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All-In-1 Wireless Controlinator System (logic object + level galleria)

Archive: 6 posts



Published this a few days back, as soon as I finished story mode, a remake/rebuild of a logic-style concept and level I made in the beta. This is a logic tutorial of sorts, and just my style of handling LBP2 logic in clean, wireless way where every single button is mapped out with a basic logic function assigned to a coinciding labeled tag signal and a tag sensor set/list that acts as my main controller for most everything I build (including my upcoming Brain Ape project).

I personally think it's the best foundation for building complex object behavior and sackbot controls in the long-run, as things become more and more complex in your builds. Even if you build your own logic and systems from scratch, I'd recommend taking a look at this controlinator and sensor set-up in create mode and taking whatever modus you can from it. There's huge toolkits and microchip button stickers as prizes, as well as that hand-crafted Dual Shock 3 replica. It's labeled and organized much cleaner than it was in the beta, and the toolkit shared is much easier to identify visually.

Although, you really only need to make one 5000 radius tag sensor and copy it/select a label from there once the main controlinator is placed.
2011-01-25 17:21:00

Unknown User

All Queued Up! Hope to take a look at this level soon...2011-01-25 23:43:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

I got mine! I'll take a look at it when I get a chance. Thanks for sharing it! 2011-01-26 00:58:00

Posts: 641

Fantastic! I'm always having trouble with Controlinators and getting mixed up with the wiring, this looks like it should solve that.

Added to my queue, I'll definitely check it out the next chance I get.
2011-01-26 23:56:00

Posts: 15

ahh sweet this will b handy thanks for sharing, <3ing ur creations so far 2011-01-29 07:24:00

Posts: 15

This seems mighty handy dandy for anyone who gets their wires crossed when setting up the DCS but Imma queue this and tell you about it when I get back

...And I am back. Now, that was a nice level, explained all the logic clearly, the background looked nice: use of the Avalonia music theme was well thought and using Avalon himself as a guide, quite dapper plus, everyone loves free prizes well done!
2011-01-30 00:55:00

Posts: 82

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