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Cheat Logic?

Archive: 6 posts

How would I design a cheat code?2011-01-22 15:57:00

Posts: 172

This is how I would do it. First you would have to be in a controllinator. Then for example if you want to make a cheat code where you have to press X, triangle, then Square in that exact order and it would give you points. First you would set up X to a timer set to count down and make the target time around .5 secounds. Then hook that counter and triangle to an and gate. Then hook that and gate up to a timer with the same settings and hook it up with square to another and gate. Finaly Hook that and gate up to a point giver. Useing this formula you can make it as long as you want just keeping on makeing more counters and and gates. http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/5876/logict.jpg (http://img37.imageshack.us/i/logict.jpg/)2011-01-22 17:50:00

Unknown User

there is this guy who i forgot his name he made a combo kit! you put the microchips in the order you want the butten combo to be, wire it up and presto!2011-01-22 18:16:00

Posts: 157

This is how I would do it. First you would have to be in a controllinator. Then for example if you want to make a cheat code where you have to press X, triangle, then Square in that exact order and it would give you points. First you would set up X to a timer set to count down and make the target time around .5 secounds. Then hook that counter and triangle to an and gate. Then hook that and gate up to a timer with the same settings and hook it up with square to another and gate. Finaly Hook that and gate up to a point giver. Useing this formula you can make it as long as you want just keeping on makeing more counters and and gates. http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/5876/logict.jpg (http://img37.imageshack.us/i/logict.jpg/)

The only problem i can see there is say you press X then triangle. You could then press X again and it wouldn't interrupt the "cheat code" then you could continue with the cheat. And with the code not able to be interrupted then you can just spam all the buttons and activate the cheat.
Im too tired to think right now of a solution but maybe you can.

edit: Maybe setting all other buttons to an or switch and then plugging that or switch into the reset on the timer. That way if any other button then the one in the sequence is pressed it will interrupt the cheat.
2011-01-22 19:53:00

Posts: 46

Yeah didn't think about that but your solution should fix.2011-01-22 21:17:00

Unknown User

there is this guy who i forgot his name he made a combo kit! you put the microchips in the order you want the butten combo to be, wire it up and presto!

Yep, let's go for some shameless self-advert.

If your problem is not solved, try this (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=44701-LBP2-Combo-Sequence-Toolkit&p=741550#post741550).
2011-01-23 10:33:00

Posts: 58

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