Noob help required please :-)
Archive: 8 posts
Hi Guys, firstly a little bug hello to everyone as this is my first post. Looks like a great site and I will be a regular visitor now I just got the game ![]() have a couple of really noob questions so please forgive me.. 1. I downloaded the two free sackboy costumes from the store this week spacesuit and the pumpkin. Thing is when i go in game and go my costumes they are not there? I have installed them and have rebooted the PS3 but just cant find where to change to them in game. Im only a couple of levels in so could this be an issue? 2. Do you need the playstation eye to put your own photos etc into the game as stickers etc or can you use a normal camara somehow? Thanks in advance for your help. Regards, Beef | 2008-11-11 10:30:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I believe the costumes are arranged in their separate sections ie. torso and so on and so forth. I've downloaded them but I haven't even checked for them yet :/ As for the camera question, I'm pretty sure that if your camera has a USB cable, it can be used to take photos. I am yet to test that out though. Also, if you have the EyeToy from the PS2, that would work as well ![]() | 2008-11-11 10:34:00 Author: Stix489 ![]() Posts: 2080 |
Did you install the costumes on the same profile you use to play? Did you install them before any system updates or game updates? A playstation eye is the best way to get photos in, but I believe you can use certain cameras/webcams. I can't be any more help on this as I have an Eye (mainly for the excellent mic tbh) And welcome to the site ![]() | 2008-11-11 10:35:00 Author: Piratepete ![]() Posts: 110 |
Did you install the costumes on the same profile you use to play? Did you install them before any system updates or game updates? A playstation eye is the best way to get photos in, but I believe you can use certain cameras/webcams. I can't be any more help on this as I have an Eye (mainly for the excellent mic tbh) And welcome to the site ![]() Thanks guys for the quick reply! To answer your questions, yes I installed them using the profile I use to play infact my kids play under their own profile so i downloaded it there too but still no joy on ether profile.. All system / LBP updates were done prior to DLC and install. I did look under the torso etc thinking same that they maybe separate items but didnt see them there. One thing Im thinking now is when I pre ordered the game it came from ASIA could this be the problem? or can you download and install say from the USA site for a UK game and vs versa? Cant see how this would make any difference as it does not with other games but just a thought.. Ill do more digging into the camera thing. I do have a digital cam but not a web / eyecam. Maybe I need to have it connected to pull the pics from it? I will try later tonight and if i get it sorted post here to help others. Cheers again or help. | 2008-11-11 12:05:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
the quickest way to check if you got everything is to look at the "eyes" section of your costumes. the first item should now be a huge honking cyclopes eye. if you see that, the other stuff is in there, you're just missing it. if you don't see that well... then something is amiss. you might be running into some localization issues... not sure how to check for that. | 2008-11-11 13:27:00 Author: Conall-Star ![]() Posts: 157 |
Yes you will need to order any downloadable content from the same regions PSN store as your disc is from. DLC is region coded, I have a USA disc but can't use anything from the Australian store so get everything from the USA store. Regarding images you have to use a PS Eye or webcam supported by the PS3, you can not use a camera, there is some talk of allowing importing of images from the PS3 HDD in a future upgrade. Cheers QuozL | 2008-11-11 13:29:00 Author: QuozL ![]() Posts: 921 |
Yes you will need to order any downloadable content from the same regions PSN store as your disc is from. DLC is region coded, I have a USA disc but can't use anything from the Australian store so get everything from the USA store. Regarding images you have to use a PS Eye or webcam supported by the PS3, you can not use a camera, there is some talk of allowing importing of images from the PS3 HDD in a future upgrade. Cheers QuozL great thanks for that I bet thats the problem! ill set up a HKG account and have a bash at downloading from there (Assuming they are actually there!) and let you know. Shame about not being able to use your actual cam for pics but I guess its a ploy to sell more eye cams ![]() Again thanks for all the help really apreciate it.. Regards, beef | 2008-11-11 14:49:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Just to update you were correct! When i downloaded from the HKG store they were there fine. This sort of screws me up for getting anything that I have to pay for but Its Sony's loss, why they regeon lock this stuff is beyond me. Anyway hope this helps other out.. Thanks again beef | 2008-11-12 12:15:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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