Light Blue Paint and Dragon Sticker...
Archive: 5 posts
where can i find light blue paint and the Dragon sticker i need for the ghost level(it goes on the shield)... i 100% each level but i still dont have these items.. | 2008-11-13 13:55:00 Author: SleepyDay ![]() Posts: 3 |
Well first off, it's not called Dragon Sticker man ![]() Secondly, you can find that by doing the 3rd tutorial in Create mode (the one about Music I think). It's very easy. Once you get it, it'll come up as a "Switch Trigger" In that level, along with the Star. About the Light Blue Paint, I don't think it's also called like that(?) I'm not really sure. Anyway, I think you also get it by doing the create tutorials. Unless I'm missing something. | 2008-11-13 14:04:00 Author: Forsaken ![]() Posts: 950 |
Well first off, it's not called Dragon Sticker man ![]() Secondly, you can find that by doing the 3rd tutorial in Create mode (the one about Music I think). It's very easy. Once you get it, it'll come up as a "Switch Trigger" In that level, along with the Star. About the Light Blue Paint, I don't think it's also called like that(?) I'm not really sure. Anyway, I think you also get it by doing the create tutorials. Unless I'm missing something. thanks, i don't think its call light blue paint. its a sky blueish color. i finished create mode tutorials still no luck ;[ | 2008-11-13 21:11:00 Author: SleepyDay ![]() Posts: 3 |
are you sure you finished all of them. there are more in create mode than you think because not all of them are started by using that question mark thing. there are many more for you to do throughout your tools bag and i think one or two in the goodies bag. so look around and when you have the trophy for doing all of the tutorials then let us know | 2008-11-13 23:53:00 Author: RAINFIRE ![]() Posts: 1101 |
To add onto RainFire's explaination with some more detail, in the tools bag, if you haven't done a certain tutorial for a certain tool, it would be marked with a "?" I believe almost all the tools have one, and theres about 2-3 in the Goodies bag, about the materials and such. | 2008-11-14 00:04:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
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