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Is there an easy way to disable controls on a remotely controlled sackbot?

Archive: 3 posts

Hey all. I'm just trying to disable controls on a player controlled sackbot for a moment in my level. It's not during a cutscene, and I don't want the black bars that come with completely disabling player controls with a cutscene camera. Is there a quick way to do this built in somewhere, or do I have to wire every input on the sackbot through an and gate which also checks for disabling the controls.... I've tried wiring a tag sensor into the "contrillinator active" input on the controllinator, but it doesn't seem to do anything at all.

hmm, I just thought of another way while I was typing. I could put the receiving controlliator on a microchip and disable the microchip when I want to. New question, for anyway who wants to take a guess (if you know for sure that's even better!): Does putting my controllinator on a microchip within a microchip on my sackbot increase input lag at all? I'm making a game where adding any delay would make it not a good solution.

Thanks for reading,

2011-01-24 20:51:00

Posts: 81

You can disable controllinators by connecting something into the eject input (on the controllinator itself, not the circuitboard). 2011-01-24 21:14:00

Posts: 927

At first I thought you were just telling me to eject my players' sackboys, Nuclearfish, but then I realized you might have meant wiring something into the receiving controllinator on the sackbot and not the transmitting controllinator. It works perfectly! Thanks so much!

2011-01-24 21:59:00

Posts: 81

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