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I present to you... Witchcraft!

Archive: 5 posts

These little pieces of Hologram are what I call the "Wireless Sackbot Behavior Switch" or, W.S.B.S. The W.S.B.S is a simple design, and can be used to replace the player as a sackbot. What does this mean?

This, is the heart of the W.S.B.S, because it has a controllinator. The small strip at the bottom is for detecting when the player impacts ground, to reset the double jump switch, and since the controllinator has a follower, the player won't be able to touch it.
This is it's macrochip. It's got empty room, so you can fill it in with your mindless desires. What you see to the left is the emitter based double jump system.

This is an optional Health Bar. It detects when a gold "Hostile" switch impacts with it, and will reduce health, eventually killing the player. Everything is made to be perfectly tweakable, and simple as pie.
This is the blissful macrochip. Not much to say.

This is the joystick rotator, right hand emitter. It's optional, and uses a joystick rotator to move, and points in the direction the right analogue stick is pointed. When R2 is pressed, it's set to emit fire.
Once again, a simple little microchip. It can be tweaked, removed, replaced, etc.

Now, I have no idea if/why this hasn't been thought of yet, as it's a nice little doohickey. Feedback and suggestions appreciated, and it's not going to be published until I have more optional pieces. (Fall damage, telekineses, etc.)
2011-01-28 03:42:00

Posts: 281

I'd been thinking about using a impact switch to reset double jump mechanisms, so massive kudos for the workaround to the mechanism being liable to other impacts. As for if this has been done before, yes and no. NinjaMicWz released an "All-In-One Micropchip" in the beta, but that was more of an overall control system, not just for sackbots. But he did include some microchips.

From the looks of it, the logic could use a bit of streamlining. As it is, it's a bit twisted. Try avoiding having to run wires around components, etc.
2011-01-28 04:13:00

Posts: 2046

From the looks of it, the logic could use a bit of streamlining. As it is, it's a bit twisted. Try avoiding having to run wires around components, etc.
Yeah... I'll eventually get to the point of lining it up and making it look pretty.
2011-01-28 05:10:00

Posts: 281

...WITCH! BURN THE WITCH! (Nice BTW).2011-01-29 08:56:00

Posts: 119

Awesomeness...2011-01-29 23:30:00

Unknown User

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