Metal Gear Solid 4 Discussion
Archive: 9 posts
I didn't find a thread like this and maybe there's no interest in one, but I thought I'd try anyway. This is a thread for those who have played through and beaten MGS4 and want to talk about it, namely the story. Of course, be respectful and use the spoiler tags. My main motivation is that I have some questions and I just beat the game last week. I was digging the plot until I got to the very end. What was the point of Liquid Ocelot being the antagonist if he always wanted Snake to succeed? Why send the beauties against him and Vamp and all that if he really wanted Snake to succeed? Just so that the Patriots wouldn't know? Is that why Naomi kept acting like she was double crossing everyone? Also, what was the point of Snake and Liquid fighting that last battle if they were on the same side? Snake never seemed like they kind of character to me who fought just for the hell of it. Why didn't Snake die from Foxdie but Big Boss did? I didn't quite get that. Was it ever explained how Otacon got Sunny and why they were always inside that plane? It's been a long time since I played MGS2, and I almost beat MGS3 but never fully did. Was Meryl only mad at Campbell because he was pretending (unbeknown to her, I know) to be with Raiden's wife? After Snake was microwaved, was that muscle fiber hanging out of his shoulder or just padding from his suit? Anyone else enjoy how the boss battles were little homages to the previous games? ![]() Feel free to talk about more than just what I've started there ![]() Elton | 2008-11-11 06:48:00 Author: Eptiger ![]() Posts: 128 |
Did you even watch the cutscenes?... I understood the whole thing.... ![]() | 2008-11-11 07:10:00 Author: TheArmedReaper ![]() Posts: 1543 |
Yeah I watched all of them, but there were a lot of cutscenes and it took me 3 months to beat it because work had been busy and I only played when I had time. So everyone who played through the game didn't have any questions about it? Really? Elton | 2008-11-11 07:26:00 Author: Eptiger ![]() Posts: 128 |
Amazing game. Beat it on extreme. Beat it with 0 kills, 0 alerts and 0 continues. | 2008-11-11 07:41:00 Author: dip ![]() Posts: 22 |
I have to be honest I thought Hideo ruined the end. It would have much more dramatic impact if the final scene was where snake shot himself and he left it at that. Having Big Boss and Zero coming out was just over egging the pudding. | 2008-11-11 09:02:00 Author: Piratepete ![]() Posts: 110 |
What was the point of Liquid Ocelot being the antagonist if he always wanted Snake to succeed? Why send the beauties against him and Vamp and all that if he really wanted Snake to succeed? Just so that the Patriots wouldn't know. Is that why Naomi kept acting like she was double crossing everyone? Yes. Also, what was the point of Snake and Liquid fighting that last battle if they were on the same side? Snake never seemed like they kind of character to me who fought just for the hell of it. Because of Liquid's methods of achieving his goals. Why didn't Snake die from Foxdie but Big Boss did? Not sure will check later. Was it ever explained how Otacon got Sunny and why they were always inside that plane? The Patriots had Sunny and Raiden saved her and gave her to Otacon to raise. Was Meryl only mad at Campbell because he was pretending (unbeknown to her, I know) to be with Raiden's wife? Yes. Well I guess some of the stuff that happened in Shadow Moses as well... and the fact that he pretended to be her uncle but was actually her father. After Snake was microwaved, was that muscle fiber hanging out of his shoulder or just padding from his suit? Suit. Muscle fiber is not grey. Anyone else enjoy how the boss battles were little homages to the previous games? Loved it ![]() | 2008-11-13 17:52:00 Author: Burrich ![]() Posts: 1018 |
I understood it. You really do have to know everything about the other games to understand it though. Which is a major reason why I love the series, the story is so incredible and intricate. And the final fight with Ocelot was my favourite boss battle ever. | 2008-11-13 18:50:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I loved this game. I also got the big boss emblem (no kills, deaths, alerts, in under 5 hours on the boss extreme) which was great fun to get. | 2008-11-13 19:31:00 Author: Crowlerzors ![]() Posts: 241 |
What was the point of Liquid Ocelot being the antagonist if he always wanted Snake to succeed? Why send the beauties against him and Vamp and all that if he really wanted Snake to succeed? Just so that the Patriots wouldn't know. Is that why Naomi kept acting like she was double crossing everyone? Yes. Also, what was the point of Snake and Liquid fighting that last battle if they were on the same side? Snake never seemed like they kind of character to me who fought just for the hell of it. Because of Liquid's methods of achieving his goals. Why didn't Snake die from Foxdie but Big Boss did? Not sure will check later. Was it ever explained how Otacon got Sunny and why they were always inside that plane? The Patriots had Sunny and Raiden saved her and gave her to Otacon to raise. Was Meryl only mad at Campbell because he was pretending (unbeknown to her, I know) to be with Raiden's wife? Yes. Well I guess some of the stuff that happened in Shadow Moses as well... and the fact that he pretended to be her uncle but was actually her father. After Snake was microwaved, was that muscle fiber hanging out of his shoulder or just padding from his suit? Suit. Muscle fiber is not grey. Anyone else enjoy how the boss battles were little homages to the previous games? Loved it ![]() Pretty much. Foxdie didn't kill him cause it was made to target people with certain genes. If it killed snake himself... it would be pointless cause he couldn't get to the targets! Also.... remember snake has the recessive genes from Big Boss. So they're not excact duplicates. With Meryl... i was under the impression it was more to do with the Uncle/Father thing. Snakes suit is a muscle suit basically. It's made to enhance his strength and agility etc. Hence why it looks kind of like muscle. | 2008-11-13 21:00:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
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