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Weaponize your objects with a single microchip :)

Archive: 6 posts

I've created a couple of microchips that turn normal objects into explosives:

* The Asploder Mk. I chip makes an object beep three times and then explode when grabbed.
* The Asploder Mk. 2 chip makes an object do the same thing, except when touched.

Careful! The explosions are lethal within a fairly large radius!

I'll probably be refining these and adding more as I go, but for now you can find my level (along with the microchips mentioned) here:

2011-01-20 15:57:00

Posts: 7

pointless, but awsome.2011-08-20 18:29:00

Unknown User

It's a nice idea for a level though, for starters! for some sort of mad scientist kinda level You get a cannon sort of gun, and the gun can scan any object you'd see in the level, then suck the object into the gun, and then fire that same object, although a little tweaked in both aesthetics and logic Like a normal crate would have some wires around and maybe explosives or just microchips all over it, or something.
But of course, sounds difficult lol <_< at least for me.
2011-08-20 20:49:00

Posts: 128

Ms. Splosion Man 2011-08-21 19:00:00

Posts: 440

u could make explosive cupcakes with it but other then tht i cant find anything to do with those but theres till cool no mater wat2011-08-22 15:53:00

Unknown User

Cool. I queued this up and I will try it out tonight. XD2011-08-23 21:58:00

Posts: 224

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