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How do you give diffrent players points in multiplayer sport games?

Archive: 3 posts

How do you determine who gets the points in a sports game when up to 4 players are playing?

like for example. In a basketball game, if player 2 puts the ball in in the hoop. How do you give points to player 2 instead of player 1 and vice versa?
2011-01-20 15:45:00

Posts: 83

You have to make it a versus level. I'm not sure where to find that. Try level settings.2011-01-20 17:00:00

Posts: 734

You'll want to read what I've found out about Point Givers here : https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=46856-Important-Vs.-scoring-discovery-object-creation-method-affects-point-giver-target&p=755831#post755831

I'm kinda spamming this at the moment because things drop off the front so quickly with so much traffic, and this is a common enough problem that hopefully replying directly to those with issues, word can get around how to communicate to a Score Giver who the intended target is.
2011-01-31 20:48:00

Shifty Geezer
Posts: 131

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