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Sackire, Controllable Sackbot

Archive: 1 post

Hey peeps,

I've made a new sackbot that is controllable called Sackire, he has many features such as:
He can fly
He has an aimable gun
The gun shoots fire and water
And his body faces the direction he is going (while he is flying)

He is showcased in my new level (first creation I've ever published! ) called 'Sackire controllable sackbot' Please play it and give me ideas on how I can improve him and if its even faintly possible i'll have a go.
Before you say anything about the dodgy steering i could of either had him face the way he was going or have better steering, tell me which one you would prefer please.
I'm giving him away as a prize when the level gets 20 thumbs ups.

See yas
2011-01-26 11:24:00

Unknown User

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