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Help me out please^^LBP1 items after played LBP2?

Archive: 5 posts

So, problem is.. I played lbp 1, all the way through the endless Bunker runs that I kept failing at, and eventually the endboss that was faceroll ^^.. Also some costume designing and stuff but then, the unthinkable happened.. YLOD.. I lost all my data, and thought, Ah hell, I'll just start over with lbp 2, I still had the dlc costumes and stuff, btu didnt fee llike playing the game all over again.. now.. I have the dlc items, like kratos etc.. but I don't have basics like red cape, and wooden sword and all that stuff, would it be possible to beat lbp1 again, and then sincronise my lbp1 account again with lbp2? I really wanna know thios before I beat lbp1 again Thanks2011-01-22 20:23:00

Posts: 2

Yes, you can import your profile as many times as you want. 2011-01-22 20:25:00

Posts: 935

Really? Awesome.. Thanks! And dude, what an insanely fast response ^^ I just got a drink, refreshed and bam ^^2011-01-22 20:28:00

Posts: 2

Just press the "Import Items Collected in LittleBigPlanet" button instead. Should work the best!2011-01-22 23:01:00

Tap Dat App
Posts: 108

If it's like the Beta it will ask you if you want to update the import if the lbp 1 profile has been changed.2011-01-22 23:31:00

Posts: 6728

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