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Tech Tonic (Challenging Platformer)

Archive: 49 posts

Recently published my first LBP 2 level Tech Tonic and it has a whopping *gasp* six views! Its just a solid platformer, nothing fancy but its got some intricacies and I put quite a bit of time into it. I guess I'm doing this F4F thing so just post a link to your level's thread after you've left feedback and ill play and leave feedback on your level. I think i'm misunderstanding the system so whoever posts first, let me know how to find and leave feedback on your level. Overall, I enjoy making levels in LBP, but it really hasnt been worth it so far because no one's playing my levels
2011-01-25 00:52:00

Unknown User

Hey, Juggler! Just got done checking out your level.

The platforming was great! Really great flow and put together very well, really my only complaint is that I wish that it was longer! Needs more of that solid platforming you've laid down the foundation for : D I hope I see some even longer platforming levels from you in the future.

If you'd like to leave feedback on my LBP2 puzzle level Zen Mastermind, you can find the thread here: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=45106-Zen-Mastermind-by-Elijah_Caine After you've played through it, l you can leave your feedback in that thread.

I just want to add, I feel your pain on working hard on levels that it seems you just can't get out there. My first level I made in LBP 1 was a massive undertaking, took me over a hundred hours of creation. I put it in the forums, took in all the great constructive criticism from the LBPC members and polished it to be the best I could, but in the end the level never got off the ground and into the wild like I had hoped. I don't think there's any right formula to find lightning in a bottle (or even just a spark), just keep making levels that are fun for you to play and create, and share them. Take advantage of the F4F system to spread awareness of your levels, and with solid platforming like you've laid the foundation for here, you'll have something to build upon and make a name for yourself with the right amount of effort
2011-01-25 01:29:00

Unknown User

Elijah: Thanks for the comments, I realized that it was fairly short but I wanted to publish it to see how much activity I could get on it before I put a bunch more time into it. Overall the platforming will be foremost in most of my levels because that's what i like playing the most. I'll check out your level right now.2011-01-25 01:41:00

Unknown User

Nice level

Reminded me of a cross between N+ and Bionic Commando. Only advice I can think of is that the first re-spawn point has limited continues and the 2nd one is infinite.

Good job!
2011-01-25 01:59:00

Posts: 10

Spamfish: I noticed that when I first made the level and forgot to go back and fix it, thanks for the reminder.2011-01-25 02:12:00

Unknown User

Hey I'm queuing it to play tomorrow. Will you try my work in progress Bird Hunting, it's in the cool levels sub forum here.2011-01-25 04:08:00

Posts: 790

Very good. and a <3.
You need to add a grappling hook at the first checkpoint, if you die there you can't continue. Also, I didn't really get a "computery" type vibe from any of the visuals. I really like your use of bounce pads, especially the very beginning and around the scoreboard at the end. Some of the grappling was very fun too, although I thought the section where you can bounce up and hit electricity was a bit too difficult. Once again, very good, I really enjoyed it.
2011-01-26 15:58:00

Unknown User

queued it for later 2011-01-26 16:24:00

Posts: 38

Bill: Thanks for the criticism. I'll fix the grappling hook issue, someone pointed out to me that the entrance to the level was the only non-infinite checkpoint so I created an infinite one but forgot that you cant get to the grappling hook from there. And the computer thing was definitely an afterthought, I just liked using a lot of chrome and figured I could make it sort of techy by adding some circuitboards and electricity. Anyways, thanks for the feedback2011-01-26 17:58:00

Unknown User

For Starters, I couldn't finish the level because the launcher kept dropping me and it doesn't have an oops switch to reset its position.

I like the look of your level and I definitely like the feel of it.

I was hung up on the 'Zig Zag to Bounce Pad Death via Electricity' for a bit but I got the hang of it. I must say there should be a check point Immediately after that.
When I go to flip the switch to lower the platform, climb the awkward stairs, bounce myself up to the newly lowered platform and die because the camera was so far away I couldn't see the dangerous floor; I won't have to to the 'Zig Zag to Bounce Pad Death via Electricity' again lol.
2011-01-27 03:50:00

Posts: 17

Norseman: The first part with the bounce pads is meant to do the work for you, you just jump down, dont touch anything until it bounces you to the right and then u just grapple up. There's a checkpoint right at this part so you shouldn't have had to do it more than once. The launcher has some problems once in a while but I don't really see the cause of them so it's difficult to fix... Regardless, thanks for the feedback.2011-01-27 04:35:00

Unknown User

No no, The area after that. The one that I'm sure Bill is talking about. Its immediately before the flip switching area.2011-01-27 21:09:00

Posts: 17

Ah, I see what you mean. I guess I could use a checkpoint there.2011-01-27 21:42:00

Unknown User

Another heart and some smilies! keep em comin, I wish people would comment why they didnt like the level if theyre gonna give it a bad rating2011-01-28 02:52:00

Unknown User

Hey I played a little bit of your level but didn't get to finish because i had company come over. But I have one thing. The part where you come to ledge and you have to jump down and grapple a piece right under where you were just standing and the floor below is electrified. I think that the player should be able to see any hazards before getting killed by them. I just came to the ledge and jumped down, only to be killed. Other than that though, what I saw of my brief half play looked pretty good.2011-01-28 03:01:00

Posts: 494

Kitkasumass: Thank you for pointing that out, those are the kinds of things I have a hard time fixing when I'm the one testing because I know exactly what to do already. I'll change the camera angle on that part.2011-01-28 03:17:00

Unknown User

Level Update: Stairs have been turned into less-awkward bounce platforms. Changed camera angles so that there are no obstacles that can't be predicted. Various other aesthetic changes. Keep the feedback coming2011-01-28 03:56:00

Unknown User

Great! I'm gonna queue it up again for a full play through.2011-01-28 03:59:00

Posts: 494

Yo got around to playing it again. Saw you added in a new grappling hook at the second checkpoint so I could actually get through it this time. Funny enough I didn't die a single time this play through though, hah, but anyways the only problem I had with it is it's kinda short. I had fun with it, and it all looked nice.

Though maybe the place with that switch, put it a little higher so you HAVE to grapple it to pull it? I dunno just a thought. Gonna play it again now
2011-01-28 04:01:00

Posts: 790

Kitkasumass: Did I already leave feedback on one of your level? I can't recall but if I haven't then hit me up with a link2011-01-28 04:08:00

Unknown User

After playing this a couple of times trying to get a better score, after you pull that switch which lowers the electrified wall, when you swing arcoss the wall and then there's that bounce pad there, there is only a bounce pad in one layer, while it is the layer you spawn on, you can still move back, and so in theory, you should put bounce pads in all the layers that the play has actual access to.

And the cannon that shoots you out... You can activate it like as soon as you're in it, which shoots you back wards maybe apply some logic that lets you activate it at a certian point, or maybe make it activate on it's own after it's moved into place?

2011-01-28 04:12:00

Posts: 790

LukeCF: I'll fix the bouncepad thing next time I go in for a level edit. The cannon is basically relying on player competence at this point because it shifts to the right with proximity but theres no way to get it back. It basically only allows 1 try at this point and the shooting of the cannon is really just dissolving material that drops you onto some bounce pads. If i want to fix most of this, it's going to take pretty much a complete overhaul of that part so I'll eventually get to that. For now, I think most people will be able to manage, and if they cant then at least its the end of the level anyways.

EDIT: Better admire that high score cuz i'm not stopping til I beat it lol
EDIT 2: Edged you by 1000, step ya game up!
2011-01-28 04:19:00

Unknown User

If I were you what I'd do for the cannon would be as follows:
See how long it takes for it to get in place.
Add a timer into your logic system, set it for the amount of time it takes for the cannon to get into place.
Have the timer activated by the player sensor that starts the cannon moving.
Connect the timer to the dissolve.
That way when the player enters the cannon, it starts to mve, and once it gets fixed in place, it fires you.

Now this would allow you to still grab it and destory the disolve yourself, so I'd replace it with sponge and add a destoryer to it that the timer activates to make the sponge dissolve.

Make sense?
2011-01-28 04:31:00

Posts: 790

Yea totally. I'll make it more user-friendly this weekend sometime. And thread moved into the cool levels section! sweet2011-01-28 04:34:00

Unknown User

Welcome to the cool levels! Hey I need to decide what to do for the next update of my level, will you go see the options on my thread and tell me what you think I should focus on?2011-01-28 04:43:00

Posts: 790

yea ill go there right now2011-01-28 04:47:00

Unknown User

GAHHH!!!! #$^#@$ Like thirty freaking points below your score!!!

Edit: 18,039. Little more than a thousand over yours. Have fun beating it.

(By the way if I'm late to my Soc100 class tomorrow, I'm blaming you for keeping me up playing LBP2 till past midnight. This level is great man, LOVE the score chains.)

Didn't realize how much fun it was till I started trying to get the score chains...

Another Edit: You say the level is challenging. I don't think it's all that hard, just saying. The difficulty only really shines if you're trying to get the score combos...
2011-01-28 05:04:00

Posts: 790

Haha i have an 8 am class too. And if at least one person really likes my level then i think that makes it worthwhile. I'll continue to check out your bird hunting level as you update it to see what you come up with2011-01-28 06:26:00

Unknown User

by the way, have you looked on LBP.ME recent?

"LukeCF Hearted this level . Rated it Rated it YAY! . Played it 103 times. Scored 18,039. "
It took me 103 tries to beat your high score. Granted I restarted in the first 30 seconds for most of those plays (I was trying to get those first two freaking score combos XD).
But Still, I find that hilarious. I've played your level more times than eveyone combined has played my level. hah.

Edit: Oh yeah, are you working on anything else right now or?

Edit edit: I saw you republished it recently. What all did you change?
2011-01-28 06:35:00

Posts: 790

Haha I saw under recent activity that you had played it 60 something times. I'm trying to think of a unique idea at the moment so I'm not really working on anything. I'd like to learn the film tools and make a LBP rap battle but that depends on a lot. Do you think my level would get moderated if I substituted beeps for cusses? for example "who gives a *beep* ". Anyways I'll probably start something new this weekend2011-01-28 18:14:00

Unknown User

Rap Battles? Sadly that does not sound like something I'd be interested in... -_-2011-01-28 20:33:00

Posts: 790

its in my queue. when you get the chance please F4F my "jelly cave" level https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=45612-Jelly-Cave. I'll leave my feedback in the reviews in game 2011-01-28 20:47:00

Posts: 71

LukeCF: hahaha you'd think it was funny
Racer: I'll queue it up and leave my review on your level
2011-01-28 21:06:00

Unknown User

Not bad.
- Died through no fault of my own on the first section. (Bounced up into hazard)
- Can't see hazard after 2-way switch.
- On second replay I hit R1 as soon as I landed in the cannon, it shot me diagonally, then I fell into a hazard. The cannon didn't reset, so I couldn't continue.
+ Bounce pads on scoreboard were fun.
+ Nice clean look.
2011-01-28 21:28:00

Posts: 2513

Midnight: I'm going to work on the cannon, it only allows for one attempt at the moment but I will switch up some things. The part at the beginning is best if you jump down and dont press anything until the grapple, but I die sometimes at that part 2. Either way I personally like the first part so I'll probably keep that the same. Thanks for the suggestions.2011-01-29 00:09:00

Unknown User

Midnight: I'm going to work on the cannon, it only allows for one attempt at the moment but I will switch up some things. The part at the beginning is best if you jump down and dont press anything until the grapple, but I die sometimes at that part 2. Either way I personally like the first part so I'll probably keep that the same. Thanks for the suggestions.

I like it too, it requires careful measures...
2011-01-29 02:06:00

Posts: 790

I played it and liked the quick pace of the level, but as has been said, it was all too brief for me to heart. Fortunately I didn't run into any problems when I played it. Good job.

~ Blob
2011-01-29 02:08:00

Posts: 10

Blob: I'll admit that it is rather on the short side. I just liked what I had so far on that level and wanted to test out the updated community to see if I'd get more plays. Next level will be much longer. I think i'm going for an aztec temple theme next2011-01-29 21:00:00

Unknown User

I played it and liked the quick pace of the level, but as has been said, it was all too brief for me to heart. Fortunately I didn't run into any problems when I played it. Good job.

~ Blob

Try and play it until you beat my high score and I can promise you you'll get plenty of fun out of it
2011-01-29 21:01:00

Posts: 790

Loved the way that when i got in the mode of things, i managed to play through this level really fluidly, up until the cannon.

Unfortunately it had the same issues others have mentioned in this level, but other than that i had great fun, and actually enjoyed my several play throughs to get back to the cannon!

Also it would be nice if it was a bit longer, but i know you wanted to get it out there for people to play and i respect that, so good job anyway!

My mini-game is in my sig if you feel like returning the feedback
2011-01-29 22:13:00

Posts: 134

Steve: Yea my main goal was to make a platformer that was smooth and felt good. Next level should be much longer.2011-01-30 19:36:00

Unknown User

Hey just`played the level and it was pretty good. A fun platformer and I liked the design. One suggestion I have is to maybe tweak the first obstacle a bit since it's kind of more luck than skill and that could make it a bit frustrating. Other than that, nice level.

If you could F4F my level A Helping Hand (in my sig) I would really appreciate it.
2011-01-31 00:35:00

Posts: 1318

Hey just`played the level and it was pretty good. A fun platformer and I liked the design. One suggestion I have is to maybe tweak the first obstacle a bit since it's kind of more luck than skill and that could make it a bit frustrating. Other than that, nice level.

If you could F4F my level A Helping Hand (in my sig) I would really appreciate it.

Actually there is a way to do it. It just takes a couple tries to figure it out. While going for the high score I figured out how to get most of the point bubbles most of the time.
2011-01-31 00:39:00

Posts: 790

LukeCF: Beat your high score! And just got 50 unique players trophy from this level so thanks for playing guys2011-02-01 03:02:00

Unknown User

LukeCF: Beat your high score! And just got 50 unique players trophy from this level so thanks for playing guys

Crap that means I'll have to play this a hundred more times! hah.
2011-02-01 03:30:00

Posts: 790

Hey, a buddy from the hard platforming section of LBP2! Check out my own hard platformer in my sig! I've already Q'd yours.2011-02-01 04:21:00

Posts: 288

LukeCF: haha please do, I'm almost to the 500 total plays pin2011-02-02 01:48:00

Unknown User

Hey, a buddy from the hard platforming section of LBP2! Check out my own hard platformer in my sig! I've already Q'd yours.

Yofig yours is 10 times harder then this one at least. At least. hah. But this one is fun anyway.

And I might have to juggler. I might have to. hah
2011-02-02 03:57:00

Posts: 790

Mine's more of a fast moving, more forgiving level, while YoFig's is about carefully aiming jumps and being careful. Just a different style, both fun2011-02-04 02:38:00

Unknown User

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