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reversable selector logic

Archive: 6 posts

hello folks,

On the selector logic, when you hook up a wire to the cycle input it automatically cycles left to right. Is there a way to have it cycle in reverse? I've hooked up two selector logics and hooked them up in reverse order, but this would not work for me. I am making an MP3 player and I want to be able to cycle through my library of songs forward and reverse....hope this makes sense.
2011-01-25 00:06:00

Posts: 163

did u try adjusting the number of ports on the selector?

OH... i get it so u want to make it scroll both up and down
i see.. hmm...(will put response if i can think of it)

edit2: if only u could inverse the cycle rotation

OR.. u could have a wheel with a bolt(the one that goes back and forth at a limit i forogt the name) and put
magnetic switches on the edges of the circle----No.. scratch that ><
someone else got any ideas?
2011-01-25 00:09:00

Posts: 107

disregard.....a battery in negative state combined with an "and" gate switches deirection.2011-01-25 00:10:00

Posts: 163

I prefer direction combiners for that kind of thing rather than AND gates. You don't need to negativitize... negativize... negate the battery, 'cuz a positive signal routed through the negative input of the combiner will come out negative.2011-01-25 04:33:00

Posts: 2188

lol MATH in lbp 2........... why not just have a selector select the second selector, in other words, two lefts make a right. at least i think that works....... I dont have access to my ps3 right now so i cant check.2011-01-25 04:57:00

Posts: 176

I prefer direction combiners for that kind of thing rather than AND gates. .

This is the way to add increment / decrement inputs to a selector and a counter. it's neat and visually obvious - ping the (+) to go up, ping the (-) to go down - as your systems get more complex, the ability to make them self-annotate (be understandable at a glance) is invaluable.

lol MATH in lbp 2
Dude, I'm pulling 2-operand multiplication, division, instantaneous differentiation... all sorts of maths going on in my logic
2011-01-25 08:56:00

Posts: 6497

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