Forum Levels vs so-called Cool Levels
Archive: 5 posts
I just wanted to rant for a minute about the quality of levels I've found since lurking on these forums. I've seen so many great levels from the users of these forums, tons of awesome ideas, the creative juices are really flowing here. But then I open up the "Cool Levels" pages in-game, and I find a ton of crap. (With the exceptions of a couple great levels, you know the ones) I'm just getting so frustrated that the masses are being force-fed those terrible trophy-levels and pointless rocket-levels that clog the "Cool Level" pages. If the levels from these forums were populating those Cool Level pages it would increase the quality of gameplay for so many people, I wish there was something we could do to help change this. I'm certainly glad I've found these forums, as it's made me enjoy the game so much more, being able to play some wonderful levels and have some people here give me good feedback, it just creates an excellent community for the game. I guess the best thing we can do is to keep on creating and helping each other out, we need to get our great levels out there to blow away all those trophy & rocket-sled levels. You guys are doing some kick-*** work, and I really hope you all keep it up! Cheers, Striss | 2008-11-14 13:12:00 Author: Striss ![]() Posts: 19 |
there is ALOT of crap out there...i am enjoying myself playing alot of the levels on here....although lbp needs to fix the servers to make for a more enjoyable experience. | 2008-11-14 13:20:00 Author: mjuice ![]() Posts: 111 |
I've noticed some drastic changes on the Cool Levels pages lately. There are still the trophy levels but I have seen some new stuff. | 2008-11-14 20:45:00 Author: docpac ![]() Posts: 601 |
Yeah, the past week and a half I've noticed a lot of new stuff too, 2 weeks ago, there would be a new level on the "New Posts" page every other day maybe? I logged in last Monday and I saw almost every post was about a level people created, so yeah hopefully we can "push" off the bad levels from the cool page. | 2008-11-14 21:55:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
There may be many good levels lurking in the hundreds of trophy or pointless levels, and without a better search them it'd be impossible to find them all. That's why I think this forum or this community should create a page where we can, not submit our own, but nominate other player's levels. This will give us a fun playlist to pick from, at least until a better search system is in effect. What does everyone think? | 2008-11-15 04:02:00 Author: Sndaox ![]() Posts: 2 |
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