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Ground impact tremor camera

Archive: 4 posts

I made a bit of logic packed into a little object that you can drop anywhere and simulate a ground tremor hooked up with your custom actions; useful for falling rocks, a giant walking through the level, etcetera. Pick it up here: http://lbp.me/v/w2xx1y


It is a thin piece of halo with a chip on it. Open the chip and you can then add input actions to the large OR gate on the left. Modify the sound byte and the camera settings to your likings. What this object does is making a camera shake to give the impression that it is the ground that is shaking.

Comes with a bonus chip that once stuck to an object, makes that object sensitive to a tremor; it bounces up.


P.S.: through this little thing here I learned that in LBP2 one can wire up tags and activate them to get them noticed by any nearby tag sensors. In LBP1 I used to emit blocks with tags on it, but thankfully that is no longer necessary.

P.S.2: if you feel like this can improved, go ahead. I imagine the tag and bonus chip can be made redundant by replacing the tag with a global gravity changer which will affect everything that is not glued stuck.

P.S.3: updated with more bouncy, less complex logic (sequencers) and two patterns to chose from.
2011-01-26 23:55:00

Posts: 1340

Nice tutorial antikris

Is the effect permanent or can it be a quick jolt linked to a speed switch?
2011-01-27 00:37:00

Posts: 715

The bounce effect itself cannot be easily modified, since it relies on tweaked movers and timers. However, I just realized that I have completely overlooked the Sequencer. I want to check that out and see if I can create a more natural (and easily customizable!) bounce effect with way less complex logic.

P.S.: another thing I learned is that a timer set to max 1 is a great version of a memory switch. The first block after the OR gate is such a timer; it gets activated (counts to 1 immediately) and stays turned on until I reset it at the end of the whole bouncing sequence.
2011-01-27 01:00:00

Posts: 1340


The Sequencer was indeed the way to go! The logic is way less complex now, far more customizable and transparent. The bounce pattern is now also more bouncy and comes in two flavors to choose from (just switch the Selector on the circuit between 1 and 2): impact tremor (the ground moves down, for instance a rock that falls down) and earthquake pattern (the ground moves up).

The anti-gravity thing didn't turn out the way I like it, so I still use the tag.

Pick it up if you like it.
2011-01-27 18:53:00

Posts: 1340

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