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Running man!

Archive: 3 posts

Ok heres my problem...My hope was to have a sackbot controlled by the player, and i have everything set up including the following camera but what I was hoping for is not working. I wanted the sackbot to start moving right when the player hit the left joystick right, and it works, only problem is if I hit left on the joystick while moving right, I start slowing down until i release that direction.

What I have so far is just a DCS (or whatever the acronym is) connected to a mover with the right input connected to it so it will move right at 5.0. so my thought was to disable the left thumbstick after this imput is registered but that didn't work, any ideas?

P.S. I know this was confusing, if any more explanation is needed please ask.
2011-02-02 04:02:00

Posts: 15

You don't even need movers to controllinate a sackbot. (I'll assume you want to have it be controllinated normally) You can do this:
1. Create a thin square of holo material, and set its brightness to zero.
2. Open the sackbot's circuit board and place a unique tag on it.
3. Place a follower and a controllinator on the holo material. Set the follower to follow the sackbot's tag at a high speed, and set the controllinator to the 'send' type of remote controllinator.
4. Place a controllinator on the sackbot's circuit board and set it to the 'receive' type of remote controllinator. Make sure both controllinators' colors and labels match up.
2011-02-02 04:30:00

Blue Helmet
Posts: 306

There is a large topic in the Tutorials forum (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?127-LBP2-Tutorials) grinning with a high comment count and golden stars; you can't miss it. It tells you everything about Sackbot control.2011-02-02 07:40:00

Posts: 1340

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