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Another Camera Issue Thread

Archive: 6 posts

Oh, no, not another idiot. :U

Well, anyways, I'm trying to set up a Versus game where each of the players gets their own camera, to follow their own vehicle.
I'm currently using a Movie Cam, stuck inside a Microchip (With a couple of other settings in there, aswell. But those shouldn't be relevant to this issue) on a piece of invisible hologram material.
The vehicles are controlled via remote Controllinator, and Sackboy is elsewhere in the level. Much too far away, and much too inconvienient to somehow put him ON the vehicle and have the camera work, that way.

Now, getting the cameras to work, is great - I've managed that no problem. The problem I'm having is that all players are seeing the view from the same Movie Cam, despite the fact each of the players has a separate camera specifically set up to work with their particular controllinator.
So, in other words, I know fine how to work a cam, I just can't figure how to make a movie cam only apply to one player and nobody else. Is this possible or am I overlooking something?
2011-02-02 20:27:00

Posts: 1017

Movie cameras don't work for separate cameras - the players will always see the same thing with them.

The best way to work around this is put each player on a different piece of invisible hologram. Then add a different tag to each vehicle, and put a follower on each hologram to make it follow those tags. Also remember to make the controlinator invisible.

End result, the player will not be visible but will always be following the vehicle, making the camera follow too.
2011-02-02 20:33:00

Posts: 5592

Movie cameras don't work for separate cameras - the players will always see the same thing with them.

The best way to work around this is put each player on a different piece of invisible hologram. Then add a different tag to each vehicle, and put a follower on each hologram to make it follow those tags. Also remember to make the controlinator invisible.

End result, the player will not be visible but will always be following the vehicle, making the camera follow too.

I was afraid I'd get this responce. Sort of feels like MM have left out a huge feature, here.
Oh, well. Thanks for the quick answer.
2011-02-02 20:36:00

Posts: 1017

How is your sackboy elsewhere in the level? I was trying to make a level where sackboy remotely controls a vehicle the camera is in a fixed spot but kills my sackboy for being off screen when I try it in play mode.2011-02-02 20:41:00

Posts: 132

How is your sackboy elsewhere in the level? I was trying to make a level where sackboy remotely controls a vehicle the camera is in a fixed spot but kills my sackboy for being off screen when I try it in play mode.

Are you sure you're using a movie camera or something? I've never had any off-screen Sack deaths at all, the way I've been doing it.
2011-02-02 20:43:00

Posts: 1017

I was using the game camera and my sack control station was just off screen with the zone set around the transmitters and the angle and zoom set for the vehicles. I might just need to play around with it I kind of continued on with the rest of the level.2011-02-02 21:11:00

Posts: 132

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