Easier way to Ace Negativatron
Archive: 15 posts
Ok so I thought of a easier way to ace negativatron. having 2 players is the best. Stage 1: both layers stick to their own side and kill him quickly. Stage 2: Nothing special, just try to live. Stage 3: when you get to the part where you can deal damage to him, instead of throwing the cake, throw the other player, they can hit the negativatron TWO times (by bouncing from one monster brain to the other), making this stage last only 2 waves instead of 4! and there you go! | 2011-01-28 10:29:00 Author: Bernkastel ![]() Posts: 127 |
Aha! I did this with you. (: To bad we kept dying ._. We should try to ace it (if you haven't) Btw, sorry for going off PSN so randomly. My ps3 froze and it was 3am. Almost 6am now ._. I need to be sleeping... | 2011-01-28 10:42:00 Author: oNinjaFisho ![]() Posts: 67 |
In stage 2 if you can swing up to the bounce pads it is alot safer doing precision jumps rarher than hoping all the grappling goes right. | 2011-01-28 10:47:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Stage 2: Nothing special, just try to live. Ha, I had no problem with the first and third stages (once I knew what I was supposed to do). It was the second part that took me a few dozen tries to ace. ![]() | 2011-01-28 10:58:00 Author: Balorn ![]() Posts: 92 |
Aha! I did this with you. (: To bad we kept dying ._. We should try to ace it (if you haven't) Btw, sorry for going off PSN so randomly. My ps3 froze and it was 3am. Almost 6am now ._. I need to be sleeping... yep! and mine froze too. had to go back and get the items from that lvl again. and yeah, we should try to ace it! @Balorn really? I found stage 3 to be the hardest... it normally just takes SO long! | 2011-01-28 11:02:00 Author: Bernkastel ![]() Posts: 127 |
@Balorn really? I found stage 3 to be the hardest... it normally just takes SO long! Solo, at least, I found it easy, since all I had to do was time jumps, not aim them. Drop down on the left. As the first set of lasers pans from right to left, jump over them. Once you're safely in the right corner, as close to the wall as you can be without risking the plasma, it's just a matter of mashing the jump button when he sends a laser towards the far end, no movement needed. After the 4 full-width blasts, catch the cake, when he drops jump and toss it into the bubble, only moving enough to make sure you're facing the right way. Once he goes back up, move over to the left side and repeat. I've only died there when something glitches (once the bounce pads didn't trigger so I got hit with the initial blast, for example). | 2011-01-28 11:09:00 Author: Balorn ![]() Posts: 92 |
In stage 2 try to bounce on the pad platforms instead of using grabbing hook, i don't if for other but doing so it was easier to maneuver and i feel more safer. Stage 3 is deam easy when you discover his shotting pattern and jump in right moment siting on the side of the room and run fast when he about to crash you. | 2011-01-28 14:47:00 Author: Shadowriver ![]() Posts: 3991 |
One of the easiest levels to ace. | 2011-01-28 16:02:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Okay, uhh, No. I don't believe so. ![]() But I figure its easier with 1 person, Facts: -Internet Lag may cause gameplay to come slowed, making it more hard in overall form. -2 People doubles your chance of dying, and you can't always depend on your team mate. -But if you do play 2-Player, than play offline, locally, or if you can, someone who doesn't get bad connection. Just a few issues, but don't think its impossible with two people, there are more advantages though when playing with Multiple people. | 2011-01-28 16:16:00 Author: DaSackBoy ![]() Posts: 606 |
hmm... i'll try this ![]() | 2011-01-28 17:35:00 Author: TOXIC_KILLA_ ![]() Posts: 147 |
yep! and mine froze too. had to go back and get the items from that lvl again. and yeah, we should try to ace it! @Balorn really? I found stage 3 to be the hardest... it normally just takes SO long! Im with you. I found stage 2 to be SUPER easy, but I'm really keen with being able to fling myself with the grappling hook now, so it was fun for me. Stage 1 still confuses me a little xD. Also. Let me know when you want to try to ace it tonight (: Okay, uhh, No. I don't believe so. ![]() But I figure its easier with 1 person, Facts: -Internet Lag may cause gameplay to come slowed, making it more hard in overall form. -2 People doubles your chance of dying, and you can't always depend on your team mate. -But if you do play 2-Player, than play offline, locally, or if you can, someone who doesn't get bad connection. Just a few issues, but don't think its impossible with two people, there are more advantages though when playing with Multiple people. Im going to ruin your facts:: FACT:: Internet connection when playing online is largely based on the host connection. If the host has a bad internet connection, yours in turn will be laggy. If you lag online at all, it means you have problems with your router // internet connection. I agree on dying being twice as common with two people, but when the stages last twice as long solo, you have twice as long to die, therefore, the odds are the same. Most levels are alot easier solo though I agree. Especially on grapple levels where you can accidently grapple your friend and hit electric floors >< | 2011-01-28 19:39:00 Author: oNinjaFisho ![]() Posts: 67 |
A bit off topic.... What would happen if someone published a level with a level link in it to a story mode level you haven't unlocked yet, Would it work or not? | 2011-01-28 23:10:00 Author: chinook3 ![]() Posts: 453 |
A bit off topic.... What would happen if someone published a level with a level link in it to a story mode level you haven't unlocked yet, Would it work or not? ... this is so off topic it doesn't even make sense. Might want to make an actual thread for that question? | 2011-01-29 00:03:00 Author: oNinjaFisho ![]() Posts: 67 |
Ah, do ye forget. That internet Lag is also created by: Example; other person on the internets, same house, they watch videos, constantly bring up web-pages etc. Your Internet will slow, but depending on the internet. If you have a High-speed internet (Which I don't have) than your good with hosting. Otherwise, weak connection to people can get a bit messy. But I totally agree, the things you mentioned are more well explained. But yes, I do think it is easier to do it on your on. @chinook3; I don't believe you can place Story mode level links in your levels. But if you could, I doubt that it would allow you to go to that level you haven't unlocked. | 2011-01-29 15:59:00 Author: DaSackBoy ![]() Posts: 606 |
Ah, do ye forget. That internet Lag is also created by: Example; other person on the internets, same house, they watch videos, constantly bring up web-pages etc. Your Internet will slow, but depending on the internet. If you have a High-speed internet (Which I don't have) than your good with hosting. Otherwise, weak connection to people can get a bit messy. But I totally agree, the things you mentioned are more well explained. But yes, I do think it is easier to do it on your on. @chinook3; I don't believe you can place Story mode level links in your levels. But if you could, I doubt that it would allow you to go to that level you haven't unlocked. Thats because you Internet have limited transfer speed and by using router you won't magically change it, if some other device doing something it will need to PS3 will need to shere you internet connection. What is most deadly for gaming is fact that ISP's give much lower upload speed then advertised download speed, for example you got 3 mbit download speed but upload speed is actually 256kbit. They doing so to prevent people to host servers using home dedicated connection that might be extra problems for them (remember what makes servers not a hardware, it's software).Since for a game not only download is imported but upload too if something other use upload speed it of you connection it can easily kill the game | 2011-01-29 16:10:00 Author: Shadowriver ![]() Posts: 3991 |
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