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[LBP2] Combo Sequence Toolkit

Archive: 5 posts

January 23rd :
Combo Sequencer V.1.2 is now available. The microchip now provides 9 button chips, including L3, L2 and R2. Mixing v1 chips with v1.2 maybe cause problems.
Once again, do not hesitate to try it yourself, and leaving feedback !


January 22nd :
Combo Sequencer V.1 is now online, with the microchip package available inside !
Don't hesitate to try it in your level, and report bugs if needed. Thank you for your interest.



Hello everyone,

In order to create my drum patapon like mini-game (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=44313-Idea-LBP2-with...-a-Guitar-Hero-drum.), I wanted to create an easy way to create combo sequences (I don't quite know if "Combo Sequence" is the right term but oh well, I named everything like this.) All parts will be offered in the level "Combo Sequencer [version number]" by ColmiYveul as a whole package inside a microchip. You'll have to extract every microchip to use them.

So here it is : The Combo Sequencer Toolkit

What's this ?

It's a set of customized microchips designed to create combos easily. As an example, if you want a sackbot to explode by pressing X O O, you can program this quite easily.

How does it work ?

Because pictures are better than lots of text, here is a little tutorial. In my example, I'll make a sackboy burn/plasmify depending on the combo.

1. Prepare your level

Nothing much to say. For my little experiment, I'll get a sackbot ready to be burnt/plasmified. Dr. Eggman should do it perfectly.


2. Prepare your chips

You'll find every chip inside your Combo Sequencers microchip. Since I don't know if shared object keep the category name, I don't know if they will be shown in the "Combo Sequencer" category if you re-capture them.
There is 12 chips this far.


9 of them are the buttons used for combo sequences. In the 1.2 version, you can use Triangle, Square, O, X, L1, R1, L2, R2, and L3.

The dotted chip is the starter. It must be placed before the combo sequence.It only contains a specific magnetic key needed to activate the combo.

The chip with the zero is the ender chip. It must be placed at the end of the sequence to reinitialize the combo when done. I have not tried it yet, but I guess if you want your combo to be activated only one time, don't put this chip.

The hexagon one is the action chip, the one that will trigger something when the combo is done.

The controlinator is pre-configured to work with combos sequences.

3. Create your combo in a few steps !


- Combo Sequencer chips can't be placed in another microchip, since they use magnetic keys.
- Do not rotate, resize or flip the chips. Every chip should have an input below and be the size of a square when little grid is active.

- Activate the little sized grid
- Configure your rotating to 90?

Step 1 : put a starter chip. As I explained, it only contains a specifically named magnetic key. Putting it in a microchip may allow you to customize conditions to unlock the combo.


Step 2 : make your combo ! Create your sequence by putting every chip on the direct right of the other. They have to be very close; if you activated the little grid, you should be able to put them correctly.


Step 3 : put a sequence ender. This chip resets the combo when it's done, so it can be done once again. It must be placed next to the last combo button.


Step 4 : put the action chip. This chip is the one that do something when your combo is done. It must be place directly above the last button of your combo. You can put it above any button, but it may cause problems if you create another combo. If you plan on making only one combo sequence, this should not be problematic.


Step 5 : do whatever you want ! Explore your action chip by pressing L1. It only contains a magnetic key detector, that you can connect to other things. You can flip it horizontaly, but be careful not to rotate it ! Once again, putting this detector on a microchip is makes customization easier and the whole thing more coherent. In this case, I'll lethalize my Eggman.


Step 6 : Put a controlinator, or use the one provided in the package. This part is obvious to recognize the buttons your are pressing. If you want to make your own, configure it as a blue emitter, and make sure you can't open you pop-it menu by pressing square.


Step 7 : Try it ! Get inside the controllinator, and press the buttons required to activate the combo. Tadaaa !

4. Creating another combo.

But I want my Eggman to burn OR be plasmified. So I actually need two combos !

To do this, place your other combo right under the first one. Remember to let a free line to put another action chip.


And the very last step ! Connect every ender chip to the one above, and the first combo ender chip to the last one. This will reset every combo as soon as one of them is done. Each ender chip has its output at its top, and its input at its bottom.

And that's it ! You can now try your combos sequences by getting in the controllinator !



- You can't create a combo that involves another combo. As an example, if you created a "O X O" combo, you can't create a "Triangle O X O Triangle" Combo. Doing the second one will activate the first one, and reset itself if you connected every ender chips together.
- You can't place the combo sequencer chips in another microchip. Since they use magnetic keys, CS microchips just won't work if they are placed in another microchip. You have to put them on a material.
- You can't use another blue transmitter controllinator. Every CS microchip uses a blue controllinator receptor.
- Once again, do not rotate, resize or flip the chips. This may result on unwanted effects.


- Every chip is set to "invisible" by default. You can obviously change it by configuring the chip (Square button)


That's it ! I'll publish my test level really soon so you can test it. I hope my instructions are clear. Have some fun, don't hesitate to report bugs or suggestions, or even modifying them to improve possibilities, and show me how far this can go !
2011-01-22 15:21:00

Posts: 58

You know what you could do to save Community Objects space? Place them all on one Microchip named Combo Sequencers, then use Notes to differentiate between the various Combos. If you name the Microchip, that is it's title in the Objects categories.2011-01-22 15:27:00

Posts: 849

Packaging them in a single microchip is a great idea, thank you ! I didn't understand the Notes thing thought, what do you mean ?2011-01-22 15:49:00

Posts: 58

There should be a tool called 'Notes' in the Tools Bag, Open the Tweak Menu, Type in the Description, Name, Tutorial, or whatever; and then place accordingly, near the Combo Sequence.2011-01-22 15:53:00

Posts: 849

Thank you for your advices. I hope I used them nicely.

Combo Sequencer V.1 is now online ! You can try it now and leave feedback, or report bugs !

Sorry for the poor decoration, this is my first level ever.

Thank you !
2011-01-22 21:32:00

Posts: 58

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