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[LunarKnight] Need a team!

Archive: 5 posts

Everyone knows that awesome game by Johnee, "Blast Radius". You fly around a small spacey environment and shoot asteroids with crystal cores to gain points. Eventually, enemies swarm in and then even later, a huge boss! You have a wide selection of shooting styles, like Rapid Fire, Homing bullets, a lazer, Missiles, and a spread shot. It's been HUGELY popular, and I'm very sure many of you have already played it a number of times!

This level has inspired me to make my own spin on the Space Shooter title "Blast Radius" has made for itself, and I intend on calling it "[LunarKnight]".

In my version, instead of giving you all the guns right from the start, you will only have a Lazer; even when you DO get guns, you'll need ammunition-- the abundance of which will lessen over time, forcing you to think more carefully about how you use your weapons. Anywho. You start off with the lazer, which will have infinite ammo, but need to be given time to recharge. After destroying enough rocks, you'll start to find that they're dropping ammunition! Once collected, you are able to use it's correlating gun to shoot more effectively-- but remember that you DO have ammunition, and it'll run out. With your new guns, you'll start collecting more points from asteroids, but in return, things will start to get harder. Asteroids will get bigger, requiring more effort to destroy them. Even more so, enemies will start to notice your presence and begin to attack you.

Alright, so that's a WHOLE lot to take in. So I'll break that apart better below:

The Weapons:
As stated, you'll have a number of weaponry to choose from. I thought of at least 6.

1) The Lazer: Your basic weaponry. Hold fire to shoot a single beam, which slowly drains in power the longer you fire. Cease firing to give it time to recharge and you'll be back up to firing capacity. Damage given will dwindle depending on the charge, but will do no less than HALF damage at it's lowest. Ammo Capacity: Inifinte

2) The Carbine: The first gun upgrade you'll get. Even though the name would infer a single shot deal, it's more lenient in this case. The Carbine fires sporadically but in a straight line, making the bullets look staggered as they're fired. It'd be accurate enough to use, and the fire rate would be decent. In any case, it's stronger than the Lazer... Ammo Capacity: 400

3) The Missile: Self explanatory. Shoots a single missile to cause large, explosive damage to enemies and asteroids. Definitely one of the stronger weapons in the game, but it's slow fire rate and low ammo capacity make it not as reliable. Ammo Capacity: 30

4) The Mine: A useful weapon to use when dealing with swarming enemies. Mines are shot behind the player and float in place until an enemy or asteroid comes in proximity. They will not detonate if the player comes near, so sitting on one would be a moderately reliable (albeit crazy) defensive strategy. The detonation range for a mine is rather limited, but the explosion from one is decently sized. Despite this, mines fire fast allowing you to spread a large cluster of mines in one area. And such, watch your ammo. Ammo Capacity: 100

5) The Spreader: Another self explanatory weapon. It fires at the same pace, but over a wider area. Duh. Ammo Capacity: 600

6) Assistance: A fun weapon inspired by the classic game, Gradius. When selected, Two gun turrets will follow the player, hunting down anything within their respective range. They are both equipped with a Carbine, but are not limited to ammunition! On the downside, they have HP. So you cannot toss out another two until both turrets are destroyed. Even so, finding ammunition for them will be on the rarer side on every difficulty. Ammo Capacity: 2

OH! Not to mention, you WILL have bombs. It's a one-shot deal, but recharges over time. A LONG time. Like... 1-2 minutes. Using one destroys everything around you, giving you a mass amount of points.

Getting Ammunition:
Now that I have those explained, I need to explain how to get ammunition for these guns. There are three ways to find ammunition!

1) Asteroids. These will give you a minimal amount of ammo, but since there will be plenty of them, it won't be hard to collect some en masse. What ammo type they contain will be random, and so again: Not so reliable.

2) Enemies. There will be a number of enemy types. Each type will contain ammo of it's same firing type. The ammo they drop will usually be in larger quantities, and so killing them would be a better alternative to clearing asteroids.

3) Mineral Stars. These rare asteroids are more like comets. They're rare and wander around all their own. Usually, when you shoot an asteroid, it gives you points until it's destroyed-- But Mineral Stars give you Ammunition. They will be different colors, each related to a different weapon, and so they drop only that weapon's ammunition. This is a blessing because they drop as much as an asteroid, but the quantity of an enemy!

Such a wide category... I don't even know if I can get it all without missing something.
Where to begin...?

The game will work in "Planet Orbits", but yet will be completely free roaming. I hope to have at the very least 3 Planets, and if possible, up to 9. In order to halt the player from leaving the playing zone, a Nebula will block the way to other planets/the boundaries. But in that sense, you're free to go wherever you want in the level! Perhaps, if the level has too much stress on it, each planet will be it's own Sub-Level, giving you the choice to choose which planet to go to next.--- On second though, I love that idea.

Each planet will be it's own level. After clearing each planet of ALL enemies and Asteroids, the player's Warp Drive is activated. Allowing them to jump to the next level and continue playing! Each planet will have it's own unique hazards and themes, as well as a boss. If you are able to clear every level, you unlock a FINAL level, in which a Super Boss will be presented. Beating him will be no simple task, and it'll take all your skills to win. Do so, and well... You'll likely have the high score!

Yeesh... This is a very daunting task to take on alone. Heck... I can barely work up the courage to create a level on my own as is! I don't know if this will ever be able to work, or if it'll just fade away like the rest of my ideas :C /emosapstory
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! I want to make this level SO BADLY. And I don't want to be alone on the credits list on that final level (even if that'd be badass) I really would like to think of this level-series as its own game altogether, and Little Big Planet 2 is JUST the right platform to put it on. So please. I'm absolutely pitiful alone! All I have are my ideas and isolated creativity -- I can easily make all the parts for a level, but putting them together to create one hurts my brain. A lot.

So please, I ask you as a peer to join my team. Together, I know we can make something unbelievable!
2011-02-01 05:40:00

Posts: 100

Come on now, you guys can't say you aren't interested in this! D:2011-02-01 21:43:00

Posts: 100

Hey. I'd be willing to help ya some on this idea. It is rather daunting trying to make a whole new amazing level. So if you are interested I won't mind helping you out.

I was kinda thinkin of doing something like this but I got some other ideas.

I just wanna clear something up for ya. I won't ALWAYS want to help you all the time cuz I got a level that I've already poured at least 10 hours into and I wanna finish it. And another level so...

other than that I'll try and help.
2011-02-01 21:58:00

Unknown User

Hey. I'd be willing to help ya some on this idea. It is rather daunting trying to make a whole new amazing level. So if you are interested I won't mind helping you out.

I was kinda thinkin of doing something like this but I got some other ideas.

I just wanna clear something up for ya. I won't ALWAYS want to help you all the time cuz I got a level that I've already poured at least 10 hours into and I wanna finish it. And another level so...

other than that I'll try and help.

Even if you can help simply with logic, it would be appreciated.
Currently, I have an offer to team up with a group to create a level, so I'm sure that I'll pick some things up with them... But if things don't go well, I'll be more than glad to give you a message and see what you can do for me~! And I won't be against doing something for you in return C: So don't get the idea I'm using you, okay?
2011-02-02 06:54:00

Posts: 100

I will try to help ... my playstation is not working right now, it will say there is a disk in there but when i select it it will just give me a black screen and won't do anything. 2011-02-02 14:09:00

Unknown User

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