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Basketball Scoring Issue

Archive: 18 posts

Hey guys,

Here's my problem:

I'm creating a basketball game, and I'm trying to make it such that a player can only score on ONE of the hoops (So one player shoots on the right hoop, one on the left) and that they receive a score from a Score Giver ONLY for shooting on the correct hoop. I'm having a helluva time with this.

One solution I tried was to use sackbots, to whom I could attach things like Keys and Key Sensors, and I was able to rig it so that only the appropriate basket for the last player to touch the ball was "ON." This was GREAT with one huge problem: My Score Giver would not give points to the Player controlling the Sackbot taking the shot.

So anyone have any ideas? I'd probably PREFER to have my prior solution with Sackbots working, as it gives me more flexibility in my level. However, if there's an issue with Score Givers and Sackbots, any other good ideas?

2011-01-26 17:25:00

Posts: 60

Put a tag sensor on the bball and put tag sensor on hoop, wire that to score bubble emitter2011-01-26 17:32:00

Unknown User

And then have the bubble drop onto my player in the controlinator?

With my original problem (Using Sackbots), The Score Giver WOULD activate (As evidenced by the "100") appearing above the hoop, but it wouldnt go to the appropriate player. Or any player.
2011-01-26 17:38:00

Posts: 60

I think you're missing a subtlety here.

I only want players to get points for scoring on "THEIR" hoop. So I need a score giver that only gives points to Player A when Player A points the ball in the hoop.

With the sackbots, I was able to do this by only having one hoop ACTIVE at any one time (The last team that touches the ball). However, the score giver wired into this didn't give the points correctly.


EDIT: What would make this work was if the Player Sensor switch could be tweaked to only detect a SPECIFIC player. Don't think that's an option.
2011-01-26 18:24:00

Posts: 60

Here's a crazy idea. You can make it so each hoop spits a score bubble into an area above the ring. When time runs out it lowers and the players collect their hoop's bubbles. Obviously that would require some honesty on the losing player's part...

Can you make it so a controllinator can only be controlled by a specific player? If so, you can use those to collect the points thru controlling sackbots to get the bubbles. I may be way off, though if you can't do that.
2011-01-26 19:10:00

Posts: 302

I'm going to keep experimenting with my Sackboy/score giver design. I just do NOT understand why it's not working:

Sackbot RED is controller by Player 1. When Sackbot RED is within a radius of the ball and grabs it, HOOP RED is "Active." With that hoop/ball sensor/etc. active, the ball going through the hoop activates a score giver. However, that score giver is not giving the points to Player 1 who is controlling the Sackbot RED that threw the ball into the hoop. That just makes no sense to me.

I know the hoop sensor is activating because "100 Points" appears above the hoop. It just never assigns it to the player.

In another level of mine, I have a sackbot with recorded behavior playing basketball, and everytime he makes it I get 10 points, even though I'm not even controlling him. So I just do not understand why the game won't give points to Player 1 when Sackbot RED scores.


EDIT: Using NOT gates, a counter, and the Reset counter input, my game is setup so that only the last team to touch the ball has an active hoop/can score. Once Team GREEN touches it, their hoop becomes active and red is deactivated. It's really kinda a nifty solution...if only my stupid score giver worked correctly.
2011-01-26 19:59:00

Posts: 60

Still doesn't work. I'm getting desperate here; this just makes no sense to me. Score Giver is activating, but not giving it to any players. what gives?2011-01-27 00:06:00

Posts: 60

Where is the score giver located? I'm pretty sure it will only work if it's on the sackbot's microchip.2011-01-27 00:10:00

Posts: 353

Where is the score giver located? I'm pretty sure it will only work if it's on the sackbot's microchip.

I've had it on the sackbots microchip. ive had it on the receiving controlinator. ive had it on the transmitting controlinator. ive had it on the ball. ive had it on the hoop.

none of these are giving points to the player. i feel like im taking crazy pills.
2011-01-27 00:17:00

Posts: 60

OK. It's Working. I think it had something to do with signal latency, but this still makes little sense to me.


I have a circuit on the ball that determines which team has last touched the ball. I combined the output of GREEN TEAM HAS BALL with the Basketball Hoop KEY SENSOR in an AND Gate. The output of the AND gate went to a "Swoosh" sound and the score giver. When the basketball went through the hoop, I was seeing "100 Points" above the ball but it wasnt going to my player.

In an experiment, I connected the Score Giver directly to the basketball hoop sensor, bypassing the "which team touched the ball" circuit. When I did this and made a basket, I was awarded points appropriately.

So I then went back to my original circuit, and added a Start Count Down timer to the output of the AND gate to increase the amount of time the signal was active. Lo and behold, I was awarded the points.

I guess it seems to me that the duration of signal was enough to activate the "score giver" sound, but not enough to allow the game to process also transferring those points to my player. I don't know. I'm not terribly happy about this solution, as it seems an unnecessary workaround to a glitch. But whatever. I'm happy it's working
2011-01-27 00:39:00

Posts: 60

OK. It's Working. I think it had something to do with signal latency, but this still makes little sense to me.


I have a circuit on the ball that determines which team has last touched the ball. I combined the output of GREEN TEAM HAS BALL with the Basketball Hoop KEY SENSOR in an AND Gate. The output of the AND gate went to a "Swoosh" sound and the score giver. When the basketball went through the hoop, I was seeing "100 Points" above the ball but it wasnt going to my player.

In an experiment, I connected the Score Giver directly to the basketball hoop sensor, bypassing the "which team touched the ball" circuit. When I did this and made a basket, I was awarded points appropriately.

So I then went back to my original circuit, and added a Start Count Down timer to the output of the AND gate to increase the amount of time the signal was active. Lo and behold, I was awarded the points.

I guess it seems to me that the duration of signal was enough to activate the "score giver" sound, but not enough to allow the game to process also transferring those points to my player. I don't know. I'm not terribly happy about this solution, as it seems an unnecessary workaround to a glitch. But whatever. I'm happy it's working

Nevermind. Broken Again. No rhyme or reason. Played It. It worked. Hit Replay. Played It. Didn't Work. Frustration.
2011-01-27 01:03:00

Posts: 60

I'm at my wits end. This is absurd.

One hoop works 100% of the time. The other never works. I've deleted the non-working one, copied/saved as an object the working one, moved it over, and it doesnt work. It just does not make any sense whatsoever.

REALLY beginning to think this is sort type of glitch. This isn't exactly my first go-around with LBP and I really don't think there's anything I'm missing. I just think it's messed up.
2011-01-27 02:19:00

Posts: 60

Maybe give the idea I put up there a shot. It may be far more simple.2011-01-27 03:39:00

Posts: 302

You might have a hole in the logic somewhere that causes it to either work or not work. Ever. Add me on PSN and send me the object, I will see what I can do.2011-01-27 03:41:00

Posts: 63

Maybe give the idea I put up there a shot. It may be far more simple.

will that work as a "versus" level?
2011-01-27 04:51:00

Posts: 60

You might have a hole in the logic somewhere that causes it to either work or not work. Ever. Add me on PSN and send me the object, I will see what I can do.

OK. I added you. I'd love your input.

I took down and rebuilt the logic. still doesnt work. same side. right side hoop works 100% as i want. left hoop doesnt give points to the player.
2011-01-27 04:52:00

Posts: 60

Just thought I'd let you guys know I fixed it last night. It turns out, it was the "Which team touched it last" mechanism on the ball that was killing the Score Giver. It was making it more complicated than it needed to be.

Similar to the advice I found, I put the Score Giver onto the Controlinator circuit board of the appropriate team (i.e. the green hoop score giver goes to a green team controlinator) BUT i HAD to detach my awesome "who touched it" logic from the score giver circuit. I actually left it intact to still light up the correct scoreboard, but it has no bearing on the scoring.

So when you have the scoreinators divided like that between controlinators, ANY basket on the green hoop goes to the Green Team, and ANY basket on the red hoop goes to the red team. This actually works BETTER my plan because it DOES penalize you for shooting at the wrong hoop.
2011-01-27 15:28:00

Posts: 60

Glad you ironed it out.2011-01-27 15:36:00

Posts: 302

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