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Project Interview Episode 1: Aeropulse

Archive: 2 posts

I am SO sorry guys, this was supposed to be posted sunday xD, wow, well, here it is finally, Ima do more if I come back. Here it is, starting with my most anticipated project for LBP2 so far, Aeropulse by LyrradXOX


1. Here are the current cities mentioned from the Aeropulse Updates

New Venaero
Medi Fraenko

Are there any other cities you've made, planning on making or cancelled? If so, could you give some information about any cities that haven't been told that you'd like to tell about and which have been cancelled if any have?

Hehe, well the cities that I mentioned in the updates were simply pinnacle points from which each characters story is begun ( New Ven?ro, Medi Fr?nko & F?rgio) Lum?ro is imply the place where the three protagonists will begin their adventures together. Despite the fact that I do not want to name the other locations I will say that there are 3 more with one being in production almost as a "DLC" add-on type of thing I may even add a whole new arc, though so the locales are not set in stone ^^ Oh, and I dont think that I have"cancelled any locations persay, just saved them for later ;P

2. Here are the current characters mentioned from the Aeropulse Updates

Lord Le Blaenk
Gefallenger Engel
Father Laewrence

Are there any other characters you've made, planning on making or cancelled? If so, could you give some information about any characters that haven't been told that you'd like to tell about and which have been cancelled if any have?

One character that i havent mentioned is Master M?ril, Lyrrad's adoptive father. he weaves his way in and out of the storyline, but he is important enough to mention ^^As for any other characters, I think that I have mentioned the ones with the most immediate importance.

3. A while back you had told us a control scheme for Aeropulse you planned and this had been before you were accepted into the beta from one of the updates. Here it is, copied from the thread showing it.

Movement (left analog)
Camera (right analog) Hopefully the cutscene camera is able to be control with a magic joystick >_>
Jump: (X)
Flips: (R2 & L2) You can perform a flip whenever you are airborne by holding X when you jump and pressing L2 or R2 depending on the direction that you want to flip.
?roshift: (L3) The ?roshift is move that lets you cover a short distance quickly. It can be used however you need it. Dodging attacks and traversing wide gaps after a jump are only a few ways it can be used. It is indeed one of the most versatile moves in your arsenal.

Melee Attack: (Square) Melee attacks depend strictly on the protagonist that is being utilized. They can range from graceful to violent.
?roshot: (L1 +R1) L1 is used to aim and you can press R1 to shoot (much like InFamous). You do not have unlimited shots but ofcourse your energy recharges over a short period of time. ( I may decide to add special shots when R1 is held if I can create the logic
Taunts (triangle) Taunts can be used when in a fight or chase.
HUD (d-pad) Your HUD can be toggled with the d-pad. You can check your ?ropulse levels, health and heal yourself if you have items.

Now that you've gotten to mess around a lot in create mode in the LBP2 Beta, have you made some changes to the control scheme and if so, could you show the new control scheme you've got for now at least?

Hmm, the control scheme I have made in the Beta correlated almost exactly with the one that I stated before. There were only a few minor changes such as elimination of items button due to the ability of regeneration. An addition to the scheme was the incorporporation of strong attacks and specials to the mix Strong attacks are performed by tapping the triiangle button and specials are performed by holding the triangle button after chain attacks. You can also use a close camera by pressing up on the D-pad and tilting the controller left or right to look. If any of those who have played the demo have any greivances with the scheme please send me a PM so that I can see if changes should be made

4. In the thread you created for the Aeropulse demo amde in the LBP2 Beta, you mentioned that the music for it was from one of HardSync's songs called "The Last Firefly". If he's okay with it, would you want to continue having him work with you on the soundtrack for Aeropulse, maybe there are other people you're also considering for music or both?

Oh yes Music. Well, I have talked to HardSync and I believe that he may contibute the the soundtrack, but I want music from atleast 3 or 4 artists if possible ^^ I also think that I will seek Rouriki(Now Darkcloudrepeat) as a strong candidate as well. If there is anyone else who is interested, please PM me though

5. Do you plan on adding any secret locations/characters//bosses/, references to games/movies/music/etc. or cameos from things such as other projects in Aeropulse?

Haha, oh that would be fun wouldn't it ^^ Now that you mention it, I did want to add some of my favourite game heroes in on the sly I may do that when I produce the game in LBP2. As for relations to other projects, I definitely will advertise for my fellow IF developers such as Darkcloudrepeat's Codename Change or Fish94's Skullduggery Pleasant

6. In pictures of cities plus by playing both demos that were provided in the beta, you can tell different cities had different lighting. In the final product, will any cities keep the lighting or have sort of a day/night mode and if both, which will have which?

I am planning on adding a day and night cycl maybe even time related missions. The complexity of the game is limited only to the thermo ( though I would prefer the sky XD)

7. In both the New Venaero and Massacre Demo, each character could move around and all but each character also had a special like Aerial having these yellow, talon holograms, Lyrrad having blue and purple, moon shaped holograms and Blayne having pink, claw holograms. Could you share any ideas for powers you have for any other characters we know or don't know about yet or other powers Lyrrad, Blayne or Aerial might also unlock?

So you've noticed lol well, I don't know if anyone has deduced it yet, but most of the attacks and weapons are based on various animals For example, ?riel's is a hoatzin and Blayne's is a Raccoon dog (yes lol that is a real animal. Oh, and while you type that in google images, look at a Raccoon dog, then look at Blaynes face...) The only one that cannot be directly correlated is Lyrrad's which will be revealed later on. The same concept will apply to all ?robats. At least as I have planned so far. See if you guys can guess, what some of the villains are ^^

8. Are there any kinds of settings planned for Aeropulse when it's released and if so, what kind of settings are you thinking of that you'd like to share?

Um, if by settings you mean levels of difficulty or differing controls, then no. The difficulty will not be too hard or too easy. Hopefully, there will be a massacre mode similar to that of the demo that I created on the Beta for those of you who just love to battle For those who want to platform, I will make a few levels where your evolved parkour prowess will solely be required. The latter may have to wait a bit though, due to the fact that I didn't originally plan them. There will also be an online mode where you can use your own character costume and fight others online as an ?robat. You will be able to choose a character from the stories moveset and use it for your own character.
2011-01-27 22:05:00

Posts: 5208

That was an awesome read, kept me going till the end. Great questions, great creator and great interviewer great job Lyr and dragonvar... I mean Drago ^.^''
It was such an honor to be mentioned not once but twice in the same interview.
5 stars and a heart! I am really stoked for Aeropulse, it keeps getting better and better the more I hear about it.
2011-01-28 04:24:00

Posts: 606

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