The Story of a Banquet, Quotes, Bad Dancing and STUFF!
Archive: 4 posts
Behold the sequel to "The Story of how LBP got me an A+ in English"! ... that's this: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=42766-The-Story-of-how-LBP-got-me-an-A-in-English The Story of a Banquet, Quotes, Bad Dancing and STUFF!! Okay, Fang story time: Once dere twaz a wee lad they called Fang. Today, Fang went to the China Benifit Banquet. There were so many people walking around Chinatown that whales would drown from claustraphobia! The banquet was on the second floor of a restaraunt. There wasn't many people yet, just the students. So for about 30 long minutes I mingled and wandered around, here's some moments in quotes: Me: *puts on borrowed hat* Gustavo: Oh man, dude, that is so sexy. Me: Ladies ![]() Mr. Will: *looks at my outfit with hat* Hahhahahaahaha, you suck! Me: Yes sir, yes I do. Mr. Will: *Takes hat* Me: http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt239/emotesplz/thimhorrifiedplz.png Announcer: 8th graders, there are some snacks in the back. These are jjust sna- Me: SNACKS! http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt239/emotesplz/imstilltwitchingplz.gif ...What!? I twas vary hungary! Opening ceremony! The MCs started speaking stuff. I went to my table, hung my coat and sat down. Gabrielle: Come sit next to me! Me in my mind: o_0 We're friends lol... ![]() The MCs started to speak boring stuff, I only paid most attention to this: Will: ..We have a sort of reputation here at this school. Ernst: Maybe because we're new yorkers? ... no, it's giving tough love. Will: Well, we are who we are. Let's have some fun tonight. *puts on the hat I had >:O* One strange dance later Ernst: Hey! They cut the music short! I wonder why. Will: You think that would win the MTV award? ... Umm, heheh, *principle's name* is giving us the faculty look! Afterwards back stage Ernst: That recording better not make it to facebook! Next boring stuff ensues... and the first Fang FAIL: *sees rest of stage crew come out* Me: Oh ffff I forgot! *runs across the stage* I was comic relief lol Afterwards, more boring stuff, then dinner! Gabby: Want some tea? It's really good. Me: Yeah yeah, get me some, I've drunken 5 cups already... *eats broccilli* Me: Take that doctors I do eat mah veggies! >:-D Next Fang fail: Teacher: Now presenting the 504 students in My Big Eyes! Me: Wait I'm 504... Me out loud: OH CRUD OH CRUD OH CRUDDYCRUDHOLE *Runs across the stage AGAIN* Then CHEEZEH DANCE TIME! ...Sorry no epik quotes or videos ![]() Lol we had to dance a whole lot of different dances and imitate eyeballs at one point ![]() Presentations! Me: The reason I'm here is not to give a speech or anything fancy. I'm here for the food. I didn't have to present anything hahahaha ![]() The only noteworthy thing that happened: Aidan: Thank yo- *MIC BOOM FAIL* Aidan: :o Everyone: LOLz http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt239/emotesplz/imsupersurprisedplz.png The raffle! The teacher won the grand prize. That suked for me :o Closure! Nothing interesting besides this: Ernst: Thank you for coming tonight! Will: And we'll see you again if we keep our jobs on Monday! I left the banquet without saying bye to anyone. Lol that was cold for a charmer like me ![]() It was dark, and Chinatown was sooo dark and quiet, it was like a place where Comphermc would come and steal your purse. Yes, it was THAT scareh. ;o Then, I went into a small bakery. I got some buns, but had to wonder this: Why would you just leave the door open this late? Did you really want scareh puppehs to run in there? And then (Epik Part) I was attacked by ninja trolls! Using my create skills, I took out an impact explosive and killed the monsters! But the bomb then blew a hole to the moon for some reason, and then a giant kitteh flew out of the moon, so I put a destroyer on it and saved the world! ...ok I overexxagerated, but yeah. I went home tired from eating all that food and 12 cups of tea (holy cow I drank sooo much tea :o). I ran to the bathroom, took a really nasty one, and typed up this boring account on this event. Moral of the story: You need destroyers to kill kittehs from space. | 2011-01-30 07:20:00 Author: Fang ![]() Posts: 578 |
*Enters thread* *Reads story* Riiiight... *Backs away slowly then turns around and runs away* ![]() No but seriously, I was reading it, then I got to the exaggerated part then I lost all perception on where the story was going or its point. XD | 2011-01-30 08:48:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I was under the assumption that comph goes around stealing purses even in GOOD neighborhoods...![]() | 2011-01-30 09:56:00 Author: Bremnen ![]() Posts: 1800 |
Wait, I'm confused about the story! So the cops knew that internal affairs were setting them up? | 2011-01-30 18:00:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
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