LBP is circling the drain.
Archive: 13 posts
![]() ![]() | 2011-02-03 07:15:00 Author: darkknight2010 ![]() Posts: 69 |
I don't think that it is quite necessary to post this here, I doubt most people on this website would actually fall for that. The people that DO play those levels, as I suspect, are younger kids who'll believe it just because it says it. | 2011-02-03 08:23:00 Author: Limesta- ![]() Posts: 559 |
Actually some of them aren't lying and really do give you free DLC. It's possible. | 2011-02-03 16:42:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
I don't think that it is quite necessary to post this here, I doubt most people on this website would actually fall for that. The people that DO play those levels, as I suspect, are younger kids who'll believe it just because it says it. Then why after all of this time it is still happening ? Someone posts a fake DLC level and 2 hours later it has 400 to 500 hearts and people saying when are you going to unlock the box! Most new players are still falling for this garbage...so yes it is absolutely necessary to post this here as more players come to this site and in response to Doopz479 you cannot get DLC from a player prize bubble period unless you are gamesharing and that is against the TOS agreement...so your point is out the window. By the way I have every right to post my opinion when and where I see fit you are not the thought police and have no right to tell me what I can and cannot post as long as it is within the forum guidelines. | 2011-02-03 19:29:00 Author: darkknight2010 ![]() Posts: 69 |
Then why after all of this time it is still happening ? Someone posts a fake DLC level and 2 hours later it has 400 to 500 hearts and people saying when are you going to unlock the box! Most new players are still falling for this garbage...so yes it is absolutely necessary to post this here as more players come to this site and in response to Doopz479 you cannot get DLC from a player prize bubble period unless you are gamesharing and that is against the TOS agreement...so your point is out the window. By the way I have every right to post my opinion when and where I see fit you are not the thought police and have no right to tell me what I can and cannot post as long as it is within the forum guidelines. LBPCentral is a tiny percentage of the community, even if everyone here was a 'freedom fighter' of LBP it would only maybe be 0.1% | 2011-02-03 19:33:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
and in response to Doopz479 you cannot get DLC from a player prize bubble period unless you are gamesharing and that is against the TOS agreement...so your point is out the window. *grabs point from outside the window* Actually, yes you can, without gamesharing. There are levels giving actual crowns that really do work away right now, I've tried it myself and it worked (obviously deleted the crown now). I do not lie. | 2011-02-03 20:37:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
*grabs point from outside the window* Actually, yes you can, without gamesharing. There are levels giving actual crowns that really do work away right now, I've tried it myself and it worked (obviously deleted the crown now). I do not lie. Yes but im talking about LBP not LBP2. I know all about the sackbot crown glitch and MM is currently working on a patch for it duh thats why it says LBP is circling the drain not LBP2. | 2011-02-03 20:54:00 Author: darkknight2010 ![]() Posts: 69 |
Yes but im talking about LBP not LBP2. I know all about the sackbot crown glitch and MM is currently working on a patch for it duh thats why it says LBP is circling the drain not LBP2. Attacking people because they didn't understand you is completely wrong, You mentioned both games in it so how was he supposed to know? | 2011-02-03 21:00:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
1. I said prize bubble not sackbot 2. I said I RECENTLY got LBP2 no where did I mention that this was in LBP2 that is why the TITLE says LBP not LBP2 and no where did I attack that person, I did not call him any name or anything else of the sort and he said sharing the crown which they are doing on LBP2 with sackbots did you see anywhere in my post that I mentioned sackbots no I didnt think so so think about that before you start attacking me. | 2011-02-04 00:09:00 Author: darkknight2010 ![]() Posts: 69 |
With an attitude like that, I'd watch your back. If you get banned for telling off everyone for misunderstandings, then you won't be here for us to "attack" you. No need to get all snappy.... | 2011-02-04 00:45:00 Author: Super_Clone ![]() Posts: 849 |
Dude, take a chill pill... It was a minor misunderstanding, no biggy | 2011-02-04 04:19:00 Author: Spazz ![]() Posts: 484 |
1. I said prize bubble not sackbot. Aren't sackbots given out in prize bubbles? 2. I said I RECENTLY got LBP2 no where did I mention that this was in LBP2 that is why the TITLE says LBP not LBP2. Most people refer to the community with LBP as a whole. They ARE linked, and not once have I heard someone say The "LBP2 Community." It was a really small mistake. | 2011-02-04 05:55:00 Author: Willah ![]() Posts: 54 |
Okay, we seem to be getting a little off track here AND, there have already been about 4 threads on this very topic, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to lock this one. Sorry, folks ![]() | 2011-02-04 09:01:00 Author: BabyDoll1970 ![]() Posts: 1567 |
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