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Projectile sensor not working!

Archive: 8 posts

Hello, I am making a top-down shooter level, and I have been working on it for a while. Today, all of a sudden, the plasma the boss shot at the ship went right through it without triggering the destroyer like I set it up to do. I was tweaking a lot of aspects of the level today and could not pinpoint something in particular I may have done to make this happen. Help is appreciated!

Also, is there a way to tweak the color of plasma being emitted? Because it isn't working for me.
2011-01-31 05:21:00

Unknown User

By the way you described it, it seems you accidentally messed up something while tweaking stuff. I guess your gona have to start the logic again from scratch, or follow your logic and find out what the problem is.2011-01-31 06:15:00

Posts: 1799

Have you moved which layer the plasma is spawning on so it's going behind objects? Or changed the sensor so it isn't detecting plasma (I presume you're ssing using a Projectile Sensor).

As for changing the plasma colour, put a plasma ball from PopIt in your level. You can change its properties for colour. Then either save it to your object and emit that saved plasma ball, or when you select the object to emit, select "Choose Object, Pick Emitted Object" and select the plasma shot you've changed the colour off. This awesome ability of LBP2 to reference an object in the level to emit lets you make changes to emitted objects without having to copy them and change the emitter's properties every time!
2011-01-31 20:54:00

Shifty Geezer
Posts: 131

^ Thank you, but I thought I tried that and when I emitted the one that got color changed it didn't recognize it as a projectile. That was a while ago, though. I'll try again.2011-02-01 04:26:00

Unknown User

I am also having trouble with a projectile sensor. I have done the tutorial three times, and I am successful in there, but when I try to use one in my level, it doesn't work at all.

I have made a cage. I attached a sensor to it. I set it to recognize all kinds of projectiles. It needs five hits to activate a piston, which opens the gate. My Creatinator shoots out a shape made of glass. The sensor does not recognize it. Can I not use glass? Clearly I am missing something.

2011-02-03 19:26:00

Unknown User

Same with me, i was trying it with rockets. and that didnt worked. i set all my options good.2011-02-03 21:52:00

Unknown User

I believe projectile sensors only detect the four projectiles defined in the tweak menu: Fire, Electricity, Plasma, and Water. For other objects you'll need to do it another way.2011-02-03 22:37:00

Posts: 2870

Exactly. Projectile's are those dangerous (although water isn't!) particles. For collisions with other objects, use an Impact Sensor. You can place a tag on objects labelled to identify them. eg. Put a tag on your glass projectile labelled "shot", and on the cage or target, put an Impact Sensor that requres the same colour tag labelled "shot". That sensor will only be triggered when hit by such labelled objects, and not when hit by other objects.2011-02-05 10:24:00

Shifty Geezer
Posts: 131

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