~New Music Video Level~
Archive: 5 posts
It seems to me not alot of the music levels are making an effort to make any nice visuals or scenery. Really simple or blank levels almost just to showcase a small part of a licensed song that more often than not has a few off-notes or is missing a track or two. ![]() Anyway I spent a good amount of time making this one, close to a week(40+hrs) I made sure everything is in sync. The lights go in time with the music and such. I've added some holo animations to the stage light show and a good variety through out the song. The level theme is kind of a live rock concert stage show I guess. So check it out and if anyone knows of any other music levels that are up to par with this one please send 'em my way. I'd like to give them a play. ![]() Audio/Video (http://lbp.me/v/wyfsfp) http://lbp.me/v/http://lbp | 2011-01-25 08:24:00 Author: Fated For Failure ![]() Posts: 81 |
This is incredible, the sequencer must have been a pain to get right. Hearted the level and you as a creator. | 2011-01-26 16:53:00 Author: resistance1 ![]() Posts: 812 |
Thanks for the listen! | 2011-01-26 20:24:00 Author: Fated For Failure ![]() Posts: 81 |
Updated some sync issues with the lighting in one segment. (Sorry for double post, but I've seen others do it with no consequences) (page 5, no activity for 2 days. come on ; ![]() p.s. My lbp.me level info was never added to the top of my original post. why? I did the OP as usual it just isn't there. I provided the lbp.me info link and everything. >.< | 2011-01-28 23:25:00 Author: Fated For Failure ![]() Posts: 81 |
Try using the "LBP.me link goes here" tags to wrap the link to your lbp.me page. Put that at the top of your post and the stats should appear. | 2011-02-06 14:29:00 Author: Holguin86 ![]() Posts: 875 |
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