First Level using some LBP2 Gizmos.
Archive: 9 posts
Someone mentioned that this has already been the name of a level. When I searched for it nothing came up... Including my own which was weird. Anyway, Just trying to get some people to play it and tell me what they're thoughts are. It works best in Single Player but its much funner (as all games are) with multiple players. I tried to make it a Versus Level but the Checkpoints started Freaking out on me so I switched it to Co-op instead. Thanks for your Feedback! http://lbp.me/v/wv54sy | 2011-01-24 20:01:00 Author: Norseman ![]() Posts: 17 |
I'll play yours if you play mine ![]() I have a forum thread up right now for it, it's called Bird Hunting ![]() | 2011-01-24 20:48:00 Author: LukeCF ![]() Posts: 790 |
Okay, let me start out I did not finish your level. Let me proceed to my feed back. At first I thought I was gonna like it, the look of the level looked very minimalistic, which I thought was an interesting look. I don't know if you meant it to be like that or not, but that's what I got from it. Then someone said something in the level and it sounded gravelly but quite franckly I couldn't really hear what was said. Then the first race point, II almost missed the checkpoint because if you just climb up the thing and walk underneath it you won't activate it, which yes, is a problem. And Then I tried to go up your moving stairs, before realize after three failed attempts that I had the hookshot and could swing up there. The second part where you're swinging over the plasma things with the bounce pads, I liked that part, but the camera angles kept switching which made it hard to aim, pick a camera angle, and copy and paste it throughout the section I'd say... Then the part with the dark room... I had no clue I as to what I was supposed to be doing. Untill I accidentally picked something up and threw it over the wall out of my reach. See I did not even notice that I had been given power gloves, and by the time I did I could no longer get out. Plus at the very edge where you're trying to jump out, I kept getting stuck in the back layer because it thought I was trying to jump onto the battery, so I didn't seem able to jump out. Was I doing something wrong? Anyways I got frustrated and quit, sorry :/ | 2011-01-24 21:02:00 Author: LukeCF ![]() Posts: 790 |
I never made it past the swinging over plazma with gears and bounce pad. the camera angles changin made the aiming not so go. maybe speed up that last gear so one can swing to finish. the camera angle makes aiming for a bounce pad difficult. please try this if you can please https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=44893-LBW-VP-LBP2-crane-test-demo-(BUILD-A-BRIDGE)&p=745018#post745018 | 2011-01-24 21:14:00 Author: TSFRJ ![]() Posts: 249 |
Thanks for the feedback. I was going to try to stick with only a few textures to keep it 'Futuristic' which I'm glad you found interesting. The voice is definitely a problem I've been trying to deal with. On my Television I can hear it fine but I knew it would be an issue. Its supposed to be a Solid Snake voice over and your description is exactly how he talks lol. Gravelly was my goal but I would like to get a clearer audio output, Any suggestions? I'll lower the checkpoint. Your experience with the stairs was my goal from the start. I wanted the player to attempt the stairs without the grappling hook for as long as possible before realize how easily it can be climbed. I also intentionally made you climb the last 3-4 steps with jumping just so its difficulty was completely lost. I will Drop a few camera shifts from the Bounce Pads area. The Dark room is my biggest concern. The idea is that the top shuts and blacks out all the light almost like a trash can. Then the idea is to stack all the objects in order to push the button to open it back up. I will incorporate a text message in there explaining the situation and how to solve it. I will also change the layer issue with the battery. Thank you so much for your time! Edit: Everything discussed has been fixed. Great input so far! | 2011-01-24 22:45:00 Author: Norseman ![]() Posts: 17 |
No problem will you try my level Bird Hunting! It was apparently just moved to the Cool levels section of this forum I guess. | 2011-01-24 22:47:00 Author: LukeCF ![]() Posts: 790 |
Since you were going for a futuristic feel, I probably would have went with something other than cardboard for the majority of the objects in the level. However, this is actually the first level i've seen with recorded voices in it, which was cool, and overall was a nice effort. On the part where you swing on the gears, the bounce pads at the bottom could benefit from slowing down a bit and in the dark room it was hard to figure out what to do, i think i cheated but i eventually got out lol. Nice job | 2011-01-25 01:29:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I really like the ability to put Voice Overs on the sackbots but it just doesn't come through as clear as I would like. I think everytime a voice is activated an Audio Tweak has to be activated as well to drown out all the music and ambient sounds. Bounce Pads speed is a great idea! I don't know how something so obvious could have escaped my attention for so long... I may have to remove the dark room completely... Thanks for your help | 2011-01-25 03:36:00 Author: Norseman ![]() Posts: 17 |
No problem, just give me some feedback on my level when you get the chance | 2011-01-25 03:48:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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