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Deathless Teleporters

Archive: 10 posts

Hi! Longtime lurker, but I've only gotten round to joining today.

Anyway, I'm not sure if they've been done quite this way before, but I've been working on a teleporter mechanic which should be able to take the player across any distance without harming them or replacing them with Sackbots. It works near instantly, and is multiplayer friendly as far as I've been able to test it.
I've got a short level up now showcasing the system and giving away a commented version of the teleporters as a prize.

There's not much that can really be said about it with a screenshot, but here's a picture of what it looks like, with the third station off-screen.


There's a few more features I'd like to add, and the comments inside the logic still need some adding to, but it's all functional and it's fairly easy to add new stations, if a little fiddly.

I hope it's of use to some of you, and if there's any bugs or questions please let me know!
2011-01-26 23:49:00

Posts: 15

Pretty cool. Does it work with the use of DCS's?2011-01-26 23:56:00

Posts: 1113

Yep. There's some more underlying logic to handle when to eject players, and which station to teleport to next, but they're the crux of it.2011-01-27 00:03:00

Posts: 15

Call me a noob but i would place a controlinator and make a player sensor on one side of it then when the player goes into the radius of the play sensor they go into the controlinator and i would set it to eject player. Just go on my level Alive 4 ever Zombots revenge and you will see what i mean.2011-01-27 00:50:00

Posts: 57

That would be a simpler way to do it, and to be honest I probably have over-engineered things a bit, but could you check out how I've done things anyway?
I'd imagine the method I'm using might use less thermometer space in the long run if there's plenty of stations, as there's only one base teleporter with 4 DCSs, rather than 4 DCSs at every station, and there's a few other nifty tricks, but it's all different ways to achieve the same goal.

I'll still test out a few different things, and I'm working on allowing the player to choose which station they want to move to rather than it just being cyclical, which should be easy enough to add.
2011-01-27 01:24:00

Posts: 15

KOOL!! I must check this out!!2011-01-27 16:19:00

Unknown User

Can't wait to test it out. :-)

*Adds to queue*
2011-01-27 18:06:00

Posts: 1277

Could you explain how it works? Regardless I've qued it up; just out of curiosity though. (:2011-01-28 03:50:00

Posts: 81

I played with this level and then traced the components of the teleporter system. You've done a good job with this. I like that you've set the DCS and visible wait timer be the moving part rather than setting up DCS and timers at every station and then linking them all up. (Like I may have done in my initial thoughts on making this type of setup.)

I agree that I think this offers a lot of advantages to be used as a modular transport system since adding new nodes is a very easy process.

I've been thinking to put together a tutorial level showing off some of the useful tools, trick and methods I've found reading these boards and in my own creating that may help others out and I'm planning to use a menu + DCS transport system to let players pick the sections they want to head to. I'd like to use parts of this in that level. (With credit to you for setting up the core mover mechanic.)

2011-01-28 21:54:00

Posts: 297

Could you explain how it works? Regardless I've qued it up; just out of curiosity though. (:

The general gist of it is that there's 4 DCSs glued to a holo material, which itself has a follower set to target whichever station is currently active (a selector handling which station to activate). Once all players are in range, the DCSs grab them and ferry them all to the next station, or if the players are at an empty station, the holo/DCSs move over to meet them.

And thanks Trindall, glad it's of use!
2011-01-29 00:54:00

Posts: 15

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