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Effective Sequencer Instrument Combos/Settings?

Archive: 7 posts

Now, I've heard some music with very good usage of the sequencer. Some are so good I can't recognize what instrument is what, the sounds blend or something. idk.

Anyways, I'm into orchestral music and stuff; well, music in general, but some things I need help on.
A list of stuff that I want to learn to 'produce' or substitute:
-Trumpets, I know I can use the concertia (?), but is there anything that can be put together for a good trumpet sound?
-Orchestral strings, I know there's synth strings, but there was a level somewhere, and one song had very nice sounding strings and such, unlike the technoish feel when I use synth string. How do I make a natural sounding not-so-technoish string sound?
-Flute, again I think I heard a good flute sound, but probably could be bells or such.
-Timpani, aka big booming drum, is it just making a reverbed percussion kit?
-French Horn, doubt it be possible but hey who knows?
-Organ, I need a good organ-ish sound...

Umm yeah, if any of these can be solved, that will be VERY appreciated.
2011-01-26 04:47:00

Posts: 578

-Orchestral strings, I know there's synth strings, but there was a level somewhere, and one song had very nice sounding strings and such, unlike the technoish feel when I use synth string. How do I make a natural sounding not-so-technoish string sound?
I specifically heard a good violin noise in a Zelda level, but it was from the beta, so anything from it is lost and I don't know the creator. Dissapointing, because I really need a good violin or strings sound too.
2011-01-26 04:51:00

Posts: 4193

I specifically heard a good violin noise in a Zelda level, but it was from the beta, so anything from it is lost and I don't know the creator. Dissapointing, because I really need a good violin or strings sound too.

Now that you mention it, I did hear it in a Zelda song...



Oh yeah! I remember not long ago playing a level in the retail game by a certain 'cortster12' or so and hearing the strings. I think I asked that guy about the strings but I haz no reply...
2011-01-26 05:00:00

Posts: 578

Now that you mention it, I did hear it in a Zelda song...



Oh yeah! I remember not long ago playing a level in the retail game by a certain 'cortster12' or so and hearing the strings. I think I asked that guy about the strings but I haz no reply...

Do you have the move pack? If not, I can tell you something very obvious you might not have tried yet.

2011-11-22 05:17:00

Unknown User

get the MOVE pack2011-11-22 12:48:00

Posts: 3910

... I can tell you something very obvious you might not have tried yet.
Something also obvious is that he hadn't the move pack when he posted.... a year ago. : P
2011-11-22 20:16:00

Posts: 167

Combining two channels of the same instrument, but with one them having the notes' treble shifted, can lead to interesting results with string like instruments. Also, play with reverb and L/R balance settings.

Keep in mind that a single note rarely sounds as good as a chord. I'd play with chords first before worrying about what intrument combo sounds best.

Perhaps inspirational (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=65315-Craftworld-Aleste-Some-music&p=952990)? (various non-Move and Move instruments combined, about 5 - 8 unique instruments total per song)

Edit: also, perhaps this helps. 2nd row is base, 4th and 5th (and 7th or the first half) leading instruments and 6th and 7th (2nd half) are background strings+aahs. I'll put this track up on youtube soon.

2011-11-23 15:31:00

Posts: 1340

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