Check Me out
Archive: 2 posts
Hey guys check out my youtube channel i do commentaries and i sometimes upload black ops footage. www.youtube.com/ktmbillyjr if this is in the wrong place move it if its not aloud at all delete it... | 2011-02-02 01:22:00 Author: ktmbillyjr ![]() Posts: 177 |
Hey, I remember I tried a Paper Mario playthrough, it was recorded by camera, and, to make a long story short, it sucked and was canceled, but the old parts are still on my channel. I've gotten better recording equipment since then, it'll be a while if I ever decide to redo that game. My latest playthrough I only picked the game because it was short so I knew I could finish it. If shamelessly advertising your own stuff isn't allowed, you could make this a thread where everybody could share YouTube accounts (assuming there isn't already one), as a cover up, even if you really aren't interested in anyone else. http://www.youtube.com/user/Deathjohnson?feature=mhum There's mine. | 2011-02-02 06:33:00 Author: DeathJohnson ![]() Posts: 57 |
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