The Negativitron Speech
Archive: 84 posts
Can someone tell what The Negativitron speech meant at the final level, cause i kinda didnt get what he was talking about. | 2011-01-24 03:45:00 Author: wait wtf ![]() Posts: 853 |
That the negativitron, in a sense, was all the story characters. He was insecurity in Victoria, Self Absorption in Eve, Vanity in Avalon, etc. | 2011-01-24 03:47:00 Author: Richasackboy ![]() Posts: 619 |
That the negativitron, in a sense, was all the story characters. He was insecurity in Victoria, Self Absorption in Eve, Vanity in Avalon, etc. As in, he was created by those negative aspects of their personalities. | 2011-01-24 03:50:00 Author: TheZimInvader ![]() Posts: 3149 |
Long story short, he's the bad side in us all. | 2011-01-24 03:51:00 Author: Chump ![]() Posts: 1712 |
Think of it this way. He is to us what Mr. Hyde was to Dr. Jekyll. | 2011-01-24 03:54:00 Author: Super_Clone ![]() Posts: 849 |
Which is odd because most of the characters seemed fairly non-evil to me, I only noticed Avalon and Clive, as for Eve, Higgenbottom, Victoria, they seem pretty good, what bad traits do they have? ![]() | 2011-01-24 03:58:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
I don't even see anything evil in Clive...? | 2011-01-24 04:00:00 Author: Super_Clone ![]() Posts: 849 |
Which is odd because most of the characters seemed fairly non-evil to me, I only noticed Avalon and Clive, as for Eve, Higgenbottom, Victoria, they seem pretty good, what bad traits do they have? ![]() It's not necessarily about the evil traits but what was putting down every characters. Clive's weakness, Victoria's insecurity, Clive's vanity (as stated by Richasackboy). It doesn't have to be evil to be bad. | 2011-01-24 04:03:00 Author: Chump ![]() Posts: 1712 |
I don't even see anything evil in Clive...? He pokes people with his paperclips while you're not looking. | 2011-01-24 04:04:00 Author: Merc ![]() Posts: 2135 |
Which is odd because most of the characters seemed fairly non-evil to me, I only noticed Avalon and Clive, as for Eve, Higgenbottom, Victoria, they seem pretty good, what bad traits do they have? ![]() Not "Evil" traits, "Bad/ Negative" traits. A cake can taste bad, yet that doesn't mean its evil or have evil taste. (Altho it can be, you never know with them cakes... :kz ![]() | 2011-01-24 04:17:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I was pretty taken back when I heard his speech. I mean, I expected an actual storyline this time round, but this was like.. deep. lol. | 2011-01-24 04:19:00 Author: littlebigmeteor ![]() Posts: 396 |
No, I realize that, which is why I put "...what bad traits do they have?" at the end, sorry for the misleading information. But still, I didn't really notice anything bad with Herbert, Eve, maybe I should watch those cut-scenes again...Herbert being philosophical and a great inventor, doesn't seem like a bad trait; Eve seems to be helping people, so I don't see how she's self centered, etcetera. Does anyone think that we're getting a little to into the story? It's like wondering in LBP1 if The Collector was really evil and did The King really want you to go help the monkeys in Africa? ![]() | 2011-01-24 04:22:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
No, I realize that, which is why I put "...what bad traits do they have?" at the end, sorry for the misleading information. But still, I didn't really notice anything bad with Herbert, Eve, maybe I should watch those cut-scenes again...Herbert being philosophical and a great inventor, doesn't seem like a bad trait; Eve seems to be helping people, so I don't see how she's self centered, etcetera. Does anyone think that we're getting a little to into the story? It's like wondering in LBP1 if The Collector was really evil and did The King really want you to go help the monkeys in Africa? ![]() I guess we ARE kind of over-analyzing it, but only because it was pretty deep compared to LBP1's, and the Curators were really interesting this time around as well as the story overall. | 2011-01-24 04:54:00 Author: TheZimInvader ![]() Posts: 3149 |
No, I realize that, which is why I put "...what bad traits do they have?" at the end, sorry for the misleading information. But still, I didn't really notice anything bad with Herbert, Eve, maybe I should watch those cut-scenes again...Herbert being philosophical and a great inventor, doesn't seem like a bad trait; Eve seems to be helping people, so I don't see how she's self centered, etcetera. Does anyone think that we're getting a little to into the story? It's like wondering in LBP1 if The Collector was really evil and did The King really want you to go help the monkeys in Africa? ![]() If you didn't notice, all the curators from the first game are in Eve's Asylum.. kinda fishy if you ask me. Was Sackboy just being used as a tool by the psycho curators? DID the King really care about those monkeys? What does it all mean!? Yep... very fishy indeed. | 2011-01-24 05:44:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Pleasantly surprised by that speech. But I thought the story curators died if you killed negativitron? (or something, it didn't have my full attention at the time.) | 2011-01-24 08:07:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
I think he was just an evil vacuum cleaner with delusions of grandeur. If I had a nickel for every time my vacuum cleaner told me it was all the negative aspects of my personality, I'd ... er, have a lot of nickels. | 2011-01-24 09:03:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
I think The Negativitron meant something else. "Vanity, insecurity, short temper and self-absorption" Things like these consume creativity. The Negativitron consumes creativity. "I am all of you!" Get it? | 2011-01-24 09:42:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
It was almost word for word a reference to Tim Curry's final speech as the devil in Legend. | 2011-01-24 10:00:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Herbert being philosophical and a great inventor, doesn't seem like a bad trait... He's not philosophical, he's under the influence. At least, that's what I got from the whole "eyes were pies" thing. | 2011-01-24 10:45:00 Author: Luminous_Reaver ![]() Posts: 70 |
I actually got goosebumps at the very end when Steven Fry's voice kicks in with the "Do not take lightly your dreams...." speech. The final showdown between the meanies and the sackbots was awesome though And Higgenbottom isn't "Under the Influence" - he's just opened the doors of perception within his own mind. There are chemical ways that let you do this also ![]() And doesn't Vanity and Self-Absorbtion roughly equate to the same thing? I think he was just an evil vacuum cleaner with delusions of grandeur. If I had a nickel for every time my vacuum cleaner told me it was all the negative aspects of my personality, I'd ... er, have a lot of nickels. You should change the bag more often ![]() | 2011-01-24 10:58:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Vanity and self absorption are very different. Vanity is all about the perception of oneself in the eyes of others. Self absorption would be merely only caring about oneself. They often go hand in hand, but are different traits. Herbert being philosophical and a great inventor, doesn't seem like a bad trait He eats socks and licks peoples' eyes. 'nuff said. | 2011-01-24 11:26:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Da vinchi - Short temper Avalon - Vanity Victoria - Insecurities Eve - Self Absorption - What? She's a nurse who helps people get better? She didn't seem self absorbed to me. Clive - Depressive Higgenbottom - Erm, he's clever but doesn't make his ideas obvious? Confusing to others? Anyone want to quote/fix this list? I'm still a little confused. | 2011-01-24 14:17:00 Author: Jedi_1993 ![]() Posts: 1518 |
I think that concept missing something... in DaVinci and Vicroria intros you can see moment when they emit negative energy (purple light), it hints that negtivitron have something to do with them, but after that it's gone. Not to mention neg say only 3 negatives of characters missing Clive and Higgenbottom. Higgenbottom seems to be normal just talk in non-sence way. So i fells like this motive is tied very lightly by the writer... which imo is bad The "By destroying me you destroy yourselfs" sounds like a pure bluff, i don't see any 2 way bound between characters and him to make that possible. Faster killing his creators could destroy him, that seems more logical, since they are energy source for him.... so i don't know why he attacking me and them ![]() | 2011-01-24 14:53:00 Author: Shadowriver ![]() Posts: 3991 |
Does anyone think that we're getting a little to into the story? It's like wondering in LBP1 if The Collector was really evil and did The King really want you to go help the monkeys in Africa? ![]() Yeah, the collector was just misunderstood. He was collecting things to keep them safe ![]() And the King rules the Savannah with an Iron Fist - Sackboy just helped cement his position in power, when it was the Kings own blundering incompetance that led to the problems in the first place! Who "really" started that fire eh? ![]() | 2011-01-24 14:58:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Anyone want to quote/fix this list? I'm still a little confused. Where'd you get the idea their personalities reflect just one vice apiece? | 2011-01-24 15:14:00 Author: Luminous_Reaver ![]() Posts: 70 |
I think it's simply a case of a semi weak story. They sorta phoned the story in later and allowed an evil vacuum cleaner pull all the pieces together. I wouldn't worry about it too much. ![]() | 2011-01-24 15:22:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Where'd you get the idea their personalities reflect just one vice apiece? Well, as the Negativatron reams off the list of negative traits, it does a close up of each character, and as the trait is listed - it pops up with a hologram chariacature of the character. it's only natural to assume, given the narrative archetype. ![]() | 2011-01-24 15:28:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Well, as the Negativatron reams off the list of negative traits, it does a close up of each character, and as the trait is listed - it pops up with a hologram chariacature of the character. it's only natural to assume, given the narrative archetype. ![]() Yeah, that's what I thought you were thinking. The Negativivtron only lists four vices. I don't quite understand how it was natural for you to assume they applied to six characters. | 2011-01-24 15:39:00 Author: Luminous_Reaver ![]() Posts: 70 |
The "By destroying me you destroy yourselfs" sounds like a pure bluff, i don't see any 2 way bound between characters and him to make that possible. Faster killing his creators could destroy him, that seems more logical, since they are energy source for him.... Yeah, that's what I thought. He'd hardly say "By destroying me you all live happily ever after", he's obviously saying this so that they WON'T kill him. Alternatively you could argue that what he says is true but not literally. By destroying him they're only destroying those parts of themselves. That's really what it's all about, these characters overcoming their negative traits. When the Negativitron is destroyed they all become better people. Presumably. | 2011-01-24 15:40:00 Author: Nuclearfish ![]() Posts: 927 |
What I imagine Negativitron means, as long as people have negativity in them, he will always be there. You can't rid of the negativity in everyone, unless you...destroy everyone. Mwahahaha! :kz: | 2011-01-24 15:48:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
What I imagine Negativitron means, as long as people have negativity in them, he will always be there. You can't rid of the negativity in everyone, unless you...destroy everyone. Mwahahaha! :kz: Aw man, stealth downer ending. ![]() | 2011-01-24 15:51:00 Author: Luminous_Reaver ![]() Posts: 70 |
I thought it was about how Cool Levels (read: the community) sucks. The Negativitron embodies all those lazy, impatient, heart and play craving players. Probably shouldn't have said this out loud.. ![]() | 2011-01-24 15:54:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
Da vinchi - Short temper Avalon - Vanity Victoria - Insecurities Eve - Self Absorption - What? She's a nurse who helps people get better? She didn't seem self absorbed to me. Clive - Depressive Higgenbottom - Erm, he's clever but doesn't make his ideas obvious? Confusing to others? Anyone want to quote/fix this list? I'm still a little confused. heres what it is. Avalon= vanity Victoria= Insecurities Eve= Self Absorbed (check out her first speech. see states that the patiants are NOTHING w/o her love and herself, and she's mean to clive, who is depressed, not very nurse like huh) Clive= Depressive Higgenbottom= ... hmmm... i really don't know. The negitiveitron never said ![]() But to answer the OP Basicly The negitivitron is the physical manifastation of the negitive traits of all creators. He is reliant of distruction and devotion on destroying the craft world. what he ment by the part of "if you kill me you kill yourselves" is that If people take away their bad selves, they would not be. its kind of like counter-balancing. The Good side weres off the bad, and the bad makes sure that the good isn't perfect. In short: negitivitron= Manifestation of creators' bad selves | 2011-01-24 18:57:00 Author: a_mailbox ![]() Posts: 416 |
You must think that the Negativitron got most of its power from sackboy, I mean he has his whole "If you kill me, you will all die" speech, and yet sackboy still goes ahead and kills him ![]() Yeah, the others helped near the end, but it's not like they huddled together and decided to sacrifice themselves to destroy him. But overall, I don't really care how silly the ending was, as long as they didn't become friends with the Negativitron then I was fine. | 2011-01-24 19:39:00 Author: Kog ![]() Posts: 2358 |
Eve is pretty self-absorbed. She doesn't really care when Clive gets all scared about having to go up the tree in the catepillar, and she's pretty sarcastic. She also came across as quite vain[?] when she did her whole, "my patients are nothing without my love.." speech. So in short, she really only cares about her self and is quite narcissistic in a sense. However, we could all be wrong. The Negativitron could have just been reeling off their bad traits, but the pictures of the curators themselves didn't necessarily correspond to what he was saying, if you know what I mean? ![]() | 2011-01-24 19:49:00 Author: Plasmavore ![]() Posts: 1913 |
It's supposed to be a reflection on differing Sackpeople creators personalities. Or, in other words, it's all of *our* (as in, us creators), negative aspects. | 2011-01-24 20:23:00 Author: firstar ![]() Posts: 47 |
I don't even see anything evil in Clive...? not evil, negative aspects that combine into evil | 2011-01-24 20:24:00 Author: adalond ![]() Posts: 84 |
It's supposed to be a reflection on differing Sackpeople creators personalities. Or, in other words, it's all of *our* (as in, us creators), negative aspects. I think thats exactly what it meant. Just look at the latest creator spotlight. what did Ungreth list as his favorite and least favorite things about lbp. The answer to both was "the community" We can be helpful, friendly gadders. We can also be hateful, antagonistic jerks. Just like the first story was intended to create some self reflection on the players part this is doing the same thing. Most likely to try to get players into a positive community mindset, since the game evolves so heavily around the community. | 2011-01-24 22:26:00 Author: Deftmute ![]() Posts: 730 |
I think thats exactly what it meant. Just look at the latest creator spotlight. what did Ungreth list as his favorite and least favorite things about lbp. The answer to both was "the community" We can be helpful, friendly gadders. We can also be hateful, antagonistic jerks. Just like the first story was intended to create some self reflection on the players part this is doing the same thing. Most likely to try to get players into a positive community mindset, since the game evolves so heavily around the community. Agree 200%, have you noticed also how MM removed some tags? like Rubbish, Ugly etc? Its all for the same reason, I love LBP2 and how MM made it. | 2011-01-24 22:34:00 Author: Bloo_boy ![]() Posts: 1019 |
I think it's just a commentary about the community in LBP. A lot of people just made levels for popularity and some refuse to make levels just because they don't want to learn how to use the tools of create mode. All of this negativity clustered to form the Negativitron which is a product of the bad aspects of the community. Also he's just BSing about killing him and killing yourself at the end, because he knows Sackboy will beat the crap out of him. ![]() | 2011-01-24 22:59:00 Author: Sack-Jake ![]() Posts: 1153 |
If you think about it the negativitron is a pretty useless baddy, I mean if I was a Quasi Stellar Space Hoover I'd make sure I sucked everything up BEFORE moving on, but that's just me... | 2011-01-24 23:17:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
I think the Negativitron was just a lying baddie. | 2011-01-24 23:30:00 Author: estevangz ![]() Posts: 57 |
the Negativitron which is a product of the bad aspects of the community. If this was truly the case then not a single one of us would have completed story mode yet ![]() | 2011-01-24 23:31:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
its called an "empty threat" If this was truly the case then not a single one of us would have completed story mode yet wait, what? all cats are grey? | 2011-01-24 23:32:00 Author: Deftmute ![]() Posts: 730 |
I don't really think that the speech was actually a direct comment on each of the Curators, to be honest. I mean, most of them do have one trait that stands out, but I think the whole idea is much more general than that. Basically, any negative trait that we have forms the Negativitron. Much like how our dreams and creativity forms our own LittleBigPlanet. To me, when you kill the Negativitron, you're removing all of those negative aspects from all the Curators - for example; Clive perks up, and becomes happier and Avalon mentions working as a team (instead of his normal, self-indulgent blabber). But who knows, really? The speech is very open to interpretation, and I guess LBP is all about doing what you want, so we all have our own ideas on what the speech means. Either way, it was awesome, and the story in general was just a whole lot better than what LBP1 offered. At least it actually seemed like there was a story. I had no idea what was happening all the way through LBP1, lol ![]() | 2011-01-24 23:48:00 Author: alexbull_uk ![]() Posts: 1287 |
wait, what? all cats are grey? My cat certainly is... What's your point? | 2011-01-25 00:05:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
sry thats a phrase (admittedly vague) that i use when i encounter questionable logic... btw my cat is grey too. | 2011-01-25 00:12:00 Author: Deftmute ![]() Posts: 730 |
On the subject of the Negativitron representing the bad aspects of the LBP community: I agree, and we can go even further with this concept. The Negativitron was born from the bad aspects of the community, and it began absorbing everything in LBP. It became a dark twisted parody of LBP, with a hero finnally defeating it. This could represent how around the spring in 2010 the community took a huge nose dive, from which it never really recovered, and good levels were rarely seen, and it was pretty bad. Then, with the release of LBP 2, MM hopes to cleanse the community from this. (And from the looks of it, they probably will succeed). | 2011-01-25 00:14:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Then, with the release of LBP 2, MM hopes to cleanse the community from this. (And from the looks of it, they probably will succeed). Those Chickens haven't hatched, let's not count them just yet. Believe me, I pray you're right, but it's just too early to be sure. | 2011-01-25 02:02:00 Author: 4wheel ![]() Posts: 511 |
You can't blame the negativatron for hoovering up all of the creations of LittleBigPlanet.... I mean, he's a giant Vacuum Cleaner! To quote Jessica Rabbit - "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way" ![]() | 2011-01-25 07:22:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
*boils eggs*![]() I think what Media molecule was trying to portray is that Negative ideas are denser so they create a mild mind gravitational and pull the less dense creativity towards itself; you learn to live with the lack of creativity by blaming it on the tools, or the community, and because the imagisphere is constantly spinning the dense stuff is thrown to the outside where it collects and melds into an ethereal nightmare state; a new realm of antipossibility... | 2011-01-25 07:29:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
Right, so we actually need something like the Negativatron to hoover up all of the H4H/Copied/Empty/Rubbish levels of LBP. He was actually doing us a favour... Who Knew!? ![]() ![]() | 2011-01-25 07:47:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
You can't blame the negativatron for hoovering up all of the creations of LittleBigPlanet.... I mean, he's a giant Vacuum Cleaner! Truthfully, when I first saw the Negativatron I guessed he was going to be revealed to be the vacuum cleaner that appears at the end of the semi-live action intro sequence and sucks up all the stickers which mutated it somehow ![]() | 2011-01-25 07:52:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
And to think, all of this could have been avoided. Hoovers come with an OFF button you know! I reckon the Collector was just doing a little spring cleaning, and forgot to turn it off. | 2011-01-25 08:17:00 Author: standby250 ![]() Posts: 1113 |
Right, so we actually need something like the Negativatron to hoover up all of the H4H/Copied/Empty/Rubbish levels of LBP. He was actually doing us a favour... Who Knew!? ![]() ![]() We must make a positivitron! | 2011-01-25 13:38:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
We must make a positivitron! XD good idea and btw is it just me or does Avalon and the way he is remind me of "some" creators here on lbpc? im not gonna mention names >_> <_< *hides* But its true, everything, basicly everything being talked here is the same thing in the other thread I made about the meaning of the story. We all have a different way of reflecting what Negativitron said and what the whole story is about. | 2011-01-25 14:55:00 Author: Bloo_boy ![]() Posts: 1019 |
Sackboy is nothing but a puppet in the eyes of the curators. | 2011-01-25 16:03:00 Author: Fumo161 ![]() Posts: 210 |
Not only a week into the game have their been Community Levels popping up from LBP1. FREE COSTUMES NO LIE 5000 HEARTS AND I WILL OPEN THE BOX (he has more than 2000 hearts, and counting...) and the LBP2 problem... FREE RARE POD GLITCH FOUND BY STEPHANIE_RAVENS (even more than the first) | 2011-01-25 16:10:00 Author: Fumo161 ![]() Posts: 210 |
sad days indeed | 2011-01-25 16:13:00 Author: Deftmute ![]() Posts: 730 |
You can use the Edit button to modify your original post, We all knew that the community would devour the new craftworld, As is Humanity, All we can do is sit back atop our LBPC fortress waiting until the days when the trolls manage to clamber up the steep steep walls, ... I need to get this on paper... | 2011-01-25 16:18:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
STEPHANIE_RAVENS , shes back??????!?!?!?!?!?!? | 2011-01-25 22:28:00 Author: wait wtf ![]() Posts: 853 |
I think the negative things about the character makes the negativitron, I think this true and look at the name. | 2011-01-25 22:35:00 Author: Waffleboy0 ![]() Posts: 22 |
STEPHANIE_RAVENS , shes back??????!?!?!?!?!?!? Stephanie Ravens promised many people she wouldn't spam the cool pages? The More trollish members of the community [75%] may be using her as a scapegoat. | 2011-01-25 23:05:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
What I think he meant was that everybody had a dark side, and since LittleBigPlanet had infinite time amnd space for something terrible to happen it would, and in the "If you destroy me you destroy yourselves!" He meant that they'd have to die in order to truly destroy him, because then there would be no evil to create something like him again. | 2011-01-26 18:32:00 Author: Pikachurpinplup ![]() Posts: 7 |
Yeah, that's what I thought. He'd hardly say "By destroying me you all live happily ever after", he's obviously saying this so that they WON'T kill him. Alternatively you could argue that what he says is true but not literally. By destroying him they're only destroying those parts of themselves. That's really what it's all about, these characters overcoming their negative traits. When the Negativitron is destroyed they all become better people. Presumably. What bothers me is that the Curators never really face their demons. Everyone is magically a better person because they exploded a vacuum? Honestly, I thought that would leave Avalon even more arrogant than before -- in my opinion, it isn't all that humbling to save the universe. Sackboy is nothing but a puppet in the eyes of the curators. Hehe, because he is, I'm guessing. | 2011-01-26 19:50:00 Author: Number7Million ![]() Posts: 248 |
What bothers me is that the Curators never really face their demons. Everyone is magically a better person because they exploded a vacuum? Honestly, I thought that would leave Avalon even more arrogant than before -- in my opinion, it isn't all that humbling to save the universe. I'm sure if they did have to (which would have been very interesting), they'd just get Sackboy to beat it for them lol. | 2011-01-26 20:51:00 Author: TheZimInvader ![]() Posts: 3149 |
He eats socks and licks peoples' eyes. 'nuff said. Don't underestimate the value of a good eye-licking. | 2011-01-27 01:09:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
The only demons I saw the Curators fight was Avalon's, his arrogance. He team-work-ed at the end, so he overcame his ego. :SH: | 2011-01-27 01:41:00 Author: ThePineapplizer ![]() Posts: 769 |
First thread I come to in nearly a year and somehow I'm in it. ![]() | 2011-01-27 05:30:00 Author: Stephanie_Ravens ![]() Posts: 188 |
First thread I come to in nearly a year and somehow I'm in it. ![]() Yes it was good. ...however I didn't really like that level in the LBP2 beta where you'd use the Negativitron to destroy us all... That last bit at the end was... nvm, this is off topic. Hopefully I won't have to speak like this here on LBPC.. Yeah, at least in comparison to LBP1 it was a story that kept you in, unlike random country hopping for all these weird coincidences. *mutters something* | 2011-01-27 05:48:00 Author: Fang ![]() Posts: 578 |
My opinion Negativitron is drived from the word "Negative" which means to express negation or denial as for the negative aspects of the charictors Da Vinchi-Quick to Anger Victoria-Puts blame twords herself Clive-self-Denial, depression, and lack of bravery (Kind of makes sence that he had to servive two years with his factory turning into a war facility by the negativitron) Avalon-Thinking he is awsome when he is not Eve-Wanting way to much love Higginbottham-my have made one or two bad creations/Ideas (Oh come on! he had to have made a mistake at least once!) and also me-Doubtful, wanting things I can't get, Hatred, Depression, and Quick to Anger The game also has a powerful message. The negativitron was "Made and created" by the alliance's member's bad points. In the end, tough the negativitron claims that they willl be killing themselves in the process of killing him, the lesson is not only to keep dreaming, nor is it teamwork, but it is how eventhough we have negatve aspects about ourselves, we can still pull though That is my opinion | 2011-01-27 23:10:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Erm... I think were all forgetting the Dr.Higgenbotham was the curator of the Negativitron world, and negativitron boss himself... Pretty shady if you ask me! To me, the negativitron is just a big suck up. * ![]() | 2011-01-27 23:23:00 Author: grayspence ![]() Posts: 1990 |
I think it's a commentary on all of the stupidity that goes on with the LBP community actually. Much like how the Collector was a comment on how you should share and be friendly, and the MGS pack had the Trophies machine that just created trophies. | 2011-01-27 23:46:00 Author: Giant Cheeseburger ![]() Posts: 9 |
I think it's a commentary on all of the stupidity that goes on with the LBP community actually. Much like how the Collector was a comment on how you should share and be friendly, and the MGS pack had the Trophies machine that just created trophies. It was a level cloner in MGS pack, but your point stands. The Negativatron is speaking directly to us as creators, not to the curators. Basically, don't be insecure, vain, self-absorbed or bad tempered... which is kind of sweet. | 2011-01-28 12:15:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
What I think he meant was that everybody had a dark side, and since LittleBigPlanet had infinite time amnd space for something terrible to happen it would, and in the "If you destroy me you destroy yourselves!" He meant that they'd have to die in order to truly destroy him, because then there would be no evil to create something like him again. I don't think they would have to die, just destroy a piece of themselves; like cutting off a finger! You're still fine, just missing a piece, and who really wants to be missing anything! None of the characters where 100% their listed trait. It's just a part, a negative part that we really don't need, and evil doesn't see the whole picture, just what it wants and is focused on, that's why the Negitiviton thought they would have to destroy themselves! Nobody died, except the Negitiviton! | 2011-01-30 00:13:00 Author: adalond ![]() Posts: 84 |
I feel sorry for the Negativatron. I mean, it was the Curators that made his existance, with their negativity. So just as "all of our imaginings go up the cerumbilical chord to form an ethereal dreamscape", so too our negative thoughts coalesce to form nightmarish baddies. It's not the baddies fault that we dreamed them up, and they are what we make them. And then we go and destroy them mercilessly. So tell me... who's really the bad guy? ![]() It's the Negativatron, isn't it? | 2011-01-30 12:05:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
"Oh no! His main power is teaching us morals! RUN!!!" | 2011-01-30 12:11:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I feel sorry for the Negativatron. I mean, it was the Curators that made his existance, with their negativity. So just as "all of our imaginings go up the cerumbilical chord to form an ethereal dreamscape", so too our negative thoughts coalesce to form nightmarish baddies. It's not the baddies fault that we dreamed them up, and they are what we make them. And then we go and destroy them mercilessly. So tell me... who's really the bad guy? ![]() It's the Negativatron, isn't it? WE ARE THE TRUE EVIL!!! hehehe Sackboy is just a fluffy little ball of PURE EVIL. | 2011-01-30 15:17:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
So the moral of the story: Come to terms with your inner demons and don't let people with fuzzy tongues lick your eye. | 2011-01-30 18:40:00 Author: Foofles ![]() Posts: 2278 |
Oh yeah I think I aced that level. Lol | 2011-01-30 22:54:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
The Negativitron's negative speech was pretty eerie and mysterious, but Stephen Fry's outro was what left me with some inner COUGHMANLYCOUGH tears. | 2011-01-30 23:09:00 Author: Willah ![]() Posts: 54 |
Still, how is Eve self absorbant? And what does her character represent? I don't get it... | 2011-01-30 23:16:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
Still, how is Eve self absorbant? And what does her character represent? I don't get it... Hopefully these answer your question: Eve= Self Absorbed (check out her first speech. see states that the patiants are NOTHING w/o her love and herself, and she's mean to clive, who is depressed, not very nurse like huh) She doesn't really care when Clive gets all scared about having to go up the tree in the catepillar, and she's pretty sarcastic. As for what she represents, I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. | 2011-01-30 23:25:00 Author: Willah ![]() Posts: 54 |
I was pretty taken back when I heard his speech. I mean, I expected an actual storyline this time round, but this was like.. deep. lol. That actually annoyed me a bit. Really light and light hearted story, then all of a sudden that, then back to the light stuff? Ehhh... The Negativitron's negative speech was pretty eerie and mysterious, but Stephen Fry's outro was what left me with some inner COUGHMANLYCOUGH tears. This. I love the ending. The story was stupidly light hearted like it should have been, but gotta love sappy stuff with Fry's voice. He makes everything awesome with rainbow bunnies. | 2011-01-31 06:16:00 Author: ShenziSixaxis ![]() Posts: 4 |
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