Bounce Mania!! Easy Mode
Archive: 9 posts
Well Hello Again Everyone, Well this is level is almost the same as the hard mode version, accept I made a few changes for the less skilled player. In the Easy Mode my fire demon is no longer bouncing around with you! ![]() ![]() http://lbp.me/v/w11pqg | 2011-01-28 01:40:00 Author: MaximovSephiroth ![]() Posts: 36 |
NO!!!! i will miss Celcifer but he was out to get me.... i know it ![]() | 2011-01-28 01:53:00 Author: arsenalfan_1995 ![]() Posts: 229 |
You're too funny!! Yeah, I had a player complain that moving fire didn't make the level very fun, so Celcifer had to go... well on the easy level anyway! He's just as hot as ever in the hard mode! | 2011-01-28 01:56:00 Author: MaximovSephiroth ![]() Posts: 36 |
You should have him waiting at the end scoreboard, and charge at you and kill you ![]() | 2011-01-28 02:03:00 Author: arsenalfan_1995 ![]() Posts: 229 |
Ah... ha-ha!! A killing Celcifer at the end!! Great Idea!! Oh did you have any glitches where you got thrown out of any of the platforms? It happens to me every so often, especially on the square shaped platform. It's when I respawn, and I drop pass the square to the circle area. I usually just jump up on the X corners and jump back in, but I don't know if anyone else has had that happen to them or not. | 2011-01-28 02:19:00 Author: MaximovSephiroth ![]() Posts: 36 |
It happened on the hard mode, I'm not on my ps3 right now, your level is queued for when I go back on, I will let you know when I play. | 2011-01-28 02:24:00 Author: arsenalfan_1995 ![]() Posts: 229 |
Just got around to playing your level, without Celcifer i couldnt die unless i killed myself through the popit menu. I didnt fall through while playing this time around. I think the sackboy falls through because if you spawn and fall into the big square spinning part he stops himself from moving onto it if he is going to land on a bounce pad thats on fire. Im not sure if this makes sense the way i have it worded, send me a message if you dont understand what i just said. Add Celcifer at the end for a good laugh ![]() hearted and "yay'd" | 2011-01-28 04:13:00 Author: arsenalfan_1995 ![]() Posts: 229 |
Well this level has been tweeked to make it more player friendly! Plus, I worked out a few bugs that were bugging me... haha!! ![]() ![]() | 2011-01-30 09:00:00 Author: MaximovSephiroth ![]() Posts: 36 |
Please, please please! I need everyones help. I need to know if anyone, I mean anyone is seeing my level glitching like I do? I know my profile is corrupted, and when I go in to play my level, it glitches constantly, especially in the second and third bounce section. What I see in the second section is the wheels pushing up through the floor of the giant circle and the circle struggles to stay in the area. And in the last bounce section (the square) only the primary person enters and no other player gets to join them if multiple players are playing. If anyone is having the same problems on my level, especially if you don't have a corrupted profile please tell me so I can see if I can try to fix it so everyone can enjoy it. Otherwise if I can't fix my levels, I will probably just have to delete my entire profile and start over! And I really don't want to have to do that, but I might not have any choice. Plus, if anyone has any suggestions on how to eliminate glitches in levels, please let me know! Thanks Everyone! I look forward to your feedback!! | 2011-02-13 17:30:00 Author: MaximovSephiroth ![]() Posts: 36 |
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