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Shadowsack BETA

Archive: 5 posts

My very first creation of lbp 2, i present the SHADOWSACK!!!!!

**oooooooohhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Ahhhhhhhhhhh**

Complete with double jumping, super speed, flying,killing other sackbots, sliding of walls and more, this can all be yours for only 1 easy payment of searching "shadowsack beta" or my psn id: AssassinshooterX

Check this (http://lbp.me/u/AssassinShooterX/photos) site out for pics!!

Thank you, and good night!
2011-01-25 19:27:00

Posts: 176

Wow, the sackbot looks AMAZING! What hair did you use you it?
Btw, I'll check this out!
2011-01-26 21:44:00

Posts: 607

Oh, Sorry, i forgot to mention, the sackbots costume was from a level i played. Ill check which one when i get to my ps3. Also my future plans with these guys are to make a somewhat dragon ball z style level where you fight ennemies like this. Also maybe a platformer.2011-01-26 22:33:00

Posts: 176

You have no Idea how similar that bot is to my one
The double jump on yours is a lot smoother and instead of flying mine does a flaming air dash. Oh and mine does a few (strangely enough) dragonball Z looking fighting moves (shoots fireballs and paralysing waterdrops, shockwave ground slam, and can drop a shield)
But the wall run/glide is almost identical
And I designed (what must be a very similar) respawning system too.

Too bad I've never published mine (yet) or I'd accuse a certain someone of being a thief...
Or a mind reader...
Or a Ninja hacker...
Stay out of my head
2011-01-27 23:09:00

Posts: 15

Dude! My thoughts exactly add me on psn, we can work on some sackbots for a dragon ball z type level! I already have a couple ideas in mind! Combos, air battle, animations!!! It could be awesome! Btw my double jump is pretty simple. Its simply a ground sensor attached the the reset of two counters, the first is a 1 hit counter and the second is a two hit counter. The counter goes to a timer whitch goes to a mover and voila! My psn is: AssassinshooterX

Hope we can work together some time!
2011-01-28 03:42:00

Posts: 176

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