Superman: Man of steel
Archive: 31 posts
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0770828/ Should be good. | 2011-02-03 13:55:00 Author: Boomy ![]() Posts: 3701 |
God I hate Superman. He is easily the laziest idea for a SuperHero EVER. Even down to his name. He epitomises the American attitude of "Might=Right". He's also a bit of *&^%. For a start; He's an Alien who uses his strange alien powers to Lord it over human kind - despite being able to move at (or faster than) the speed of light, he picks and chooses what "crimes" deserve his attention. Sort out the war in the Middle-East? No thank you! - Not when there's a Bank being robbed in Metropolis... got to protect the money (over human life) after all ![]() And then there's him using his powers to stalk Lois Lane - pervily floating around outside her bedroom window and watching her get undressed with his x-ray vision- what an absolute Creep! And then there's his alter-Ego Clark Kent... most superheroes put on a costume to become a superhero - where-as Superman puts on a costume to "stop" being a Superhero and 'blend-in" with mankind. And just look at his disguise... a meek, shortsighted, bumbling, socially inept wimp. This is what Superman thinks a human is like. And anyone who gets into a fight with Superman and *doesn't* carry a bit of kryptonite deserves everything they get. And look at Superman without his powers... he's never learned to fight - he just relies purely on his invulnerability and super-strength... show him a bit of kryptonite and he's as useless as a chocolate teapot. Worst superhero EVER! ![]() | 2011-02-03 14:48:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
I'm hoping for some superdickery http://superdickery.com/ | 2011-02-03 21:00:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Wow. IMDB is actually pretty up to date on a movie that's more than a year out. That's a rarity. Normally Wikipedia is more reliable (I don't say this without experience, I make my own list of all upcoming movies), Anyway, Superman Returns made me depressed, and I'm a huge nerd for Smallville, so my hope is that this goes well. I'm willing to wait and see how this turns out, especially with Chris Nolan helping out. | 2011-02-08 20:19:00 Author: Patronus21 ![]() Posts: 266 |
I'd rather forget about Superman Returns (what with deadbeat dad Superman and all) and given how Smallville has beccome incredibly bloated with DC characters and continuity I'm fine with a Superman film that is completely disconnected from both of them. I'd prefer they use Superman: Birthright as a basis for a rebooted Superman film franchise myself. | 2011-02-13 02:54:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
God I hate Superman. He is easily the laziest idea for a SuperHero EVER. Even down to his name. He epitomises the American attitude of "Might=Right". He's also a bit of *&^%. For a start; He's an Alien who uses his strange alien powers to Lord it over human kind - despite being able to move at (or faster than) the speed of light, he picks and chooses what "crimes" deserve his attention. Sort out the war in the Middle-East? No thank you! - Not when there's a Bank being robbed in Metropolis... got to protect the money (over human life) after all ![]() And then there's him using his powers to stalk Lois Lane - pervily floating around outside her bedroom window and watching her get undressed with his x-ray vision- what an absolute Creep! And then there's his alter-Ego Clark Kent... most superheroes put on a costume to become a superhero - where-as Superman puts on a costume to "stop" being a Superhero and 'blend-in" with mankind. And just look at his disguise... a meek, shortsighted, bumbling, socially inept wimp. This is what Superman thinks a human is like. And anyone who gets into a fight with Superman and *doesn't* carry a bit of kryptonite deserves everything they get. And look at Superman without his powers... he's never learned to fight - he just relies purely on his invulnerability and super-strength... show him a bit of kryptonite and he's as useless as a chocolate teapot. Worst superhero EVER! ![]() He's got some inherent flaws, but I do specifically remember one issue where he discovers America trying to kill him, so don't worry, he's on your side! (I am assuming your post in tongue-in-cheek.) Besides, Zack Snyder is handling this. Look at what he did with 300 and Watchmen. Now that he has the one and only Man Of Steel in his hands, there is very little that can go wrong here. | 2011-02-13 05:19:00 Author: Astrosimi ![]() Posts: 2046 |
Smallville is my favorite TV show, the question you gotta ask yourself, is if it wasn't a good TV show, why has it been on for more then 10 years? | 2011-03-04 14:36:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I'm guessing you know that one of the major reasons is right in your avatar. | 2011-03-05 04:18:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
(I am assuming your post in tongue-in-cheek.) Besides, Zack Snyder is handling this. Look at what he did with 300 and Watchmen. Now that he has the one and only Man Of Steel in his hands, there is very little that can go wrong here. No, I'm being 100% serious!!! ![]() re: Zack Snyder ; Yes, look at what he did to the original source material - I know Alan Moore does it all the time, but he disowned the film, as it had strayed too far from the comic - 300 wasn't that bad, but as always - the comic book was infinately better. Frank Miller is more interested in the money than the art. Alan Moore is 100% about the art of the comic book. Somethings should be left in their original format - just because something is a successfull book/comic/toy etc - doesn;t mean that there 'has' to be a film made about it. Superman isn't even a good comic - so the any film based on him is bound to suck - see previous examples for details. | 2011-03-07 18:56:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
No, I'm being 100% serious!!! ![]() re: Zack Snyder ; Yes, look at what he did to the original source material - I know Alan Moore does it all the time, but he disowned the film, as it had strayed too far from the comic - 300 wasn't that bad, but as always - the comic book was infinately better. Frank Miller is more interested in the money than the art. Alan Moore is 100% about the art of the comic book. Somethings should be left in their original format - just because something is a successfull book/comic/toy etc - doesn;t mean that there 'has' to be a film made about it. Superman isn't even a good comic - so the any film based on him is bound to suck - see previous examples for details. It's also got Chris Nolan (Inception, Dark Knight) and David S. Goyer (Dark Knight - any artistical comments to the side, it was well made) on it. I feel it's best to enjoy life without the hassle of constant cynicism and I feel it's very easy knowing this very talented team of people is working on it ![]() ![]() Plus, I don't think Snyder was too liberal in his interpretation. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/ff/This.Is.Sparta_GN.to.film.jpg | 2011-03-07 22:19:00 Author: Astrosimi ![]() Posts: 2046 |
Alan Moore? He was practically the only person (Well, maybe you didn't either ![]() No, I loved Watchmen - the Comic - the way it was orginally concieved. There are things in that comic that can *only* be done in the comic book format - there are insider jokes that come from the simple act of turning a page and contrasting the last panel on the previous page to the first one on the next. It is a work of genius.... so for it to then be condensed, edited, changed and ommitted is an offence to the source material... which is why as soon as someone says to Alan Moore - "We just need to change X" - he'll just take the money and run. He realises there is a market for some vaccuous, low brow imitiation of his work - but he himself will have nothing to do with it. Now I'm not a hypocrite... I will watch the film before I make my mind up. But I'm not a fan of Hollywood films - any film where I can finish off a characters sentance before they have said it is clearly written by 'comittee' rather than by an actual talented script writer. It's the same reason I hated the Lord of the Rings films... because I was a massive fan of the books, the films were an insult. You could call me a pessimist - or you could call me a perfectionist. Anything short of perfection is a wasted endeavor. If you are going to do something, then you may aswell do it right. Especially if you are dealing with Genius source material like Watchmen/Lord of the Rings. But when you are dealing with populist trash like Superman, that has no artistic credibility, the inevitable outcome is just another trashy hollywood summer blockbuster. | 2011-03-09 15:16:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
But when you are dealing with populist trash like Superman, that has no artistic credibility, the inevitable outcome is just another trashy hollywood summer blockbuster. Because obviously you get to be the most popular superhero in the world by being a shoddily written comic that never touched upon any important issues, am I right? Because everyone in the world (besides you, because you're magnificent and you obviously have impeccable taste in art) are brainwashed morons that gobble up anything they see or hear? Because the movie is NEVER better than or even equal to the source? Because everything that can be done in a movie can be done in a comic book? | 2011-03-10 00:27:00 Author: Astrosimi ![]() Posts: 2046 |
Here's a comic I made a long time ago, based off Macnme: http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr79/UltimateClay/Macnme.png I should've replaced Call of Duty with 'and I like things made in America', shouldn't have I? ![]() Macnme, you must realize, that the things you like, and you yourself, are flawed as well. You don't look for a flaws in a movie, you enjoy it for what it is. People didn't like the A-Team movie. I watched it without ever seeing a The A-Team episode in my life. And you know what? I liked the movie. My mom didn't even know what Prince of Persia was. She watched the movie, and liked it. Because we did not see the source for these films, we could not point out any flaws, thus we ignored them. Therefor, we liked them. So stop blasting your opinion everywhere and let people be, okay? ![]() | 2011-03-10 00:39:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
To be fair to Mac (who, given your own personal assessments could probably be best described as a purist rather then pessimist [or fanatic if I was being inappropriately mean]), there is a long history of Superman being badly written. It comes with the territory of being a comic book character that was created in a less enlightened time, has an incredible array of abilities, very few and specific limitations to them, and has been written by several different writers over the course of several decades. The very first few decades, by todays standards had him being written horribly constantly due to sheer values dissonance and the general low-brow standard of comic books in general at the time; Macnme's entire analysis on him is actually a rather accurate assessment of what he was back in the Gold and Silver Ages of DC comics. It's only been in the more recent decades that Superman stories could be considered good due to their own artistic merits rather then due to their iconic status. All-Star Superman is probably one of the best, if not the best, DC comic series (short though it might be) released in the past decade. Of course, that does not mean Superman hasn't been written badly recently (far from it actually), it's always going to be a challenge to write consistently good stories about a character with such a huge mythology and larger then life status but it's far from impossible. The thing with fictional characters is that, inherently there is no such as intrinsically "bad" ones, only bad writers while a good writer can potentially find a good niche for any sort of character, no matter how disgusting, boring, or unrealistic they are but even a good writer churns out a stinker every now and then. I'm not saying this film will be good or not, I'm just saying it's quality will be dependant on Snyder and everyone else involved with the film creatively; if it's bad it can be for any number of reasons that fall on their lap, not by virtue of being a film about Superman. Macnme, there will always be some sort of concessions that have to be made (time limitations, budgetary limitations, special effects limitations, actor likenesses, etc.) which you realize given your observations but your statement of "anything short of perfection is a wasted effort" puts any sort of movie adaptation against an impossible standard and thus inherently flawed and unworthy of existance by default and completely undermines any claims to objectivity on your part. And it's not as if Watchmen and Lord of the Rings in their original forms, good as they may be, were perfect and flawlessly written themselves anyway. | 2011-03-10 04:10:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
The less superpowers a superhero has, the more cool he/she is. FACT. And superman has powers coming out the wazoo. Plus what's the deal with kryptonite? It's supposed to be a rare element (from a comet? krypton? idk to be honest), but it seems everyone and their dog has a chunk of it in some form or another. | 2011-03-10 04:29:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
I'll agree that in recent years Superman comics have been better written, but this is only thanks to the watershed moment of Watchmen, which essentially rebooted the entire Caped Avenger genre - both re-inventing it and surpassing it in one fell swoop. Sure, if you'd never heard of Superman (or superheroes) before - you may be impressed by his abilities - if you've never seen a good actor, may think that the acting is quite good etc. But it doesn't stop it from being substandard. You should always strive for 'perfection' - even if it is unattainable. But I'm not one to just swallow a pile of crap without commenting on how bad it tastes... even if other people like the taste of crap. And you don't get to be Numero Uno, Mr.Popular Number One by having artistic merit - being "arty" is what usually excludes most material from being popular - being "low-brow common denominator" is a far more successfull method. Don't get me wrong - some people just want to switch off their brains and have a bunch of keys dangled in front of their eyes... there is a time and a place for that and Superman is it - so long as it is accepted that is just key-waving. ![]() Excuse me for having an opinion that is unpopular ![]() | 2011-03-10 14:35:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
I'll agree that in recent years Superman comics have been better written, but this is only thanks to the watershed moment of Watchmen, which essentially rebooted the entire Caped Avenger genre - both re-inventing it and surpassing it in one fell swoop. Sure, if you'd never heard of Superman (or superheroes) before - you may be impressed by his abilities - if you've never seen a good actor, may think that the acting is quite good etc. But it doesn't stop it from being substandard. You should always strive for 'perfection' - even if it is unattainable. But I'm not one to just swallow a pile of crap without commenting on how bad it tastes... even if other people like the taste of crap. And you don't get to be Numero Uno, Mr.Popular Number One by having artistic merit - being "arty" is what usually excludes most material from being popular - being "low-brow common denominator" is a far more successfull method. Don't get me wrong - some people just want to switch off their brains and have a bunch of keys dangled in front of their eyes... there is a time and a place for that and Superman is it - so long as it is accepted that is just key-waving. ![]() Excuse me for having an opinion that is unpopular ![]() We're not mad at you having an opinion that is unpopular. We're mad because you're a complete jerk, and your opinions only serve to make people angry, and you know that. I've made sure you know that. I would say if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all, but you would use that right back at me so you don't have to admit your own flaws. | 2011-03-10 15:22:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
We're not mad at you having an opinion that is unpopular. We're mad because you're a complete jerk, and your opinions only serve to make people angry, and you know that. I've made sure you know that. I would say if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all, but you would use that right back at me so you don't have to admit your own flaws. I have never once claimed to be flawless. If anything, I am the most flawed person that I know. But I have never resorted to personal insults or attacks - because that's just rude. & we're talking about Superman here - there's no need to take it personally - or get angry at the fact that someone doesn't like Superman - just like I have to accept that there are people that *do* like Superman. I don't post these opinions "just to make people angry" - I post them because it is genuinely my opinion - and I am an honest and open person, who is unafraid to say what I think, even if it makes me seem unpopular, as it is usually counter to "popular opinion". I see that personality trait as an assett rather than a hinderance - it means you'll always get my honest opinion, even if you disagree with it. | 2011-03-10 15:31:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Macnme, be honest...this was you when you were a young lad, wasn't it? http://www.examiner.com/images/blog/wysiwyg/image/superman2.jpg Now that we got that out of the way, the healing can begin. ![]() Seriously though, if the movie is entertaining, I am not going to complain. I don't go to a superhero movie expecting to see a film that is going to win at all the award shows, I am going to see a movie that will keep me entertained and will give me a break form the real world for a bit. It doesn't always have to be about perfection, it can sometimes just be fun...unless it is Spider-Man 3, then we can just pretend it never existed. ![]() | 2011-03-10 15:51:00 Author: Spider-Jew ![]() Posts: 1090 |
I have never once claimed to be flawless. If anything, I am the most flawed person that I know. But I have never resorted to personal insults or attacks - because that's just rude. & we're talking about Superman here - there's no need to take it personally - or get angry at the fact that someone doesn't like Superman - just like I have to accept that there are people that *do* like Superman. I don't post these opinions "just to make people angry" - I post them because it is genuinely my opinion - and I am an honest and open person, who is unafraid to say what I think, even if it makes me seem unpopular, as it is usually counter to "popular opinion". I see that personality trait as an assett rather than a hinderance - it means you'll always get my honest opinion, even if you disagree with it. Yes but sometimes there is no need to state your opinion, and you're smart enough to know that. I'll drop this now so the thread doesn't get locked though. | 2011-03-10 15:59:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
And you'll be the judge of when I can and when I can't post my own opinion, right? Wrong, if someone gets upset that someone else has a differing opinion, I would say it's the person taking offense that is in the wrong, rather than the person causing it ![]() Hollywood Summer Blockbusters leave me feeling totally empty and emotionally distant - usually because the music swell/explosion/salute the president/bad guys trousers fall down ending is so utterly predictable... I can see through each movie "trick" that is designed to "engage the viewer". So it has the opposite effect on me, I see it as a cynical ploy to "engage the viewer", and so distances me from any emotional attachment to the film. Unless it is very well done. My problem is I think too much... rather than just switch off my brain and watch a movie - I constantly watch and think about everything - everything from the camera work to the overall direction and everything in between. So unless there is something interesting happening in every aspect of the film - and by "interesting" I usually mean "original" - then I am left feeling unsatisfied. It all depends on what you are "entertained" by. I don't like populist entertainment, it's a general rule, that the more popular something is, the less I am going to like it. Every Superman the Movie so far has been a non-stop smorgasbord of generic movie stereo-types- the biggest stereo-type of all being Superman himself - with nothing even remotely surprising or original in it. The only enjoyment I can obtain from it is from critisising just how uninteresting and how unoriginal it is. But you would deny me even that small pleasure?! Killjoys ![]() | 2011-03-10 16:28:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Macnme, your problem is that the manner in which you voice your opinion seems to insinuate that those who have a differing opinion than you are idiots or otherwise don't know what they are talking about. | 2011-03-11 03:51:00 Author: Patronus21 ![]() Posts: 266 |
Your entitled to have an opinion and it would have been one thing saying "I've never personally cared for Superman the character, his movies, or comic book adaptation movies in general," but when your opinion on something is based around pessimistic absolutes ("Superman sucks. Period. Therefore, all Superman movies will suck. Period.") while at the same time putting that same thing up to an incredibly high standard ("Superman film that can only suck should be perfect.") your can't expect very many people to respect it. The fact that you, perhaps unwittingly, lob stealth insults at those that disagree with your opinion ("A Superman film is made for people who shut off their brains for mindless entertainment. I, on the otherhand, am far too thoughtful to buy into that.") does not help your arguement at all. And, while I cannot believe I'm lifting a concept from "Tron Legacy" of all things, how would you even measure perfection? What you find perfect wouldn't be the same as what someone else does. Or would you simply declare yourself as the sole judge of such a thing? And when you adapt any popular and long-running comic book franchise what would be considered "perfect" becomes even more nebulous given that they'd likely have had many writers with many different interpretations. You could say perfection would be in the form of accurately portraying a character's origins, but that only works on the assumption that the origin itself wasn't flawed to begin with. Personally, I'd rather have an adaptation that is faithful to the source material and distils the qualities what made a character interesting to people in the first place while ideally ironing out flaws in the original source material and interprets things in a way that makes them relevant for the present. Personally, if I were making a Superman film I'd emphasize the dichotomy of what his character represents alongside his abilities rather then his origin (which can be recapped in as little as a sentence). He's an alien with abilities far beyond humans but behaves more humane then most Earthlings, he is a protector of Earth who also must consider the possibility that Earth will become dependant on him, he's practically his universe's messiah in a cape that is loved by people all over it but at the same time he remains a humble farmboy who falls in love with a mortal woman. But that's just my idea of what a Superman film should feature. | 2011-03-11 04:28:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
Personally, I'd rather have an adaptation that is faithful to the source material and distils the qualities what made a character interesting to people in the first place while ideally ironing out flaws in the original source material and interprets things in a way that makes them relevant for the present. Every Superman film I have seen has been laughable. Don't any of you remember Richard Pryor in Superman 3 - or Dolph Lundgren in Superman 4?! Proper crimes against cinema, that in any right minded universe, would have been banished to the Phantom Zone.... but where is Superman when you really need him, huh?! Did none of you watch Superman Returns?! The lead had a face so plastic and devoid of emotion it's like he was made in a mould. Not even Kevin Spacey could save Superman (ironically) Not to say that there has never been a good Superman story - I have tried to get into Superman, but the quality of the comics prevents me from doing so - I did particularly enjoyed the Red Son series, but only because they turned the entire Superman trope on it's head. For my approval, not that anyone needs it, they would have to do something similar - turning the entire Superman myth on it's head and do something *original* for a change - instead of remaking the same rubbish movie over again & again. I mean, I don't mind stopping now, I've said my piece - but can I come back after the next film is released and say "I Told You So!"? ![]() Of course, there's another reason I don't want to see another Superman film made... and that is the sickness that is Hollywood. I was watching a documentary last night about orphans in Kenya... and how the woman that was looking after them had to stop sending them to school because she couldn't afford the $10 A YEAR that it would cost for their schooling. The last Superman film cost $209 MILLION (actually more like $350mil, but tax breaks and incentives were refunded) - and Warner Bros were apparently very dissapointed that they only had BO returns of $391 MILLION. yup, $150+million profit just isn't good enough for the likes of WB. When I compare the two, it makes me ashamed to be a part of the Human Race. And I think... what does the world need more? - yet ANOTHER Superman movie - or for those poor Kenyan kids to get an education. I know which I would choose. EDIT: And besides - Hollywoods SEQUL8TOR machine is bugged (http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/arts-%26-entertainment/new-tomb-raider-delayed-by-glitch-in-sequel-generating-machine-201103103616/), so it may be delayed. ![]() http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g140/gairns/OfficeAssistant.jpg | 2011-03-11 15:31:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
No one here said 3 or 4 were good films (actually, I don't think anyone would), and a few of us have already denounced "Returns" earlier in the thread. And their quality has less to do with them being movies about Superman and more to do with the fact that comic book adaptations have almost universally sucked until recent years. Superman 3 and 4 were terrible. The Schumacher Batman films? Terrible. Nearly every Marvel comic film adaptation until the turn of the millenium? Terrible. And even with the turn of the millenium we still get stuff like the Fantastic Four movies and Ghost Rider. But every now and then we get stuff like Iron Man (which incidently, played pretty loose with the character's comic book origins), and even the first two Superman films were servicable for their time (note, for their time) although they did suffer from executive meddling getting in the way of Donnar's vision. And it's only the films that have met and exceeded expectations that have allowed comic book movie adaptations to (gradually) increase in quality as of late. I'm not one to count on the next Superman film, or indeed any comic book adaptation film to be of good quality but I'm not going to denounce them outright before they are released simply from cursory understanding of the characters the films are going to attempt to portray. But if I find out that Megan Fox is cast as the female lead or it's being directed by Uwe Boll then I'm naturally going to be suspicious (at the very least) because again, it's what the real creative forces behind a fictional character that make or break a story, not the character him/herself. And your Kenyan point relative to Superman is completely irrelevant, because even if there wasn't another Superman movie coming out Hollywood would still regularly churn out high-budget cinematic failure across all film genres and Kenyan people would still be poor (unless there's some empirical study your aware of that none of the rest of us here are that proves a Superman film specifically correlates to Kenyan poverty). The people of Myanmar and North Korea live in third world conditions under severely oppressive totalitarian regimes and a Superman bad film does not help them in that regard but it isn't to blame for their plight either, and it's nonexistence is equally inconsequential. Although, theoretically a very good Superman film that inspires heroism in people could have an effect but that's a moot point. Yes, there is corruption in Hollywood and I think anyone over thirteen at least has vague understanding of that, though you'd probably be better off making a thread named "The Problem with Hollywood" to discuss that issue directly rather then projecting your distain for them onto a single intellectual property. | 2011-03-12 04:11:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
You all think I have a problem... But I think that you all do... You are taking what I say seriously.... that's your first mistake right there ![]() & Yes, I hold Superman personally responsible for all poverty and war in the world... a 'real' Superhero wouldv'e sorted it out by now ![]() | 2011-03-14 13:21:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
So #3 was on at the weekend I heard about 10 minutes while having lunch in a different room I have no idea what was going on but playing the theme music twice in that time frame seemed a little OTT, I doubt whatever he was doing needed that level of fanfare. | 2011-03-14 13:44:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
I'm not gonna deny I have issues, truthfully I keep a lot of them under wraps (believe it or not, I love arguing about assorted entertainment media) and by my understanding your first post wasn't something to be taken seriously but that kind of flies out of the window when you suddenly segue into undeniably serious issues like the poor living conditions of people in Kenya and then trivialize it by claiming not to be serious about it. | 2011-03-15 03:05:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
I'm not gonna deny I have issues, truthfully I keep a lot of them under wraps (believe it or not, I love arguing about assorted entertainment media) and by my understanding your first post wasn't something to be taken seriously but that kind of flies out of the window when you suddenly segue into undeniably serious issues like the poor living conditions of people in Kenya and then trivialize it by claiming not to be serious about it. Well, it's true I would rather the movie producers took the money for what-ever piece of throwaway summerblockbuster trash, that will be forgotten about the next year (and who's existence may even be denied {eg; lets pretend Superman 3 & 4 never even happened} - and instead gave the money to a worthwhile charity... but we all know that's not the way the world works. Hollywood 'needs' to spend millions making god awful movies or the LA economy would collapse, and you'd have poor kenyan kids doing collections for out of work actors ![]() The best jokes have a basis in truth. This wasn't one of them ![]() | 2011-03-16 08:54:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Well, I can't argue with that. And in related news. Kevin Costner has been cast as Johnathan Kent for the film: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/kevin-costner-closes-deal-join-168940 You may all proceed to...arch your eyebrows...? | 2011-03-18 17:34:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
This movie has now had its name changed to just "The Man of Steel". Cast currently stands at: Henry Cavill as Clark Kent/Superman Amy Adams as Lois Lane Diane Lane as Martha Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent Michael Shannon as General Zod | 2011-04-12 05:19:00 Author: Patronus21 ![]() Posts: 266 |
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