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Guildford GAME Store Launch Day Appearance

Archive: 2 posts

<img src="http://www.mediamolecule.com/images/uploads/launchdaypostcard_thumb.jpg" alt="Oooooh!" width="260" height="368" class="floatright"/> Woohoo! Today is the UK launch day for LittleBigPlanet 2 - a hugely exciting day and to celebrate this momentous occasion, we’ll be heading down to our nearest video game store, GAME in Guildford.

If you fancy joining us, we’ll be there chatting to fans and signing whatever gets shoved under our little noses. It’ll be a moment of sheer joy and happiness for us all to see LBP2 sat there on the game shelves and see some excited faces snatching it off the shelves.

We’ll be there <strong>from 1pm</strong> at GAME, North St, Guildford and we’ll be there for about an hour. Or two, depending on who turns up.

So come along and say hi! <div class="feedflare">
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2011-01-21 02:10:00

Posts: 421

Woohoo! Today is the UK launch day for LittleBigPlanet 2 - a hugely exciting day and to celebrate this momentous occasion, we?ll be heading down to our nearest video game store, GAME in Guildford.
If you fancy joining us, we?ll be there chatting to fans and signing whatever gets shoved under our little noses. It?ll be a moment of sheer joy and happiness for us all to see LBP2 sat there on the game shelves and see some excited faces snatching it off the shelves.
We?ll be there from 1pm at GAME, North St, Guildford and we?ll be there for about an hour. Or two, depending on who turns up.
So come along and say hi!

Source from: http://www.mediamolecule.com/blog/article/guildford_game_store_launch_day_appearance/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MediaMoleculeBlog+Media+Molec ule+Blog&utm_content=Twitter
2011-01-21 02:13:00

Crazed Creator
Posts: 177

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