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A fairly simple SackBot Ninja.

It throws Ninja stars at you, they will target the player and change to the correct layer. When you get close it will run away but if you are to close it will smack you with the correct hand depending on what side you stand on. It likes to smack you, then run off and throw a ninja star at you before you get up.

The showcase level will send you to the end after 90 seconds. And reward you with a copy of the Ninja-Bot and his logic. Ace the level (avoid the ninja stars) and you get the logic used for the star as well. The stars tend to hit the level gate if you stand in front of it so change layers for the full effect (or hide there for an easy ace).

You are welcome to use/abuse this item anyway you wish, though credit is nice

Feedback welcome.

2011-02-02 05:43:00

Posts: 61

I was working on my own smack logic last night. What did you use? A sequencer, a recording? I had some trouble positioning correctly for the smack, but I suppose you don't have a problem there, you just wait for the player to get in range.2011-02-02 13:03:00

Posts: 2284

It's a very short slap recording (one for each hand) set to loop (so he keeps trying to hit you. Each recording is attached to a player sensor with 180 degree focus, turned to left or right, with a very low detection range. Once you get close enough the acting will kick in, he will slap you outside of range which activates his run away action. Once he is far enough away his attack logic activates. He usually is able to ninja star you before you even get a chance to run.

As for positioning, detection range is a n issue. I might need to tweak. I have it set so range is less than how far you get thrown by a smack, however if you grab him and pull him in some direction he just likes to try to run. You could use a follow controller, If you always want your sackbot to run up and smack sackboy, since it would always try to get in range. and depending on how you want to use it, a one shot recording.
2011-02-02 15:40:00

Posts: 61

I am using the follow behaviour, but my problem is that I want to smack other sackbots, and the hostile setting to approach nearer only works for players. Right now I'm using a mover to nudge the sackbot forwards a bit before slapping, but it's not great. It's kind of fun to watch two sackbots trying to hit eachother and miss half the time, though. 2011-02-02 16:20:00

Posts: 2284

Hey, if you could make a lvl where you control the bot that would be AWESOME!!!2011-02-02 18:03:00

LOLinator v1.02
Posts: 101

:: use a tag detector (well 2 of them) then, and place the tag on the other bot. It will work just like a player detector.

::I will have a playable one soon.

::I will also change the costume, as it requires DLC (didn't think of that before I published it)
2011-02-02 20:46:00

Posts: 61

:: use a tag detector (well 2 of them) then, and place the tag on the other bot. It will work just like a player detector.

Well... no. The hostile setting makes sackbots move in closer to players, but it doesn't make them move in closer to tags. At least, not when I tried. But please correct me if I'm wrong.
2011-02-02 21:29:00

Posts: 2284

Don't use hostile, make them also follow the tag.2011-02-02 21:31:00

Posts: 61

I played and had some fun. That ninja is very deadly, I think I must have died atleast 10 times . I was able to get a few slaps on him though, lol. Good logic and fun mini level.2011-02-02 21:54:00

Unknown User

I'll probably make a real level (not just a showcase) with him soon. with actual scareing.

Just wish i could find a way to make it work with multiple players.
2011-02-02 21:56:00

Posts: 61

This is a really good sackbot. If you wish to use more than one player, make the players control sackbots... then put tags in them with actor names (Player1, 2, 3, 4) and set them to FOLLOW TAG instead, hopefully, with setting up a few more things, it should work, or if you added me, I could make the players follow they're sackbot so that the Ninja-Bot is attacking the sackbot as well as the player, some how... lol. [PSN = PurrePowwer]2011-02-04 08:30:00

Unknown User

The problem with multi player is how to handle multiple inputs, from each player.

Any idea how to make a sack bot flee from a tag?
2011-02-05 07:14:00

Posts: 61

Would a Follower set to "Follow Tag instead" and "Flee instead of follow" work?2011-02-05 10:07:00

Posts: 1893

nope. I wish. Followers are movers, not sack bot AIs. It would move away from me, but the bot would not be walking, just slideing across the ground and into the air. Sackbot controllers offer flee+follow+act+follow tag. . . but no flee from tag. I think it could be done with act, but that's way harder than it should be. . .2011-02-05 12:43:00

Posts: 61

A real level using this is now hear for the playing (still in beta)

2011-02-07 21:55:00

Posts: 61

Cornered him and slapped the poopie out of him. Repeatedly. 2011-02-20 21:11:00

Posts: 77

hey I like your bot , I have duplicated it so I can modify it more. most inpressive is the stars, btw if u just grab your bot , he dosent slap you or throw stars at you. it's very good though, I will be using this for a boss2011-06-23 00:59:00

Unknown User

I think I have a more advanced version somewhere. I'll check and make sure this has the most up to date version.2011-06-23 01:24:00

Posts: 61

The problem with multi player is how to handle multiple inputs, from each player.

Any idea how to make a sack bot flee from a tag?

u sort of can achieve this , I use it to keep my zombies away from electrified doors , I tag the door "zomb no entry" , put a tag sensor on the bot for the tag , then u need a other tag , a waypoint tag, I put one at either side of the door , when the bot seances the no entry tag they are told to follow the waypoints at either side of the door . causing them not to walk into it
2011-06-23 14:32:00

Unknown User

There seems to be an issue with the level. The timer never starts therefore making the level unending. (i.e meaning no Ai...) Please fix this.2011-07-02 02:15:00

Posts: 214

I had the same problem with the timer never starting. I think your ninjabot is awesome and would love to check out your logic. please could you fix the timer bug so we can check him out. thanks cheers............2011-07-02 04:42:00

Posts: 58

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