boss more. Don't know how I could make it more difficult... speed it up maybe? Anyway, i'll change some of those things later, thanks! ![]() | 2011-02-03 20:08:00 Author: absolutedesign ![]() Posts: 10 |
I was pleasantly surprised by this level. I quite liked it. I enjoyed the atmosphere you had going on, and the repetition seemed just right to me. I can't really think of any major problem areas. I almost had a Panic Attack from being in Constant Motion at one point, but then I realized I'll live Another Day, As I Am! Couldn't resist. I'll stop now. | 2011-02-04 03:29:00 Author: Dietomaha ![]() Posts: 156 |
Thanks for the tips/feedback. To answer a few of those points... - Gas death was because I didn't know a better way to make you teleport to the next area (I haven't created since LBP 1 and that was ages ago) Some next areas were simply to the right of the last section. Why not just make a glass slide instead of killing the player. In LBP2 there are now deathless teleporters. - The walking bit I should have probably made shorter - I didn't know about being able to label the controls like that. How is this done? Hover over the button (where you pull the wire out), and press square, then rename the label. - Good point, I'll change the controls to the standard - Don't know how to make you leave a controlinator like that... some kind of tag sensor? Yeah, a tag sensor on the controllinator that connects to the centre of the controller. (big circle bit I think). Put the normal square tag at the end for a dismount. - I'll change the bounce pads too, thanks - I'll zoom the camera in on the boss more. Don't know how I could make it more difficult... speed it up maybe? No the speed is fine. Perhaps another phase or something? Anyway, i'll change some of those things later, thanks! ![]() Responses in green. | 2011-02-04 04:32:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
Ooh Dream Theater! Queued, looking forward to it! ![]() | 2011-02-04 04:35:00 Author: Alec ![]() Posts: 3871 |
Added to my queue. I loved your psp levels. ![]() And Dream Theater is the best!!! | 2011-02-04 04:36:00 Author: VelcroJonze ![]() Posts: 1305 |
Ok, I've made a few improvements: - Controlinator controls are simpler/the common ones and are displayed at the bottom of the screen - Auto exit from the wheel vehicle once you reach the end - Camera zoomed in more on boss - Bounce pads are same height I think thats it for now.. i'd like to improve the boss but am lacking ideas at the moment (plus I want to start a new level lol). Thanks for all the comments! | 2011-02-04 13:55:00 Author: absolutedesign ![]() Posts: 10 |
Great level, I love the dreamlike state to the entire thing, and music that fits with it really well. The day/night wheel is a bit too hard to turn in my humble opinion. It could use some oil in the cogwheel ![]() I didn't mind the intro-walking like the first posted pointed out, I think it was perfect like that. It's supposed to be repetitive to a certain degree. I accidentally jumped up in one of the passenger seats of the wheel, and I couldn't get out of it, need to have an exit-button of some sort. That whole section was the least good of the entire level. It felt a bit clunky, and although it did have good elements, I would have used that section for another level as it didn't quite fit in to the rest. The boss was easy, but it was in line with the rest of the level, so I think it is good the way it is. Heart:ed and Yay:ed =) | 2011-02-04 15:41:00 Author: Nordh ![]() Posts: 25 |
Great level, I love the dreamlike state to the entire thing, and music that fits with it really well. The day/night wheel is a bit too hard to turn in my humble opinion. It could use some oil in the cogwheel ![]() I didn't mind the intro-walking like the first posted pointed out, I think it was perfect like that. It's supposed to be repetitive to a certain degree. I accidentally jumped up in one of the passenger seats of the wheel, and I couldn't get out of it, need to have an exit-button of some sort. That whole section was the least good of the entire level. It felt a bit clunky, and although it did have good elements, I would have used that section for another level as it didn't quite fit in to the rest. The boss was easy, but it was in line with the rest of the level, so I think it is good the way it is. Heart:ed and Yay:ed =) Thanks for the feedback and heart ![]() | 2011-02-04 19:03:00 Author: absolutedesign ![]() Posts: 10 |
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