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Grabbing question

Archive: 3 posts

Hi everyone. I've recently published a mini-level (boss level, really), and I received positive feedback. However, I want to make things a bit better.

In the story level from Victoria's Lab, where you carry around those cherry things for like the whole level, they don't disappear until after you throw them and you don't pick them up for a while. I wanted to create a similar item for use as a projectile, yet I can't seem to figure out the mechanics to keep the item from disappearing in your hands.

Basically, what I have now is, the projectile (an apple) falls from the sky, designed to be hazardous while falling, but nullified once it hits the ground. You then grab the apple in its non-electrified stage, and throw it at the boss. But, the apple is emitted, with a timer of 5 seconds. I figure my solution has something to do with a grab switch and a timer, but I'm just stuck. If anyone could help, it'd be greatly appreciated.

For reference:
2011-01-30 03:41:00

Unknown User

Hi everyone. I've recently published a mini-level (boss level, really), and I received positive feedback. However, I want to make things a bit better.

In the story level from Victoria's Lab, where you carry around those cherry things for like the whole level, they don't disappear until after you throw them and you don't pick them up for a while. I wanted to create a similar item for use as a projectile, yet I can't seem to figure out the mechanics to keep the item from disappearing in your hands.

Basically, what I have now is, the projectile (an apple) falls from the sky, designed to be hazardous while falling, but nullified once it hits the ground. You then grab the apple in its non-electrified stage, and throw it at the boss. But, the apple is emitted, with a timer of 5 seconds. I figure my solution has something to do with a grab switch and a timer, but I'm just stuck. If anyone could help, it'd be greatly appreciated.

For reference:

Didn't try the level yet but if it's connected to a grab switch then it's obviously going to demit after five seconds. I'd assume all you need to do is set a grab switch onto a timer with a positive output, and set the grab switch to turn the timer off while holding it, and also reset once you grab it, that way it only has so long AFTER you let go of it.

If you want the timer to only start AFTER the object turns non leather, then use and AND switch before the timer, and attach the grab switch to the and switch and also the switch which deactivates the leatherlizer ...

My explination sounds like it should work. Have not tried it yet though..
2011-01-30 03:51:00

Posts: 790

Oh, so your saying instead of using the emit timer, use a timer hooked up to a leathalizer on the object itself? Never even considered that, I'll have to see if that works. It sounds solid, at least.2011-01-30 03:57:00

Unknown User

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