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Shooting and Flipping Level

Archive: 3 posts

Hello, im new here but have been checking this forum out for along time. So i am not new to the process.

I have two question....

1. I am trying to make various characters in create. Not necessarily a level, but different user controlled bots that have powers. The only problem is that I don't know how to make a good bullet animation that comes from the sack's hand. I have tried emitters, but I have SOOOO many problems with them..... So my question is how do you make an object appear from a hand? And also how to make a gun shaped object in the sackbot's hand? (If that is even possible. cus im not sure it is)

2. Im making a flipside level. Where at random times during the level the whole level would flip and you would be on the ceiling.(they are not random to me, only the user.. So if they played the level twice it would be the same transition at the same time) I have tried the gravity tweaker, but that is no help to me at all. So far i only know how to change the camera views. Should i try a mover or a bolt? I have no idea. So my question is how do i flip my level upside down and make it flip back?
2011-01-23 23:17:00

Posts: 4

1.sadly you need an emitter but maybe i can help!just add me,deschuttes2.the gun thing is also not possible.

2.the only thing i can think of is to have a mover or something. other then that i have no idea.
2011-01-24 00:43:00

Posts: 157

Yah, i'll try the mover...

and i got the emitter to work, but you could help out with some stuff
2011-01-24 02:27:00

Posts: 4

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