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Sackbot A.I and Logic Tutorials

Archive: 196 posts

Sackbot A.I and LogicTutorialshttp://i55.tinypic.com/289dauo.jpg

Just thought I would make this thread for people who might be having trouble/want to get more out of sackbots.

I'm going to use MC instead of MicroChip simply because it gets tedious having to keep typing it.
Also, DCS = Controllinator for those that don't already know.

Basic A.I - Sackboy controls
You'll see me using a lot of MicroChips, that's to keep it neat, I suggest you do it too.

First open up the sackbot and place 2 MCs inside. In one of them place 6 Tag Sensors, in the other, 6 MC's.
It's a good idea to keep them all the same color.
Name the Tag Sensors:
Mini Jump
Let Go
Then hook the top four to each their own MC and put a DCS in them. (The reason to hook them into the MC is so you can turn the DCS on/off which is the most important thing in Sackbot A.I)
At this point I advise labeling the MCs and putting a note with the label inside of them
For Left and

Right put a battery in the DCS of that MC set to -100(Left) or 100%(Right) and connect it to the left/right input of the left stick.
For jump you would go in and put a battery then connect it to X.

For Mini Jump you'll need a timer set to .1 Target Time and Current time, an Anti-Gravity Object Tweaker set to 0% Anti-Gravity and 30% Dampening, also an impact sensor.
Hook up the Tag Sensor labeled Mini Jump into the timer, the timer into the Anti-Grav, and the Impact sensor into the reset of the timer. The timer also needs to be hooked into the X of the DCS in that MC.
Alright, for the last 2, Let Go and Grab, You need an AND gate with an inverted output and a NOT gate with a non-inverted output.
Hook the Let Go tag sensor into the AND gate
Hook the Grab tag sensor into the NOT gate then the NOT gate into the other input on the AND gate.
Hook the AND gets output into the Grab MC.
Put a DCS in the Grab MC with a Battery connected to R1.

I think there might be an extra wire in that last pic..

For Emotions, put more Tag Sensors, connect them to Sackbot Behaviour chips set to the desired emotion
Then connect the Tag Sensors to an OR gate with however many emotion Tag Sensors you have, and connect the OR gate to a NOT gate.
Hook the NOT gate up to a behaviour chip set to Neutral. (Or any other emotion you want to revert to when an emotion tag is not in range)
Now to activate any of these actions, simply place a Tag with the corresponding color and name of the Tag Sensor that has the action you would like to use next to the Sackbot. If I explained it well enough for you to understand)
You can use a Sequencer to operate many actions in a row by placing the Tags to the corresponding action in the Sequencer and Turning the Radius of the Tag Sensor up enough so that the Sackbot can register it. Tags cannot operate Tag Sensors when they are both inside the Sackbot, so be sure to put the Sequencer out, but close-by.

Using Recorded Actions to Control Sackbots/Switching between Sackbot Recordings
Put behavior chips inside of a microchip in your sackbot. Record what you want in each one, then use toggles, selectors/whatever to switch through them. Then hook all the inputs you used to activate them into an OR gate, then the OR gate into a NOT gate, and the NOT gate into a behavior chip set to neutral, if you so choose.
Inter-Sackbot AI- Courtesy of lionhart180
Inter-Sackbot AI

Here's how to set up interactions amongst different sackbots, for example lets say you want to make 2 different types of sackbots, friendly and enemies, the enemies flee from you, the friendlies follow you, and the enemies and friendlys attack each other. It's much easier than you think.

I apologize for not having any pictures to explain this at the moment but it is pretty easy to do.

First make your two sackbots, and set them a bit of a ways away from each other. Customize them to run like sack people, and give the friendly, lets call him Jack, a bit of a grin. Next make them both afraid of heights and danger, but able to jump and change planes. Finally dress them up to look the parts.

Next, open up Jacks MC and stick a green key in there. This will now make all of Jack associated as a green tag. Do the same for the Enemy but give him a red tag.

Let's start with Jacks AI. Let's look at all possible inputs. A: Nothing, no one is around. Let's make him idle while this is happening. Next you are nearby, so he follows you. Third, an enemy is close by, so he charges in and attacks. And fourth, BOTH you and an enemy are nearby, so who takes precedence? Let's give it to the enemy.

Ok so all we need is a 3 way selector switch, 3 inputs and outputs. Smack that in the middle. Here are your inputs:

#1 Battery
#2 Sackperson Proximity Switch
#3 Red Tag Sensor Switch

As for outputs, set all three to hook up to 3 different sackbot AI chips.

#1: Make him stand idle, looking around. Hook him up to look at, say, purple tags. These will be objects of interest in your level (moving doors, moving objects, sounds, etc) this adds a more realistic feel to your sackperson so he glances around at his surroundings.

#2 Basically same set up but instead of idle he is now set to follow your sackperson. However set his awareness to be about twice that of the distance of the trigger for the proximity switch. Why? You'll need to get up close if you lose track of him, but once he's following you you can go farther away and he won't get lost.

#3 Set this one to follow tagged waypoint, red, as well as aggressive. Second, set his facial expression to angry. Third, set him to look at tags, red, so he's not only angry, but angry and looking at the enemy he's angry at.

Viola, your sackperson should now chill out til you land, to which he follow you pleasantly, but then abruptly takes off and glares angrily at the enemy if you get too close.

Next: The enemy AI. This one is way trickier because we want the enemy to do a lot more stuff.

First, when he is idle lets set him to patrol, BUT we want to control our enemy's patrol path, so when he reaches a colored tag he turns around and goes the oppisite direction, this is easy, just set it to toggle between left or right walking.

Second, we want him to not continuously walk, we want him to pause for 3-4 seconds and look around when he reaches another type of colored tag. This will require timers, resets, and a bunch of other complicated stuff.

Third, we want him to attack the friendly NPC upon spotting him.

And fourth, we want him to run away while attacking the player if he spots the player, taking precedence over killing the NPC.

Whew, thats kind of complicated, but lets see what we can do. First, we need pretty much the same set up for the friendly, but 5 inputs. These are:

#1 Battery
#2 Blue Tag Switch (NPC sighted!)
#3 Player Proximity (Run away!)

Ok already its looking a bit tricky but lets start with the easy stuff. First hook up the #2 and #3 outputs to their respective AIs directly, #2 being the same as the friendly's aggression towards enemy AI accept towards a blue tag instead of red.

Second #3 will be set to flee, aggressive. Maybe add a scared face for extra measure.

Ok, so now to set his patrol path. First we'll build the necessary AIs on the right, both patrolling at about 70% speed, walking, one left handed and one right handed.

So what we need to do is hook up to and switches, one to each of those AIs. Have their top inputs be the #1 output from your first selector switch. Next hook up a toggler, and have its input be a orange or whatever tag switch, these will swap the path of the bot. Set its output to both #2s of the and switches.

Now whenever no one is around, the sackbot will strut left or right until he hits an orange tag, to which he'll promptly turn around and walk the other way. Now we can directly control the sackbots patrol!

Now to make him pause at purple tags, this is tricky. First add a purple tag detector to this conglomeration of AI, near the pathing section of your AI.

Break both of the connections between the AND->AI connections, and stick a 2IO selector in each one. Remake the connections, but going through the #1 input and outputs of the respective selectors. If you exit out, the sackbot still works exactly the same, but now we've added the ability to temporarily break the connection to the pathing AIs.

Build your last AI MC, set this to having the sackbot idle, looking around, and looking at purple tags. Maybe make him frown harder or something.

Next, hook up BOTH #2 outputs of the selectors to this last AI.

Now remember that purple tag switch we made earlier? We'll want to hook that up to a timer, maybe 4 seconds long. Next we'll hook that timer up to both #2 inputs of the selectors.

Set the output of the timer to be opposite, so it turns off when full (NPC is done looking around). But now we have a problem! Because its perma on, the NPC just stands there like a stone, so we need to also verify that he is near a purple switch, but not done looking at it.

Break the connection between the timer and the selector, and put an AND switch between them, so now its (not)Timer -> AND -> Selector I2

Next hook up the other input of that AND switch to be the purple tag switch we made awhile ago. There, now he only stands still when hes at a purple tag AND his timer isn't full.

But now when he keeps walking, if he hits a new purple tag his timer is already filled up! We need a way to reset it to 0! Ok that's actually really easy, and it's the last step.

Make a NOT gate, and feed the purple tag switch into it. Feed it's output into the reset input of the timer on the bottom.

Viola, once the sackbot walks away from the purple gate it resets the timer.

Try building a path for him to walk and patrol along to see it in action. Then copy him and the friendly npc, give them both creatinators and watch them attack each other!

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial, I'm a second year computer scientist so all of this stuff is fun and easy for me, so if anyone has any more questions or how-tos for logic gates, especially AI, feel free to ask and I'll be glad to help you figure out how to make your sackbots or whatever do what you want them to do!
Tutorial #2: Bringing your Sackbot to Life! - Courtesy of lionhart180

Tutoriual #2: Bringing your Sackbot to Life!
Here's a few useful things you might want to add to your bots to make them feel less like scenery and more like sentient helpers in your level.

Impact Sensor -> Sackbot soundclip : Grunt
This will make your sackbot grunt every time he lands on the ground, hits something, etc.

Projectile Sensor -> Sackbot soundclip : Disgusted
This is a nice addition for when you have the creatinator in your level, if you accidently shoot your friendly sackbot he'll shake his head and grumble at you!

Player Sensor (very close proximity) -> Sackbot soundclip : Greeting + AI action (wave motion)
This will make your sackbot stop following you and wave a short greeting when he gets up to you.

Colored tag Switch (medium proximity) -> Sackbot soundclip : query. Also set AI to look at waypoints of the same color
This will make your sackbot look at the switch and go "heh?" when he sees it. Stick these colored tags on any object of interest in your levels, switches, enemies, etc. It's a good way also to help guide the player subtly in your levels.

Grab Sensor -> Sackbot Soundclip : query.
Same idea as the previous tip, this one makes your sackbot make a confused sound when the player grabs onto him and tugs him around.

The list goes on, but these little tweaks are excellent ways to really make your sackbots stick out in your levels.

My A.I so far:
This is your brain

This is your brain on me.
The first pic is Basic Actions and Emotions
The second pic is Medium 2 and 3 layered Actions.
This is all A.I stuff, stuff that a regular Sackboy can do when being controlled by a player. So basically, it's Sackboy in a Microchip.
Im sorry, the logic is in another chip.
It's messy because I rearranged it to fit on screen.
I think I have about 40 something Actions. Every Action is activated by a single Tag. Even the combinations of actions.
I promise it's not as hard as it might look.

Controlled by Player
By Controlled by Player I mean the player controlls the Sackbot remotely using DCS.
How to Control a Sackbot using a DCS
Place a DCS for Sackboy to sit in anywhere you like, set it to transmit, place another DCS inside the Sackbot set to recieve.
Making a Sackbot 'Swim' underwater.
- Make a Sackbot and put an anti-gravity object tweaker set to 100% Dampening in it.
- Set a key in its microchip, whichever color.
- Place a DCS (Controllinator) in the sackbot, and set it as a reciever.
- place a thick 0 brightness (invisible) holo square, and place a DCS set to transmit on it.
- In the transmitter, set an emitter, set it to emit the waterproof sackbot, with 0.0 emission rate, and 0.1 lifetime.
Place a follower in the Transmitting DCS set to 42(43?) strength. (I don't remember if the speed matters, mine was around 60, I think, and it was good) and a corresponding tag in the sackbot you are going to emit. That strength setting will matter later, right now it doesn't matter.
- Set the emit and destroy effects to "appear/ Dissapear" Respectively.
- Place an Advanced Mover and Joystick rotator in the Trasmitter Controllinator (In the holo block) and connect the Left/right and Up/down outputs fromt the left or right stick into the inputs of the Advanced Mover/Joystick rotator respectively.
The Sackbot will now appear to be swimming(although facing the screen..)
Also, you may want to place an invisible (hollowed)block and glue it to the holo material, so it clashes with the walls, otherwise it can go out of boundaries.
Originally typed by Yarudark/Silverleon, edited by me. (Sorry Yaru, you forgot stuff )
A better version of the swimming bot is in progress.

Flying is one of the easiest and basic things you can do with a Sackbot.
You'll need:
AND Gate
OR Gate
Advanced Mover
Joystick Rotator
Anti Gravity Object Tweaker (Set Dampening to about 40%)

It's good to use a button to activate flying, I personally prefer to use L1 to activate things to i'll that as an example.
Hook L1 into the AND Gate
Hook both the Left/Right and Up/Down Outputs of the Left Stick into the OR Gate, then plug the output of the OR Gate into the AND Gate.
Also hook the Left/Right and Up/Down outputs of the Left Stick into the Advanced Mover and the Joystick rotator.
Take the AND gate output and plug that into the On/Off input on the bottom of the Advanced Mover.
Lastly, Hook L1 into the Anti Gravity Object Tweaker so that you don't fall out of the Air.
Sackbot Follow Cam

This is easy,
Put the DCS that you want Sackboy to sit in on a peice of Holo with Brightness at 0% and turn visible in playmode off in the DCS.
Put a Follow in the DCS set to max Speed and Follow Tag.
Simply put a Tag the same color/name of the Follower and it should follow.
You could also use a Movie Cam but be aware that it forces all players to view that cam so if you want all players to have their own cam, it would probably be better to use the above method.

Aiming Emitted Objects/Shooting

Ever wonder how that RPG level with the Bow was made?
The object being emitted(in this case holo) needs to have
DCS set to recieve
a follower set to follow a tag on Sackbot(Max speed and Acceleration),
(NOTE: This Emitter is only if the Object will be shooting something)An Emitter, set to 0.0 Frequency(Preferably), and 1s or less Lifetime(Preferably), Infinite emitted, Max emitted at once is whatever you want.
A Joystick Rotator at Max Acceleration
A Tag Sensor set to a tag on Sackbot.
And a Destroyer
Whatever button you use to shoot (If you choose to) gets hooked into the Emitter, Left/Right Output from Right Stick goes into Input of JoyStick Rotator, Up/Down Output of Right Stick goes into Input of Joystick Rotator. Then hook the Tag Sensor into the Destroyer.
In your Sackbot, put a DCS set to Transmit the same color as the DCS on the object, a Direction Combiner, an Emitter, an OR gate, an inverted NOT gate, and a Tag the same color/name of the Tag Sensor on the object.
The Emitter needs to be 0 Linear/Angular velocity, 0.0 Frequency, Infinite Lifetime, Infinite Emitted, Max Emitted at once 1, and Destroy Oldest when Max reached Off.
Hook both outputs of the Right Stick into the Signal Combiner and the OR gate, the Output of the Combiner into the Emitter, the Output of the OR gate into the NOT gate, and the Output of the NOT gate, into the Tag.
If you are going to make a flamethrower of some other hazard shoot out, I advise Hologram 0% brightness then lethalized, so it looks more realistic than cylindrical blocks flying out.
Levitating Objects using Sackbot

To become a Jedi levitate objects, put a DCS set to Transmit and a Tag inside of your sackbot.
On what you are levitating put a DCS with an Advanced Mover, OR gate, 3 input AND gate, Anti Gravity Object Tweaker set to 40% Dampening and a Tag Sensor.
Choose a button, L1 for this example, and hook it up to the AND gate and Anti Gravity tweaker. Hook the Tag Sensor into the third input of the AND gate.
Wire the Outputs for the Left Stick in the DCS to the OR Gate and Advanced Mover, respectively. The Output of the AND Gate goes into the On/Off input of the Advanced Mover.
May the Force Logic be with you.
Force Waves/Shields

Make something to emit, I suggest Holo, and put a Tag on colored/labeled whatever you want. (Make sure it doesn't interfere with any of your other Tag Sensors)
Save your "Force Waves" and put a DCS with emitter into your Sackbot, set to emit your object.
On whatever you want it to push put a Follower set to Flee and Allow Up/Down Movement and an Impact Sensor set to the Color/Label of the Tag in your Sackbot. Turn Include Touching and Require Tag, on.
Shields are the same, just put the Tag from the Waves on a peice of Holo set to follow a Tag on your Sackbot and the Holo to .1% Brightness. (NOTE: I haven't used this exact method for shields, mine was more complex so I could put more logic in, so if this doesn't work tell me and I'll put a different way)

Wall Running
Impact sensor
Advanced Mover
Anti Gravity Object Tweaker
Set the Impact sensor to Include Touching and Require Tag, Yes.
Set the Gyroscop to 100% Acceleration
Set the Advanced Mover to whatever you like(If you are using a Sackbot, I reccomend 3.0) and 100% Strength
Turn the Dampening on the Gravity tweaker to 40%
Hook up the Impact sensor to the Gyroscope, Anti Gravity Object Tweaker and the ON/OFF input of the Advanced Mover
Hook the Up/Down Output from the Left Stick to the Up/Down Input of the Advanced Mover
Now to be able to climb a wall, surround it with one peice of Holo and put a Tag with the same color/label of the Impact Sensor.

How to make checkpoint system for sackbot that is controlled by Player- Courtesy of waD_Delma

First you want to make checkpoint from thin material or anything you want.
Create microchip and place it to the checkpoint.
Place selector with two inputs in the microchip.
Create tag sensor that detects tag "active" with max radius and hook it to first input of selector.
Create tag sensor that detects when player activates the checkpoint and hook it second input of selector.
Create MC inside the microchip and hook second output of the selector to activate input of that MC.
Create tag with label "active" inside the MC.
Create tag sensor inside MC that detects player with max radius and invert it.
Place emitter that emits new sackbot and hook sensor that detects player with max radius to it.

I will continue to update with more tutorials.

If you would like a tutorial on something related to Sackbots, ask and i'll see what I can whip up.

Ooh, Shadowriver made a thread for his sackbot/DCS stuff:

He made some very interesting things and I suggest checking them out.

Alas, I do not yet know how to get seperate player cams when controlling Sackbots remotely, so do not bother asking me about that.
I know you can put a DCS on a Holo and make it invisible, but to make the cameras seperate so you every player can controll them remotely without being tied down by the other players, illudes me.
If you have any Sackbot logic or A.I you would like to contribute, leave a comment.

I wont actually test the tutorials that people post, I'll add them to the OP if they seem like they actually work, if one doesn't, tell me.
So far it all lookgs good though
2011-01-20 05:17:00

Posts: 1800

Wow, thanks!
That was much more helpful than that guy who explained sackbots in the tutorials.
2011-01-20 05:36:00

Posts: 192

Thanks for the tut! I cant wait for more.2011-01-20 05:54:00

Posts: 176

Alas, I do not yet know how to get seperate player cams when controlling Sackbots remotely, so do not bother asking me about that.

I believe you put the DCS on a piece of invisible holo set to follow the sackbot.
2011-01-20 06:03:00

Posts: 654

I believe you put the DCS on a piece of invisible holo set to follow the sackbot.

Im aware of that method but is there a way without having to have the player nearby?
2011-01-20 06:18:00

Posts: 1800

omfg thanks! ALOT!2011-01-20 06:26:00

Posts: 153

I don't know if you can get the camera to leave the player, I haven't found a way yet anyway. But I'm still fooling around with sackbots, I'm sure someone with more LBP2 experience could tell you.2011-01-20 06:26:00

Posts: 654

Oh and somesort of Superhero tutorial (or something on the lines of The Fists of Craft Earth would be awesome) with the emoting forcewaves and such. I think it would be really neat to have a "session" of creating. If I could watch someone make something and explain what they are doing, maybe all this new stuff would start to make sense. :2011-01-20 06:39:00

Posts: 176

Can't you just put a movie camera on the sackbot's microchip with the 'disable controllers' off? That worked in the beta...2011-01-20 06:51:00

Posts: 587

Oh and somesort of Superhero tutorial (or something on the lines of The Fists of Craft Earth would be awesome) with the emoting forcewaves and such

Force waves are easy, i'll make a tut for that.
Superhero? You mean like flying and stuff? I'll put a tut up for the basic 'Superhero' stuff tomorrow, if you mean something else, tell me.

Can't you just put a movie camera on the sackbot's microchip with the 'disable controllers' off? That worked in the beta...

Movie Camera forces all players to view same cam.
2011-01-20 06:57:00

Posts: 1800

This is really, really awesome. I got the game yesterday and I just cant wrap my head around all this new logic and how to approach it. This helped ALOT! =D2011-01-20 11:28:00

Posts: 84

I've a question regarding the camera set-up when using a remote Sackbot - has anyone found a way of having the player view the 'bot through the regular game cameras instead of the static movie camera on it's chip? Or getting the game cameras to over-ride the move cam? I'd like to use Sackbot avatars in a level idea but the restrictive view of the movie cam is putting me off somewhat....2011-01-20 12:44:00

Posts: 1156

Make invisible controllinator on invisible holo and mount player there, make follow bot by tag following and here you go Cam will follow player on controllinator that follows sackbot, this works perfecly even on versus mode2011-01-20 12:50:00

Posts: 3991

Make invisible controllinator on invisible holo and mount player there, make follow bot by tag following and here you go Cam will follow player on controllinator that follows sackbot, this works perfecly even on versus mode

Of course! Does this allow for the player to follow the Sackbot absolutely anywhere, or are there collision issues to keep in mind?
2011-01-20 13:06:00

Posts: 1156

Of course! Does this allow for the player to follow the Sackbot absolutely anywhere, or are there collision issues to keep in mind?

It won't collide with anything. I have tested what happens if you use extra layer in the front in your level, but if you don't the player won't get stuck anywhere.
2011-01-20 13:18:00

Posts: 3193

Of course! Does this allow for the player to follow the Sackbot absolutely anywhere, or are there collision issues to keep in mind?

Yeah in beta holos like to crash on ground level but it might be fix in full (yea got game but still didn't have a chance to play it )
2011-01-20 14:02:00

Posts: 3991

Great tutorial, keep it up.2011-01-20 14:33:00

Posts: 491


A sackboy or sackbot in a DCS on holo will not collide with anything if set to invisible, I haven't tried it with DCS visible though.
2011-01-20 20:04:00

Posts: 1800

Updated OP with Flying and Sackbot cam tutorials. More to come. 2011-01-20 21:55:00

Posts: 1800

Awesome! Keep 'em coming! 2011-01-20 22:16:00

Posts: 4

For the first part, I understand exactly what you are trying to do and I see how it works, but it is a very big waste of thermo. You could rather just place a receiver control seat on the sackbot's microchip, then put a transmitter control seat on a box somewhere, then that would cause the sackbot to mimic the motions of the player. However, for the rest it seems good. Nice thinking.2011-01-21 05:18:00

Unknown User

Updated OP with more tuts.

For the first part, I understand exactly what you are trying to do and I see how it works, but it is a very big waste of thermo. You could rather just place a receiver control seat on the sackbot's microchip, then put a transmitter control seat on a box somewhere, then that would cause the sackbot to mimic the motions of the player. However, for the rest it seems good. Nice thinking.

You are talking about controlling the Sackbot directly, A.I is so you don't need to control it.

You could record a sackbots movement, put it in a DCS set to transmit, and put a reciever on another sackbot in a MC to turn it off/on whenever you want, but to get the amount of actions that the A.I can do with tags would require MANY Sckbots in DCS's which raises the thermo a lot. Its more efficient to throw a Tag down.
2011-01-21 06:51:00

Posts: 1800

This tutorial was very helpful, thank you so much 2011-01-21 07:30:00

Posts: 31

Many thanks for this! Very informative.2011-01-21 09:25:00

Shifty Geezer
Posts: 131

In addition to the AI behavior in the OP, you can have complex boss behavior by having one sackbot on a controllinator that controls the target Sackbot whose AI you want to modify, and recording as complex attack / behavior patterns as you want. If you want a Sackbot that does different attack patterns at random, you can record multiple patterns of the same duration and attack them to a randomizer that triggers at the same pace as the patterns last. This is how I created my Sackbot boss Flame Wolf behavior in the beta:

2011-01-21 13:34:00

Posts: 607

Inter-Sackbot AI

Here's how to set up interactions amongst different sackbots, for example lets say you want to make 2 different types of sackbots, friendly and enemies, the enemies flee from you, the friendlies follow you, and the enemies and friendlys attack each other. It's much easier than you think.

I apologize for not having any pictures to explain this at the moment but it is pretty easy to do.

First make your two sackbots, and set them a bit of a ways away from each other. Customize them to run like sack people, and give the friendly, lets call him Jack, a bit of a grin. Next make them both afraid of heights and danger, but able to jump and change planes. Finally dress them up to look the parts.

Next, open up Jacks MC and stick a green key in there. This will now make all of Jack associated as a green tag. Do the same for the Enemy but give him a red tag.

Let's start with Jacks AI. Let's look at all possible inputs. A: Nothing, no one is around. Let's make him idle while this is happening. Next you are nearby, so he follows you. Third, an enemy is close by, so he charges in and attacks. And fourth, BOTH you and an enemy are nearby, so who takes precedence? Let's give it to the enemy.

Ok so all we need is a 3 way selector switch, 3 inputs and outputs. Smack that in the middle. Here are your inputs:

#1 Battery
#2 Sackperson Proximity Switch
#3 Red Tag Sensor Switch

As for outputs, set all three to hook up to 3 different sackbot AI chips.

#1: Make him stand idle, looking around. Hook him up to look at, say, purple tags. These will be objects of interest in your level (moving doors, moving objects, sounds, etc) this adds a more realistic feel to your sackperson so he glances around at his surroundings.

#2 Basically same set up but instead of idle he is now set to follow your sackperson. However set his awareness to be about twice that of the distance of the trigger for the proximity switch. Why? You'll need to get up close if you lose track of him, but once he's following you you can go farther away and he won't get lost.

#3 Set this one to follow tagged waypoint, red, as well as aggressive. Second, set his facial expression to angry. Third, set him to look at tags, red, so he's not only angry, but angry and looking at the enemy he's angry at.

Viola, your sackperson should now chill out til you land, to which he follow you pleasantly, but then abruptly takes off and glares angrily at the enemy if you get too close.

Next: The enemy AI. This one is way trickier because we want the enemy to do a lot more stuff.

First, when he is idle lets set him to patrol, BUT we want to control our enemy's patrol path, so when he reaches a colored tag he turns around and goes the oppisite direction, this is easy, just set it to toggle between left or right walking.

Second, we want him to not continuously walk, we want him to pause for 3-4 seconds and look around when he reaches another type of colored tag. This will require timers, resets, and a bunch of other complicated stuff.

Third, we want him to attack the friendly NPC upon spotting him.

And fourth, we want him to run away while attacking the player if he spots the player, taking precedence over killing the NPC.

Whew, thats kind of complicated, but lets see what we can do. First, we need pretty much the same set up for the friendly, but 5 inputs. These are:

#1 Battery
#2 Blue Tag Switch (NPC sighted!)
#3 Player Proximity (Run away!)

Ok already its looking a bit tricky but lets start with the easy stuff. First hook up the #2 and #3 outputs to their respective AIs directly, #2 being the same as the friendly's aggression towards enemy AI accept towards a blue tag instead of red.

Second #3 will be set to flee, aggressive. Maybe add a scared face for extra measure.

Ok, so now to set his patrol path. First we'll build the necessary AIs on the right, both patrolling at about 70% speed, walking, one left handed and one right handed.

So what we need to do is hook up to and switches, one to each of those AIs. Have their top inputs be the #1 output from your first selector switch. Next hook up a toggler, and have its input be a orange or whatever tag switch, these will swap the path of the bot. Set its output to both #2s of the and switches.

Now whenever no one is around, the sackbot will strut left or right until he hits an orange tag, to which he'll promptly turn around and walk the other way. Now we can directly control the sackbots patrol!

Now to make him pause at purple tags, this is tricky. First add a purple tag detector to this conglomeration of AI, near the pathing section of your AI.

Break both of the connections between the AND->AI connections, and stick a 2IO selector in each one. Remake the connections, but going through the #1 input and outputs of the respective selectors. If you exit out, the sackbot still works exactly the same, but now we've added the ability to temporarily break the connection to the pathing AIs.

Build your last AI MC, set this to having the sackbot idle, looking around, and looking at purple tags. Maybe make him frown harder or something.

Next, hook up BOTH #2 outputs of the selectors to this last AI.

Now remember that purple tag switch we made earlier? We'll want to hook that up to a timer, maybe 4 seconds long. Next we'll hook that timer up to both #2 inputs of the selectors.

Set the output of the timer to be opposite, so it turns off when full (NPC is done looking around). But now we have a problem! Because its perma on, the NPC just stands there like a stone, so we need to also verify that he is near a purple switch, but not done looking at it.

Break the connection between the timer and the selector, and put an AND switch between them, so now its (not)Timer -> AND -> Selector I2

Next hook up the other input of that AND switch to be the purple tag switch we made awhile ago. There, now he only stands still when hes at a purple tag AND his timer isn't full.

But now when he keeps walking, if he hits a new purple tag his timer is already filled up! We need a way to reset it to 0! Ok that's actually really easy, and it's the last step.

Make a NOT gate, and feed the purple tag switch into it. Feed it's output into the reset input of the timer on the bottom.

Viola, once the sackbot walks away from the purple gate it resets the timer.

Try building a path for him to walk and patrol along to see it in action. Then copy him and the friendly npc, give them both creatinators and watch them attack each other!

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial, I'm a second year computer scientist so all of this stuff is fun and easy for me, so if anyone has any more questions or how-tos for logic gates, especially AI, feel free to ask and I'll be glad to help you figure out how to make your sackbots or whatever do what you want them to do!
2011-01-21 16:32:00

Posts: 200

Great idead for a thread! Sackbots are the next big thing and this tutorial is going to come in very handy for me. I hope you keep adding to it.2011-01-21 16:48:00

Posts: 494

Updated OP

I am going to make a tutorial for that with pics after I put a tutorial for Medium A.I.

Thanks, added to the OP.
2011-01-21 17:33:00

Posts: 1800

This is phenominal good sir! I will put these learnings to good use, no doubt. Thank you so much for taking the time to post this information 2011-01-21 18:26:00

Posts: 29

This is great information to have as there is a lot of new ways of thinking I need to figure out with some of this. Something I've just tried to get working without much progress is to have the player control via DCS a sackbot. (Easy enough, plenty of information on this.)

Pressing a button emits another sackbot that the player gains control of while the first sackbot becomes disabled. When another button is pressed then the emitted sackbot is destroyed and player control returns to the first sackbot.

There could be variations on this with having multiple sackbots in an area and pressing a button to switches the player control from one sackbot to the next to the next and then back again to the first.

Or even destroying the current DCS controlled sackbot with a button input/triggered event and replacing it in the same cycle with a different DCS controlled sackbot of different size/costuming/control scheme or whatever.

Any advice anyone has on this will be a great help. Cheers.
2011-01-21 22:05:00

Posts: 297

Can someone do a tutorial on making the sackbot do fighting moves?

I plan on making a fighting game like SSB.
2011-01-21 22:08:00

Posts: 83

Can someone do a tutorial on making the sackbot do fighting moves?

I plan on making a fighting game like SSB.

More details, what exactly do you want?
2011-01-21 22:13:00

Posts: 1800

Quick questions regarding sackbots, how do I get one to kill me? Besides the obvious like using the creatinator. Any help?2011-01-21 23:54:00

Posts: 11

Quick questions regarding sackbots, how do I get one to kill me? Besides the obvious like using the creatinator. Any help?

You could use the Aiming/Shooting tutorial in the OP, you could lethalize them, if you are controlling a sackbot you can use a destroyer.
2011-01-22 00:10:00

Posts: 1800

Quick questions regarding sackbots, how do I get one to kill me? Besides the obvious like using the creatinator. Any help?
Put a danger sensor on his chip? Not sure what you mean, but if you mean by touch electric or fire would do the trick.
2011-01-22 00:10:00

Posts: 734

What's a DCS? ._. I'm not really good with these things.2011-01-22 00:34:00

Posts: 91

What's a DCS? ._. I'm not really good with these things.

DCS is the original name for the Controllinator.
It's just quicker to call it a DCS.
2011-01-22 00:38:00

Posts: 1800

You could use the Aiming/Shooting tutorial in the OP, you could lethalize them, if you are controlling a sackbot you can use a destroyer.

Well I don't want to lethalize them, but I do want them to be deadly. (Toward me.)

Put a danger sensor on his chip? Not sure what you mean, but if you mean by touch electric or fire would do the trick.

What would the danger sensor do?
2011-01-22 01:35:00

Posts: 11

So I tried the Aiming/Shooting thing but whenever I aim, it turns the whole sackbot around too? Any way to fix this? I also want to make it emit per button press, not continually emit if I hold down the button, do you know how I can do this? Hopefully I get the hang of these things soon....

EDIT: I also plan to make sackbots attack when you control them. For example: You press the O button and it shows a recorded acting scene of a punch while it emits a some dangerous thing (such as a fire filled wave) and kills another sackbot. Will you be able to make it clear for me on how to do this? This sackbot stuff is still getting me confused ._.
2011-01-22 01:46:00

Posts: 91

Well I don't want to lethalize them, but I do want them to be deadly. (Toward me.)

What would the danger sensor do?

Making them Emit stuff or use a createinator are the only ways.

So I tried the Aiming/Shooting thing but whenever I aim, it turns the whole sackbot around too? Any way to fix this? I also want to make it emit per button press, not continually emit if I hold down the button, do you know how I can do this? Hopefully I get the hang of these things soon....

EDIT: I also plan to make sackbots attack when you control them. For example: You press the O button and it shows a recorded acting scene of a punch while it emits a some dangerous thing (such as a fire filled wave) and kills another sackbot. Will you be able to make it clear for me on how to do this? This sackbot stuff is still getting me confused ._.

First paragraph: Sounds like you hooked up the left stick intstead of the right stick, left stick controls movement, right stick aims.
Set the emitter to emit one at a time.

Second Paragraph: Put a sackbot in a DCS, record the action, set the DCS to Transmit. Put a DCS in a MC in the Sackbot and put a hook up whatever you want to activate it into the Mc.
2011-01-22 02:37:00

Posts: 1800

Making them Emit stuff or use a createinator are the only ways.

Alright thank you. Another quick question if you don't mind, how do I get sackbots to emit? I have tried using the emitter but it doesn't really work.
2011-01-22 03:03:00

Posts: 11

Alright thank you. Another quick question if you don't mind, how do I get sackbots to emit? I have tried using the emitter but it doesn't really work.

Sackbot > DCS > Button you want to emit with > Hook into emitter > put Object into emitter > Tweak emitter however you want it
That should work.
2011-01-22 03:11:00

Posts: 1800

wow pretty helpful tutorial! this will help tons of people.2011-01-22 03:15:00

Posts: 1843

You could use the Aiming/Shooting tutorial in the OP, you could lethalize them, if you are controlling a sackbot you can use a destroyer.

Put a danger sensor on his chip? Not sure what you mean, but if you mean by touch electric or fire would do the trick.

Sackbot > DCS > Button you want to emit with > Hook into emitter > put Object into emitter > Tweak emitter however you want it
That should work.

Thank you so very much!
2011-01-22 03:28:00

Posts: 11

Sorry... I haven't quite grasped the logic yet but I'm getting the hang of it, but I'm pretty sure I set up all the sensors and logic for the grab MC but it still isn't working while the others work just fine. What am I doing wrong this time? ._.
Sorry for so much questions..>.<
2011-01-22 05:03:00

Posts: 91

Sorry... I haven't quite grasped the logic yet but I'm getting the hang of it, but I'm pretty sure I set up all the sensors and logic for the grab MC but it still isn't working while the others work just fine. What am I doing wrong this time? ._.
Sorry for so much questions..>.<

If you mean A.I, 100% bettery into R1.
If directly by DCS, just map R1,
2011-01-22 05:38:00

Posts: 1800

More details, what exactly do you want?

Using animations to make fighting moves like the Marvel vs Capcom game that was in the beta. I already figured out how to make the fighting moves, but i need to know how to make it hurt other sackbots.
2011-01-22 07:54:00

Posts: 83

Very good tutorial! I love it and used it alot (for as long as i have the game).

Sometimes when i see LBP2 logic i feel like this game is Rated R for Rocket Scientist. :3

BTW: I think you forgot to mention in the wall running tut, that you also have to hook up the impact sensor with the on/off input on the advanced mover. (I don't know if this is true, but you can see a wire in the picture)
2011-01-22 11:14:00

Posts: 220

Using animations to make fighting moves like the Marvel vs Capcom game that was in the beta. I already figured out how to make the fighting moves, but i need to know how to make it hurt other sackbots.

I haven't personally done that yet, but I can ask around and try to get a tutorial for that.

Very good tutorial! I love it and used it alot (for as long as i have the game).

Sometimes when i see LBP2 logic i feel like this game is Rated R for Rocket Scientist. :3

BTW: I think you forgot to mention in the wall running tut, that you also have to hook up the impact sensor with the on/off input on the advanced mover. (I don't know if this is true, but you can see a wire in the picture)

Thanks, I'll fix that right now.
2011-01-23 03:06:00

Posts: 1800

Do you think you could add a tut on Sackbot checkpoint systems?2011-01-23 05:20:00

Posts: 111

Do you think you could add a tut on Sackbot checkpoint systems?

I think what you want is sackboy in a DCS, on a peice of holo, following sackbot, and a tag/sensor with a not gate so that when the Sackbot is not recognized it spawns another.
Oh, and a destroyer on the holo with a sensor and not gate so that when the sackbot is destroyed it will destroy the holo, killing sackboy.

If you want an in-depth tutorial I can make one.

I'm busy right now but I am going to do a Medium/Advanced A.I tutorial and as much of the stuff that people are asking for as I can by tomorrow.
I'm trying to get at least 2 tutorials at a time so the list of tuts can grow quickly.
2011-01-23 16:29:00

Posts: 1800

great tutoirials, really helpful thanks!, just wondering, i saw that sackbots could use dcs's and i wondered how this would work, could we have a tutorial on that? thanks!2011-01-23 18:54:00

Unknown User

This is great information to have as there is a lot of new ways of thinking I need to figure out with some of this. Something I've just tried to get working without much progress is to have the player control via DCS a sackbot. (Easy enough, plenty of information on this.)

Pressing a button emits another sackbot that the player gains control of while the first sackbot becomes disabled. When another button is pressed then the emitted sackbot is destroyed and player control returns to the first sackbot.

There could be variations on this with having multiple sackbots in an area and pressing a button to switches the player control from one sackbot to the next to the next and then back again to the first.

Or even destroying the current DCS controlled sackbot with a button input/triggered event and replacing it in the same cycle with a different DCS controlled sackbot of different size/costuming/control scheme or whatever.

Any advice anyone has on this will be a great help. Cheers.

You should be able to do this via make one generic bot hooked up to your DCS system for it, and then duplicate it four times.

Then have your character in a 5th identical DCS with one added control switch, your toggle button, let it be R3 or L3 or any switch not used in the original DCSs

Then make a 4 IO selector for each control for the secondary DCSs, hook up each output to one of the respective DCS controls.

In fact you can remove the DCS from the equation and have a big stack of 4IO selectors, one for each output of the main DCS the player sits in.

Then hook up each output of the selector to the respective command, IE lets say you have 4 sackbots, you'll need a selector for left, right, jump, grab, etc etc, then hook up the first output of the grab's selector to the first sackbots grab logic, the second output to the second sackbots grab logic, etc etc.

Then connect the R1 DCS to an AND gate between each of the four outputs of the grab's selector.

Finally, hook up your cycle button to each of the bottom cycling inputs of the selectors.

Thus, when you hit the cycle button, all of the selectors cycle to connect to the next sackbot, and when you hit any of your buttons it completes the circuit between the selector and the sackbot it's going to, executing the command.

Add in a camera that's turned on for the sackbot when you cycle to it so you can see it too!

As an added option you may want to add a, say, green tag to each sackbot, set to be toggled on when you have control of it.

You could then theoretically make a command that tells the 3 sackbots you don't control to switch from idle mode to follow green waypoint mode, and make the one you control say a greeting and wave his hand or something, aka, summoning the other three to your side.

I just finished making a zombie survival level that used a lot of sackbot AI, btw turns out if you set sackbot to use the creatinator they can also use the paintinator :o
I even have the AIs of the assisting NPC sackbots and the Zombie sackbots as prizes for the level, so you can take them and put them in your level and see how I made them work.

Tutoriual #2: Bringing your Sackbot to Life!
Here's a few useful things you might want to add to your bots to make them feel less like scenery and more like sentient helpers in your level.

Impact Sensor -> Sackbot soundclip : Grunt
This will make your sackbot grunt every time he lands on the ground, hits something, etc.

Projectile Sensor -> Sackbot soundclip : Disgusted
This is a nice addition for when you have the creatinator in your level, if you accidently shoot your friendly sackbot he'll shake his head and grumble at you!

Player Sensor (very close proximity) -> Sackbot soundclip : Greeting + AI action (wave motion)
This will make your sackbot stop following you and wave a short greeting when he gets up to you.

Colored tag Switch (medium proximity) -> Sackbot soundclip : query. Also set AI to look at waypoints of the same color
This will make your sackbot look at the switch and go "heh?" when he sees it. Stick these colored tags on any object of interest in your levels, switches, enemies, etc. It's a good way also to help guide the player subtly in your levels.

Grab Sensor -> Sackbot Soundclip : query.
Same idea as the previous tip, this one makes your sackbot make a confused sound when the player grabs onto him and tugs him around.

The list goes on, but these little tweaks are excellent ways to really make your sackbots stick out in your levels.
2011-01-23 20:51:00

Posts: 200

thats really cool! do you think, it would be possible to get a sackbot to use A.I. to use a controlinator? it would probably be insanely complicated.2011-01-23 21:23:00

Unknown User

It'd probably be easier to simulate it by having the object being controlled by the controlinator do everything the sackbot would make it do, when it detects a sackbot sitting it, and maybe also have the sackbot do some AI action movements to simulate him hitting the buttons and etc.2011-01-23 22:07:00

Posts: 200

You could use A.I to make a sackbot control the controllinator, but its easier to simulate it by having any movements feed into the On/Off of microchips that have DCS's(controllinators) in them with batteries hooked up to the input of the directions.(All within the original DCS that the sackbot is in.)

You would need four microchips and four DCSs

MicroChip > DCS > Battery set to either 100% or -100% hooked into input of Left/Right or Up/Down

Make four, one for each movement, left, down, right, up, and have whatever logic you are using that has directions hook into the bottom of the MicroChip for that direction.
That way the Sackbot should make the corresponding movement. Since its basically the same as if it was doing it himself.

If you are asking how to get it inside the DCS, set Automatically enter On.
If you are asking about the sackbot controlling the DCS, you can control is remotely using sackoy in a DCS, you could use recorded actions, or you could use Logic/A.I.
2011-01-23 22:38:00

Posts: 1800

Okay, okay, so I've got a Player/DCS Sackbot and I want to make it transform. For example, imagine Mario running into a mushroom and growing larger. (A larger sackbot replacing another...) How would you go about swapping control from one sackbot to the other? Actually, how would you make one sackbot emit another while simultaneously getting rid of itself?

And if that isn't impossible enough, what about if you wanted to make, say, Sonic roll into a ball (replace a sackbot with a pinball) on crouch, then stand up again when he gets too slow. While keeping momentum consistent.
2011-01-23 23:50:00

Posts: 70

How would you implement screen wraparound using logic? Think of the classic 8 bit games like JetPack or Asteroids. Lots of games 'extended' the gameplay area by having the player go off one edge of the screen and appear on the opposite side. The orignial Stardust on Amiga did this, whereas Johnee's asteroid shooter, awesome as it is, is a bit claustrophobic due to invisible walls.

I imagine you'd need clones, having several copies of a game piece all one-screen's distance apart, such that when a piece moves off screen on one side, its clone appears opposite. I have no idea how that could be managed though!
2011-01-23 23:52:00

Shifty Geezer
Posts: 131

Updated OP.

Edit: I also added lionharts second tutorial to the OP, thanks for contributing!

Okay, okay, so I've got a Player/DCS Sackbot and I want to make it transform. For example, imagine Mario running into a mushroom and growing larger. (A larger sackbot replacing another...) How would you go about swapping control from one sackbot to the other? Actually, how would you make one sackbot emit another while simultaneously getting rid of itself?

And if that isn't impossible enough, what about if you wanted to make, say, Sonic roll into a ball (replace a sackbot with a pinball) on crouch, then stand up again when he gets too slow. While keeping momentum consistent.

Emit the bigger sackbot with a DCS set to recieve the same as the one you were just controlling, and a tag.
On the Sackbot you were controlling, have a tag sensor hook into a destroyer.

How would you implement screen wraparound using logic? Think of the classic 8 bit games like JetPack or Asteroids. Lots of games 'extended' the gameplay area by having the player go off one edge of the screen and appear on the opposite side. The orignial Stardust on Amiga did this, whereas Johnee's asteroid shooter, awesome as it is, is a bit claustrophobic due to invisible walls.

I imagine you'd need clones, having several copies of a game piece all one-screen's distance apart, such that when a piece moves off screen on one side, its clone appears opposite. I have no idea how that could be managed though!

If you mean like Pac-man, you would need a Tag Sensor hooked into a destroyer on your game peice and a tag for when you go off screen, it'll activate and destroy it. Then have another tag inside of your game peice, emitter, Tag Sensor and NOT gate off to the side, increase the radius and set it so that when it isn't registered it emits another peice on the other side. Of course you would need to keep one on each side. You could also try a peice of holo following it with the logic inside of a microchip.

To keep the emitters level with your ship you could try a long peice of holo set to follow, and have them on there. So that it goes up/down with you, making sure you come out on the other side at the same height you when in.
2011-01-24 03:18:00

Posts: 1800

How to make checkpoint system to sackobot that is controlled by player

First you want to make checkpoint from thin material or anything you want.
Create microchip and place it to the checkpoint.
Place selector with two inputs in the microchip.
Create tag sensor that detects tag "active" with max radius and hook it to first input of selector.
Create tag sensor that detects when player activates the checkpoint and hook it second input of selector.
Create MC inside the microchip and hook second output of the selector to activate input of that MC.
Create tag with label "active" inside the MC.
Create tag sensor inside MC that detects player with max radius and invert it.
Place emitter that emits new sackbot and hook sensor that detects player with max radius to it.

This is only bare version but you can add your own visuals to it if you want.

I hope that this is understandable and that it helps. If there is something to ask ask it.
2011-01-24 06:27:00

Posts: 282

How to make checkpoint system to sackobot that is controlled by player

First you want to make checkpoint from thin material or anything you want.
Create microchip and place it to the checkpoint.
Place selector with two inputs in the microchip.
Create tag sensor that detects tag "active" with max radius and hook it to first input of selector.
Create tag sensor that detects when player activates the checkpoint and hook it second input of selector.
Hook second output of selector to tag with label "active".
Create MC inside the microchip and hook second output of the selector to activate input of that MC.
Create tag with label "active" inside the MC.
Create tag sensor inside MC that detects player with max radius and invert it.
Place emitter that emits new sackbot and hook sensor that detects player with max radius to it.

This is only bare version but you can add your own visuals to it if you want.

I hope that this is understandable and that it helps. If there is something to ask ask it.

Thanks for that, i'll add that to the OP.
2011-01-24 07:30:00

Posts: 1800

If you mean like Pac-man...Where you have direct control like that, yes that'd work. But I was thinking freely moving. That is, an object can be given direction and rotation, like Asteroids, spin off one side of the screen and spin in on the other. You could spawn a clone inheriting velocity from parent. Hmmm....that might work... But you'd need four clones simultaneously if you don't want a dead-space off screen.2011-01-24 09:46:00

Shifty Geezer
Posts: 131

I am trying to follow your tutorial but I am totally lost.

You say open your Sackbot and place 7 MCs in it but your pic only shows 2. You then say put 7 tag sensors in one of the MCs but there is only 6 and the other MC in one pic as 4 MCs and then in the next pic as 6 and as for the Let Go and Grab what MCs do you put the AND and NOT gates? Why are there 2 MCs in a MC (and what MC are they in) and what exactly is linked to what because I can't figure it out from the pics or the text
2011-01-24 14:53:00

Posts: 211

I am trying to follow your tutorial but I am totally lost.

You say open your Sackbot and place 7 MCs in it but your pic only shows 2. You then say put 7 tag sensors in one of the MCs but there is only 6 and the other MC in one pic as 4 MCs and then in the next pic as 6 and as for the Let Go and Grab what MCs do you put the AND and NOT gates? Why are there 2 MCs in a MC (and what MC are they in) and what exactly is linked to what because I can't figure it out from the pics or the text

Oh, thanks for finding that, the 7 instead of 6 is just me not being able to count. Fixed it*
Thats my bad with the first pic, the pic only shows 4 MCs but it should be 6 like in the second pic.

I rewrote the top of that tut to try and make it easier to understand.

You put 2 Microchips inside of your sackbot, open then up and put 6 Tag Sensors in one, and 6 Microchips in the other.

Those 2 Microchips inside of one MC are Let Go and Grab, Let Go is where you put the NOT gate and Inverted AND gate.
Your Let Go Tag Sensor hooks up into the inverted AND gate, the Grab Tag Sensor goes into the NOT gate, the NOT gates ouput does into the other input for the inverted AND gate, then the output of the inverted AND gate goes into the ON/OFF input under the Grab Microchip.

The Let Go and Grab Microchips in the pic look like they are just in their own MC, I do that to organize and save space.

Hope that helps
2011-01-24 21:37:00

Posts: 1800

OMG thank you so much. Your tutorial about Wall Running helped me SOOO much!
I spent 3 hours yesterday failing at how to make it work!
2011-01-24 23:50:00

Posts: 81

thank you for this tutorial it will prove very useful. keep em coming!2011-01-25 01:02:00

Posts: 79

Could you remake this into a level If you ever have the time and if you can?2011-01-25 02:12:00

Posts: 484

Too awesome, thanks so much!!!2011-01-25 03:21:00

Unknown User

Could you post a level with this A.I. and Logic in Sackbots as a prize?
Just Kidding! I made most of my own Sackbots using these tuts they're great!
2011-01-25 04:53:00

Posts: 111

it would be great if someone could do a vid capture of themselves doing these tutorials so that we could get a clearer step by step of what to do. As long as the pic is nice and clear (and a decent size) and they take their time so ppl can follow what they are doing I think this would be a great way to show ppl how to do things2011-01-25 05:27:00

Posts: 211

it would be great if someone could do a vid capture of themselves doing these tutorials so that we could get a clearer step by step of what to do. As long as the pic is nice and clear (and a decent size) and they take their time so ppl can follow what they are doing I think this would be a great way to show ppl how to do things

I agree it would be sooooooooo much easier!
2011-01-25 06:10:00

Posts: 52

I want to make a level were you can levitate objects to solve puzzles...but I don`t really understand the tutorial on levitate, is there a video I can watch on how to make this?2011-01-25 10:36:00

Posts: 9

Levitating really has little to do with sackbots. What you want is #1 the gyroscope, this makes an object not rotate from outer forces and try and stay upright.

Depending on how you want your objects to levitate will determine what method you want to use, there's quite a few different methods that give different visual effects in your level.

One method that works well is a gyroscope + an invisible winch, which creates the slow lift into the air effect, kind of a lazy levitating object, the gyroscope stops it from flopping all over the place.

Another would be a perm switch set to a timer, which turns on a lifting switch (force upwards) for enough time to get it in the air, then when the timer turns off it turns on to the planning switch system thing (forgot name, its the one for organizing events in your level) that alternates between slightly lifting and lowering the object with a bit of force, to create a hovering effect.

There's many other ways you can do it, so its up to you. Try doing what I do, I have an entire level called my lab that's entirely for screwing around with stuff in lbp, logic, circuits, and all the various tools and enviornmental effects + sounds to see what I can do.
2011-01-25 15:18:00

Posts: 200

Hook second output of selector to tag with label "active".

Could you remove this line from first post. I just noticed that this is implemented twice.
2011-01-25 17:34:00

Posts: 282

Looks interesting... I was abit dissapointed with the tutorials they were very vague and after sitting through 52 of them there wasnt really much I learnt that I didnt know allready :/2011-01-25 17:58:00

Unknown User

I posted a copy free level concerning some sackbot A.I. https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=45544-Sackbot-demo&p=746621 Its not rtm logic but some gadders make find it useful.2011-01-25 20:15:00

Posts: 739

wait..isn't an inverted not gate just the same as if you hooked the wire to the input instead of through the inv not gate? O.o2011-01-26 00:11:00

Posts: 564

Okay, my sackbot can shoot stuff.

But lets say he's shooting, erm, rockets. And I only want him to shoot five before he runs out of ammo and has to re-up. How do I get rockets to recharge and run out?

And yes, I shamelessly using this tutorial for something unrelated. But it's also useful here.

EDIT: As I'm typing this I think I have it almost figured out already. Buy, hey, it'll be useful for others so the question stands.
2011-01-26 00:45:00

Posts: 734

wait..isn't an inverted not gate just the same as if you hooked the wire to the input instead of through the inv not gate? O.o

iunno, whatever works.
2011-01-26 00:54:00

Posts: 1800

Just found this topic and it looks cool,but before I properly look into it and try out some of the things,I have a few questions.

Before seeing this I was unaware that the bots could have DCS's on them,does this mean I can use them to control objects in a top down view,if so are there any benefits in this?

I built this last night
It's fairly simple next to what i've seen in the op,and for me,it felt like a great achievement as I don't really know what I'm doing.
It does three things,look and move to Home,follow an object if it gets close,don't follow out of boundary.

If the bots can control other objects,would there be a simpler way that gave better results with the bots,or am I doing it right by using logic on the object itself?

Only got the game on friday,and started messing with this kind of stuff Sunday evening,so my knowledge level on this is extremely low
2011-01-26 01:26:00

Unknown User

I like how we all have our different ways of getting from A to B. There's my things all over the place method which seems to only make sense in my head (2+2=38.05), and then there's Bremnens easy to follow guide. Either way me and my Bro Bremnen are kickin it at B with some chilled beer.2011-01-26 01:30:00

Posts: 637

I like how we all have our different ways of getting from A to B. There's my things all over the place method which seems to only make sense in my head (2+2=38.05), and then there's Bremnens easy to follow guide. Either way me and my Bro Bremnen are kickin it at B with some chilled beer.

Wish I was at B.Feel like I've just left the house and forgot my car keys
2011-01-26 01:47:00

Unknown User

Wish I was at B.Feel like I've just left the house and forgot my car keys

That's doing better than me when this stuff - I never got out of the house - it fell into a sinkhole and keeps getting deeper.

Seriously, I'm having such a hard time figuring out vehicles and sackbot AI. It's not quite as intuitive as I thought I would be.

I clicked on this thread and there seems like a text book of info to review.

I'm sure once my head can wrap around a few ideas that it will all click together - but I can't seem to get over that logic language barrier at the moment.
2011-01-26 01:55:00

Posts: 1230

Okay, my sackbot can shoot stuff.

But lets say he's shooting, erm, rockets. And I only want him to shoot five before he runs out of ammo and has to re-up. How do I get rockets to recharge and run out?

And yes, I shamelessly using this tutorial for something unrelated. But it's also useful here.

EDIT: As I'm typing this I think I have it almost figured out already. Buy, hey, it'll be useful for others so the question stands.


Well I'd say a 5 point counter, set his shots to check if he has ammo through an and gate, so if (ammo >0 AND shooting) then ammo -1 and shoot, else have a timer on, when the timer gets full reset the ammo to full.

When ammo is >0 reset the timer

So your setup is:

Shooting input and ammo output into an and gate. And gate to the shooting ammo counter, one shot. Ammo set up to reset a 1 second timer to full. NOT timer set to reset ammo (when timer runs out ammo refills) finally and gate to a not gate to the timer, on, not one shot.

Bot shoots 5 bullets, which uses up all ammo, then turns on timer for 1 second, when timer runs out it resets ammo which then resets timer.

2011-01-26 02:19:00

Posts: 200

Wish I was at B.Feel like I've just left the house and forgot my car keys

At B we dont drive, we glide. LBP2 did seem like a steap learning curve, but I find that from just going through tutorials here, you get a lot more familiar with each tool.
2011-01-26 02:21:00

Posts: 637

Also: Since it seems like there are a lot of people who are still struggling with logic I'm going to write up a logic tut right now for you all!2011-01-26 02:22:00

Posts: 200

Just found this topic and it looks cool,but before I properly look into it and try out some of the things,I have a few questions.

Before seeing this I was unaware that the bots could have DCS's on them,does this mean I can use them to control objects in a top down view,if so are there any benefits in this?

I built this last night
It's fairly simple next to what i've seen in the op,and for me,it felt like a great achievement as I don't really know what I'm doing.
It does three things,look and move to Home,follow an object if it gets close,don't follow out of boundary.

If the bots can control other objects,would there be a simpler way that gave better results with the bots,or am I doing it right by using logic on the object itself?

Only got the game on friday,and started messing with this kind of stuff Sunday evening,so my knowledge level on this is extremely low

As long as it works for you, you're good. It looks like you are getting it pretty well, as you get better you may find ways to cut corners, but as long as it does what you want it to do, that's all that matters, efficiency can come later.
As for if a DCS would make it better, i'd have to see it in action to know for sure.

Wish I was at B.Feel like I've just left the house and forgot my car keys

That's doing better than me when this stuff - I never got out of the house - it fell into a sinkhole and keeps getting deeper.

Seriously, I'm having such a hard time figuring out vehicles and sackbot AI. It's not quite as intuitive as I thought I would be.

I clicked on this thread and there seems like a text book of info to review.

I'm sure once my head can wrap around a few ideas that it will all click together - but I can't seem to get over that logic language barrier at the moment.

It'll get easier as you work with it and get used to what everything does. It's not like its LBP1 logic
2011-01-26 02:23:00

Posts: 1800

As long as it works for you, you're good. It looks like you are getting it pretty well, as you get better you may find ways to cut corners, but as long as it does what you want it to do, that's all that matters, efficiency can come later.
As for if a DCS would make it better, i'd have to see it in action to know for sure.

It'll get easier as you work with it and get used to what everything does. It's not like its LBP1 logic

I guess that's true,it does what's needed from it.

But I do feel i've just made a bit of a breakthrough,I worked out what Tag labels do For something so simple they greatly expand what's possible.My head just filled up with ideas about how it can be used to control my opponent AI.
I think this why I've started to love messing with sort of stuff,it's such a buzz when you work out a solution.
2011-01-26 03:13:00

Unknown User

OMG This is exactly what I've been trying to find for the past week, so happy I finally found it ha. thank you thank you thank you.2011-01-26 11:46:00

Posts: 28

Hmmm, there's a problem with using timers when you want them to recharge from zero, as they remain off until filled completely.

Okay, my sackbot can shoot stuff.

But lets say he's shooting, erm, rockets. And I only want him to shoot five before he runs out of ammo and has to re-up. How do I get rockets to recharge and run out?I'm doing the same, and that where this issue using timers gets in the way that I can't find a workaround for.

Using the OP's design, I have a health bar that is depleted on hits and restored with a pickup, all fine and dandy as when zero the player dies. I have a weapon with a power reservoir that recharges a little over time, giving a buffer of several shots and then a slow fill. This is what you're after, Biv, and it's fairly straightforward in that you take the orignal OP's design and for the +energy, add a pulsing timer (a count up timer that loops the outpt to its own reset) that adds to the reservoir. I also have a boost system on the same principle, only with an added 3 second timer before starting the recharge pulser.

However, when using a timer, the moment it hits zero it switches OFF until recharged to full. Even if it's 99% full, the output is still off until it reaches maximum. Thus when you check for a shot that this reservoir has something in it, it plain doesn't work.

The fix at the moment is to use a counter. This returns ON the moment it is greater than 0. The problem with that is you can't vary the amount of increase/decrease, only being able to increment/decrement by one each time. Unless someone can think of a logic circuit that can overcome the zero return of a timer that has reached the bottom, I don't think better than this can be achieved.

I'll see about providing self-contained microchips in a level you can use as objects. I also have some directional input chips. Basically everything in my Tanks game logic-wise I'll make available for others to use.
2011-01-26 12:42:00

Shifty Geezer
Posts: 131

Okay, this is how I did the ammo. There are probably better ways (I'm going to look at yours lionhart). I wanted a three rocket capacity.

I used five counters.

Ca=a one count Counter
Cb=a two count Counter
Cc=a three count Counter
Cd and Ce= are one count Counters with their output wired into their own reset.
A three input OR switch
your emitter
Tag switch labeled "AMMO"

AMMO is wired into the resets of Ca, Cb, and Cc.
Ca is wired into Cd.
Cb is wired into Ce
Cc, Cd and Ce is wired into the OR
The OR is wired into the emitter, set to ONE SHOT.

When you run over a tag labeled AMMO, the ammo will refill.

This also allowed me to do other things, like wired Ca, Cb, and Cc into inverted LEDs, so as you use ammo the lights turn off. You could do the same with holo instead if you wanted an ammo bar.
I wired Cc to a tag to let the refill station know it's okay to do the reload animation.

If any of this is confusing, let me know.

EDIT: Had to fix an error in my explanation. Please use this updated version instead.

And how about a crappy diagram?

2011-01-26 15:03:00

Posts: 734

Ok, stoopit question time. I keep seeing a reference to "holo". I was not in the beta. Just what is a holo?

**Update*** Nevermind. Found "Hologram" in the basic materials. Boy do I have a lot of learning to do going from LBP1 to LBP2.
2011-01-26 16:15:00

Posts: 153

Great tutorial man,
Now... If you had some videos on youtube to compliment this, then it would be PERFECT.
2011-01-26 17:19:00

Posts: 293

I bought lbp2 yesterday and completed the story today, but this is blowing my mind :O I hope im able to understand and use all this logic2011-01-26 19:53:00

Posts: 562

I can figure out this logic pretty well, but how would I get something like this:

Say pressing 'X' shoots out a fireball, how would I get something totally different to shoot out by pressing "X,X" rapidly ?
2011-01-26 20:34:00

Posts: 28

DUDE! could you get me a sackbot w/ force lift, wall run, force push, and fly? send it to me on the playstation. or u could just get me something with all of those cool features.

Update: And of course all the run and jump controls(i don't need the other normal controls just run, jump, force lift, wall run, force push, and fly.).
2011-01-26 21:33:00

LOLinator v1.02
Posts: 101

I can figure out this logic pretty well, but how would I get something like this:

Say pressing 'X' shoots out a fireball, how would I get something totally different to shoot out by pressing "X,X" rapidly ?

I did it with a timers and counters linked to emitters.It's the first thing I made


X goes into the Or Gate,then into what you want to emit on the first press.
It goes into the blue counter,that is set at 2 (for the second press)
Then into the bottom timer (count up) and dictates how quick you need to input the second button press.if you don't do it in time,it resets itself,and the counter.
The counter is wired into the AND Gate,and activates the second timer (count down) that resets the counter,and fires the second emitter on the second press.

I did have issues with it a first as quick presses of x locked it up,but setting the top timer to 0.1sec fixed it.

You could probably get rid of the And Gate,like I said it was the first thing I made,and I'm not sure why it's there
2011-01-27 00:26:00

Unknown User

Your my new hero thank you so freaking much... this turned into an epic day in terms of LittleBigPlanet haha. thanks once again !!!2011-01-27 00:45:00

Posts: 28

No worries,just happy I could add something.2011-01-27 00:52:00

Unknown User

One last question for anyone to answer, is it possible to give cool downs on moves/emitters ? Like once you use something once can you make the player wait atleast like 60 secs before they can use that move again ?

Edit: and thanks Von, I just got done putting your logic into action and I have it working like a charm currently.
2011-01-27 01:58:00

Posts: 28

All right I really need a way to take in game high res pics in LBP2 (anyone know an easy way?)

I just built a multi sackbot control system, though I'm 99.9% there is a WAY easier way to do it if I can figure out how to disable the control of a remote control receiver so it doesn't listen for inputs.

The set up is... ok well not simple in the slightest at all sadly. First off I created your standard nonvisible nonescapable controller. I then stuck a 4 out selector.

Next I ran the "is being used" output of the controller alongside it's left/right button output through an AND gate, which I hooked up to the cycling of the selector. Thus whenever the player hit left or right on the controller they could cycle through the outputs.

Next I created a sackbot and gave him a controller inside to receive from the player. This is where it gets tricky, but essentially I created 4 sackbots with inputs for all the buttons I need to press that turned on when said buttons where pushed, which were attached to their own AND gates, all of which were checked against if the player had cycled to them via the selector.

All the ANd gates outputed to their said buttons on each sackbot's controller, thus when I hit left all 4 sackbots got a left command, but only the one that was selected via the selector had it pass through his respective AND gate and pass to his controller.

I also hooked up each sackbot with a camera that focused on them, which was activated when they were selected.

The result was the ability to have 4 sackbots you could "cycle" control through, thus controlling 4 sackbots at once.

That took me about an hour, so then I rolled up my sleeves and decided to get down to some real business.

First off I wanted the ability to tell a sackbot to grab something, and then hit a button to make him keep grabbing while I controlled a different sackbot.

So I used L1, and passed it through a 3 input AND gate. Input 1 was if he was selected, input 2 was the output of the R1s AND gate, and the third Input was of course, player's L1.

Thus if the sackbot was selected, and R1 was down, if the player tapped L1 as well it'd pulse true.

I outputted this to a toggle gate. I then broke the connection between the R1's AND gate and the R1 button for the sackbot and put an OR gate between them and rebuilt the connection through it, and made the output of the toggle switch the other input of the OR.

Thus, if the sackbot is grabbing something, if you hit L1 you can let go and he'll stay grabbing while you do other stuff, whoot!

Next I wanted the ability to have the sackbot you are controlling be able to "summon" the other three to follow you.

This was surprisingly easy, I used L3 for that input. Just wired that, once again, through an AND gate like the rest, checked against if he is in control. I set that up to a toggle, which turned on a green tag (and some other visual aesthetic stuff, sound effects, etc)

I then added a switch detector for the same green switch, to detect it on one of the other three sackbots, and told that to turn on a follow waypoint AI when on, and when not on turn on normal idle AI.

I also set that to check if the R1 grab toggle was on and turn it off, so if you call the sackbots and one is grabbing something, he'll let go and come to.

Finally I set the leadership toggle, as I called it, to check through an ANd gate if it is on and the sackbot is not in control, if so, turn itself off.

The final result was pretty neat, but now I have a new puzzle to work on.

I'm building a level around these sackbots, but clearly as is if one died you'd be screwed as sackbots don't respawn.

I cannot simply emit the sackbots, as the AI requires them to be connected to the main controller.

I'm thinking of having 4 of each bot, 3/4 of them in stasis, at a main area to be shot through some tubes to a waypoint that will be activated by the player, when one sacbkot dies, one of his replacements gets shot through the tubs and lands at the last activated waypoints.

However this gives me a new puzzle.

I need a way to detect when my sackbot dies, when I have 16 of them, essentially I need a switch to be activated that releases sackbot #2 when sackbot #1 bites the dust, be it being crushed, zapped, burned, or whatever.

Anyone know a nice solution?
2011-01-27 02:38:00

Posts: 200

Timer with a battery set to its counter, its output flopped so it outputs true when empty.

Run its output and your trigger through an and gate. Have the and gate reset the timer and activate an emitter.

Might want to have your timer outside your emitter so the player can see it, so they can watch the countdown.
2011-01-27 02:40:00

Posts: 200

I just built a multi sackbot control system, though I'm 99.9% there is a WAY easier way to do it if I can figure out how to disable the control of a remote control receiver so it doesn't listen for inputs.

Hey, I made one of those too!
Though mine is a lot simpler, and as such, can do a lot less, just with a selector.... selecting... microchips with controllinators inside sackbots. When it isn't being controlled, the sackbot will follow the sackbot being controlled, until it gets close, when it will just stand still. (To stop the sackbots running into each other and looking messy.)

But anyway.
2011-01-27 03:27:00

Posts: 624

Well I figured out an awesomely simple way to detect when your sackbot dies.

Just stick an XOR gate somewhere in your level and wire a battery to input #1, then put a battery on your sackbot MC and wire that to the other input of the XOR gate.

When the sackbot dies, the battery goes with it, and the XOR gate opens
2011-01-27 04:33:00

Posts: 200

Well I figured out an awesomely simple way to detect when your sackbot dies.

Just stick an XOR gate somewhere in your level and wire a battery to input #1, then put a battery on your sackbot MC and wire that to the other input of the XOR gate.

When the sackbot dies, the battery goes with it, and the XOR gate opens

But is it easier than just having a tag sensor fed into a Not switch, with the tag on the sackbot?

Probably not, as a XOR is more accurate.
2011-01-27 04:43:00

Posts: 624

so can i ask these following questions
how do i make my sackboy punch when i press a button
make my enemy sense that he was hit and lower his heal
destroy my sackbot and me when my health reaches to zero
2011-01-27 05:33:00

wait wtf
Posts: 853

Anyone figured out how to make sequential speech bubbles like the Story Mode? What I mean is: you stand next to a character, which activates the first in a series of magic mouths, which will pop up in sequence every time you press "O". I tried linking the mouths together, output to input, but that doesn't seem to work very well. I fiddled around with a sequencer, but I'm not familiar enough with it to attempt anything functional, let alone satisfactory.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
2011-01-27 08:01:00

Posts: 228

Looks like this thread got popular while I was gone :o

Anyone figured out how to make sequential speech bubbles like the Story Mode? What I mean is: you stand next to a character, which activates the first in a series of magic mouths, which will pop up in sequence every time you press "O". I tried linking the mouths together, output to input, but that doesn't seem to work very well. I fiddled around with a sequencer, but I'm not familiar enough with it to attempt anything functional, let alone satisfactory.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Dcs in sackbot > O button into sequencer cycle option > sequencer outputs into magic mouths

If I missed anyones questions, I apologize
though it seems many questions have been answered by others
2011-01-27 08:19:00

Posts: 1800

I tried linking the mouths together, output to input, but that doesn't seem to work very well.
Set their input action to "one-shot" instead of "on/off"; it's how I make my bot talk in this level (http://lbp.me/v/w1f16r). (Well, that and a bunch of tags and a big selector, but you get the idea.)
2011-01-27 08:20:00

Posts: 92

One last question for anyone to answer, is it possible to give cool downs on moves/emitters ? Like once you use something once can you make the player wait atleast like 60 secs before they can use that move again ?

Edit: and thanks Von, I just got done putting your logic into action and I have it working like a charm currently.

A quick addition,it was late when I read your post,and I should of added this.

If you want the second emitter to fire without the first one firing.Put a timer (count up) between the Or Gate,and the first emitter,make it a few tenths faster than the bottom timer.
use a combiner with inputs from the counter and the bottom timer.And output onto the new timers reset.

So you can choose what you want fire with X

I'm guessing you've worked it out,but I'll update my original post with a new picture,and the text when I get in.
2011-01-27 12:24:00

Unknown User

so can i ask these following questions
how do i make my sackboy punch when i press a button
make my enemy sense that he was hit and lower his heal
destroy my sackbot and me when my health reaches to zero

You'll want to use an act AI on your sackperson, triggered by a button press. Then record a punch motion. When you push the button your sackperson punches.

Make sure you set your stuff to reset the sackperson back to idle after punching though or it screws a lot of stuff up, as I've learned.

To make another sackbot sense it got punched, add a tag to your punching sackbot that gets turned on when he's punching, you may need to use a timer here so its on for a bit.

Then put a tag sensor on the sackbot being punched and make it do whatever you want it to do, if you want him to be hurt you'll want to check out the healthbar tutorials here. Finally when his healthbar is 0 just activate a destroy switch.

To kill the player specifically though is much tougher, there's a lot of different ways to do that, you'd need to be more specific on how the death is, do you want them to respawn at a checkpoint alongside the destroyed sackbot? End the level (this is easiest but probably annoying for the player to only get one shot) or what?
2011-01-27 15:34:00

Posts: 200

One last question for anyone to answer, is it possible to give cool downs on moves/emitters ? Like once you use something once can you make the player wait atleast like 60 secs before they can use that move again ?

Edit: and thanks Von, I just got done putting your logic into action and I have it working like a charm currently.

I'm going to ignore complex logic and keep this simple.

Lets say you have "X" wired into an emitter to fire but want a cooldown.

Wire "X" into an "AND" and wire the "AND" into the emitter.

Also wire the "AND" into a 60 second timer. Wire the timer into the "AND".

I'm drawing a blank, but I think you need to tweak the timer for reverse action...play with the settings.

You may also have to wire the timer into it's own reset...again, hard to figure out without the game in front of me.

Anyway, this should get you close enough to figure it out.
2011-01-27 15:45:00

Posts: 734


Would the DCS work remotely? I wouldn't have to jump into the DCS in order to go from one mouth to the next, would I? I'll try that setup and see what results I get, but what I'm aiming for is having each speech bubble stay visible until the player presses circle, which causes the next bubble to appear, which causes the next one etc., etc.


Actually, I don't get the idea. Could you go into more detail about how you went about creating sequential dialogue?
2011-01-27 18:59:00

Posts: 228

Anyone know how the DCS reciever input for is active works? (the little circle middle top of the controller)

I thought at first I could make 4 DCS on sackbots set to receive the same signal, and then have a cycled selector hooked up to the left/right buttons on the controller turn on one of the 4 sackbots' DCS at a time, I could direct control a sackbot one at a time.

Sadly I was wrong, they all still go together as one group, so thats not quite how it works =/
2011-01-27 20:03:00

Posts: 200

Any suggestions on making a Combo Counter ?

Also is there any way to walk up the backwall/background (with a sackbot) ?
2011-01-27 21:17:00

Posts: 28

To kill the player specifically though is much tougher, there's a lot of different ways to do that, you'd need to be more specific on how the death is, do you want them to respawn at a checkpoint alongside the destroyed sackbot? End the level (this is easiest but probably annoying for the player to only get one shot) or what? i just want the game to immediately end if they die2011-01-27 23:59:00

wait wtf
Posts: 853


Actually, I don't get the idea. Could you go into more detail about how you went about creating sequential dialogue?
Like this:
Each mouth is set to "one-shot", not on/off (the default is on/off, you have to tweak it). The tag sensors I mentioned are just to determine which mouth sequence gets triggered depending on the bot's location.

Anyone know how the DCS reciever input for is active works? (the little circle middle top of the controller)

I thought at first I could make 4 DCS on sackbots set to receive the same signal, and then have a cycled selector hooked up to the left/right buttons on the controller turn on one of the 4 sackbots' DCS at a time, I could direct control a sackbot one at a time.

Sadly I was wrong, they all still go together as one group, so thats not quite how it works =/

Try putting the receiver in a microchip and hook the "enable" signal to the chip's bottom input.
2011-01-28 00:02:00

Posts: 92


Would the DCS work remotely? I wouldn't have to jump into the DCS in order to go from one mouth to the next, would I? I'll try that setup and see what results I get, but what I'm aiming for is having each speech bubble stay visible until the player presses circle, which causes the next bubble to appear, which causes the next one etc., etc.


Actually, I don't get the idea. Could you go into more detail about how you went about creating sequential dialogue?

If you use a sackbot it will work.

Anyone know how the DCS reciever input for is active works? (the little circle middle top of the controller)

I thought at first I could make 4 DCS on sackbots set to receive the same signal, and then have a cycled selector hooked up to the left/right buttons on the controller turn on one of the 4 sackbots' DCS at a time, I could direct control a sackbot one at a time.

Sadly I was wrong, they all still go together as one group, so thats not quite how it works =/

Active means when you sit in the DCS it makes an on signal.

Put the DCS of each sackbot in a MC, put a select in your main DCS, hook a button into the cycle option underneath the selector, hook the outputs into the inputs of the MC's with the DCSs inside the sackbots.

Any suggestions on making a Combo Counter ?

Also is there any way to walk up the backwall/background (with a sackbot) ?

Probably multiple counters but I wouldn't be sure.

2011-01-28 00:16:00

Posts: 1800

Put the DCS of each sackbot in a MC, put a select in your main DCS, hook a button into the cycle option underneath the selector, hook the outputs into the inputs of the MC's with the DCSs inside the sackbots.

If this works this'll save me a helluva lot of time, I'm gonna go try it now =o
2011-01-28 01:32:00

Posts: 200

Any suggestions on making a Combo Counter ?

As in counting and displaying hit's "xx hits"

Not touched the sequencer since the tutorial,but if you can stop and start the sequencer at will,then reset after a period of time.you could try and set up a tag label system that start/stops the sequencer.

You need to put an impact sensor on the enemy,and a corresponding tag on the emitted object,each time it fires and connects it would start the sequencer and display a number on the screen,it would need to play faster than you can input the second hit.

You'd probably need two timers,one to start and stop the sequencer,the other to reset the sequencer (break the combo) and itself.
You would also need to work out a way that each number on the sequencer,would send a reset signal to a combiner.
It could be done with another Tag label setup if your displaying the numbers on holo.Attach a tag to the emitted number.Use a sensor on the player,and have that be the reset signal from the sequencer.

Like I said,I'm not even sure it's possible to Start/Stop/Reset a sequencer,but if you can,it should be a fairly small job with the logic tools.All you need are two Tag labels,one impact sensor,one tag sensor,two timers,and a combiner.
2011-01-28 02:18:00

Unknown User

Is there a way to record and activate movements and animations for sackbots without having more than one? Also could you record the animation on the sackbot (s) and then put them in the dcs?2011-01-28 04:06:00

Posts: 176

A Different Checkpoint system

1 Selector with x ports
1 Tag Switch
x Player sensors
x AND gates
x emitters

x= the number of check points in your level.

1. Put an AND gate, a player sensor, and an emitter for the sackbot on each checkpoint.
2. Place The one tag switch (set to the same tag as your sackbot) as inverted and with a maximum radius, and hook it to each of the AND gates.
3. Hook all player sensors to seperate inputs on the selector, and hook the outputs to all the AND gates.
4. The AND gates activate the emitter.

The selector ensures that only one checkpoint will be active at once, and the player sensor ensures its the right one.
2011-01-28 13:47:00

Posts: 10

Hope this hasn't been answered yet, but I want to have a character shoot fire, etc. from his hands
and I'd love to be able to aim with the right stick. I know this has been covered in a tutorial already,
but I'd also like to add some kind of indicator for where you're aiming. Maybe a hologram arrow
that follows the right stick, but stays anchored near the sackbot. (not like the crosshairs in the camel story
level that can move all over the screen)

It'd also be cool to have this indicator only show up when you're aiming with the right stick. Otherwise it

Awesome tutorials, by the way. You guys rock.
2011-01-29 00:03:00

Posts: 100

okay i need ask the following questions,
how do i make my pause screen follow me
how do i make the pause menu go on/off
when i select an object(grabinator) on the menu, how do i equip it and un equip it
2011-01-29 00:06:00

wait wtf
Posts: 853

A Different Checkpoint system

That is what I tried first but scrapped it because of work it takes to make it work.

I needed convert whole level to use sackbot as player and there was like 50 different checkpoints (It uses checkpoints as gameplay) and it was horrible to wire it up.

Still there is many ways to make it.
2011-01-29 09:39:00

Posts: 282

Hope this hasn't been answered yet, but I want to have a character shoot fire, etc. from his hands
and I'd love to be able to aim with the right stick. I know this has been covered in a tutorial already,
but I'd also like to add some kind of indicator for where you're aiming. Maybe a hologram arrow
that follows the right stick, but stays anchored near the sackbot. (not like the crosshairs in the camel story
level that can move all over the screen)

It'd also be cool to have this indicator only show up when you're aiming with the right stick. Otherwise it

Awesome tutorials, by the way. You guys rock.

Glue a peice of holo that you want for your indicator onto the edge of the rotating holo, put an or gate in the DCS with the inputs as the left/right and up/down of the right stick, and the output into the holo.


A Different Checkpoint system

1 Selector with x ports
1 Tag Switch
x Player sensors
x AND gates
x emitters

x= the number of check points in your level.

1. Put an AND gate, a player sensor, and an emitter for the sackbot on each checkpoint.
2. Place The one tag switch (set to the same tag as your sackbot) as inverted and with a maximum radius, and hook it to each of the AND gates.
3. Hook all player sensors to seperate inputs on the selector, and hook the outputs to all the AND gates.
4. The AND gates activate the emitter.

The selector ensures that only one checkpoint will be active at once, and the player sensor ensures its the right one.

i'll add it to the op when i get the chance

okay i need ask the following questions,
how do i make my pause screen follow me
how do i make the pause menu go on/off
when i select an object(grabinator) on the menu, how do i equip it and un equip it

follower on pause screen set to tag, tag in sackbots dcs.
hook a button from the dcs into the holo of the pause screen and whatever else it uses.
emit a sackbot with the same logic/costume that destroys your current sackbot, that you then gain control of.
2011-01-29 09:44:00

Posts: 1800

This sort of a question for here, I using the emitter on my Sackbot and ect... but is there a way to get the objects emitted to not float around freely after they are emitted ? Cause I'm trying a top down level, and I have this shield that emitted behind me but if I'm moving forward and emit it and stop the shield will keep moving forward past me... is there any way to stop that ?2011-01-29 18:49:00

Posts: 28

Really silly question but how do you focus the camera on the sackbot? so the camera follows the sackbot and not me...2011-01-29 21:03:00

Unknown User

This sort of a question for here, I using the emitter on my Sackbot and ect... but is there a way to get the objects emitted to not float around freely after they are emitted ? Cause I'm trying a top down level, and I have this shield that emitted behind me but if I'm moving forward and emit it and stop the shield will keep moving forward past me... is there any way to stop that ?

Anti Gravity object tweaker. Maybe a follower set to flee also so that you don't wreck into it when emitted in front of you.

Really silly question but how do you focus the camera on the sackbot? so the camera follows the sackbot and not me...

Movie camera, or follow cam setup.
2011-01-29 22:07:00

Posts: 1800

Sweet Sauce thx.2011-01-29 22:09:00

Posts: 28

I'm going to make up for not updating the OP in the last few days by adding tutorials for double jump, front/back flip, maybe a simple menu, and whatever people ask for, within reason.2011-01-29 22:26:00

Posts: 1800

As in counting and displaying hit's "xx hits"

Not touched the sequencer since the tutorial,but if you can stop and start the sequencer at will,then reset after a period of time.you could try and set up a tag label system that start/stops the sequencer.

You need to put an impact sensor on the enemy,and a corresponding tag on the emitted object,each time it fires and connects it would start the sequencer and display a number on the screen,it would need to play faster than you can input the second hit.

You'd probably need two timers,one to start and stop the sequencer,the other to reset the sequencer (break the combo) and itself.
You would also need to work out a way that each number on the sequencer,would send a reset signal to a combiner.
It could be done with another Tag label setup if your displaying the numbers on holo.Attach a tag to the emitted number.Use a sensor on the player,and have that be the reset signal from the sequencer.

Like I said,I'm not even sure it's possible to Start/Stop/Reset a sequencer,but if you can,it should be a fairly small job with the logic tools.All you need are two Tag labels,one impact sensor,one tag sensor,two timers,and a combiner.
I tried what you said but once the sequencer is started it just keeps going....
2011-01-29 22:54:00

Posts: 28

is there a way to make a sackbot you are controlling use a sword to hit sackbot opponents?2011-01-30 03:32:00

Unknown User

follower on pause screen set to tag, tag in sackbots dcs.
hook a button from the dcs into the holo of the pause screen and whatever else it uses.
emit a sackbot with the same logic/costume that destroys your current sackbot, that you then gain control of.
can you make it a bit more detailed?
2011-01-30 17:22:00

wait wtf
Posts: 853

How to make checkpoint system to sackobot that is controlled by player

First you want to make checkpoint from thin material or anything you want.
Create microchip and place it to the checkpoint.
Place selector with two inputs in the microchip.
Create tag sensor that detects tag "active" with max radius and hook it to first input of selector.
Create tag sensor that detects when player activates the checkpoint and hook it second input of selector.
Create MC inside the microchip and hook second output of the selector to activate input of that MC.
Create tag with label "active" inside the MC.
Create tag sensor inside MC that detects player with max radius and invert it.
Place emitter that emits new sackbot and hook sensor that detects player with max radius to it.

This is only bare version but you can add your own visuals to it if you want.

I hope that this is understandable and that it helps. If there is something to ask ask it.

This is the last thing I need but am confused on. Can anyone shed a little more light on this? I have no idea for example what the tag that detects tag active means. Also as I'm reading it, it sounds like this would only work for a single player level. I am making a level with 4 sackbots for four people. Is there a way to make this work with that many or no?
2011-01-30 17:23:00

Posts: 3

I have no idea for example what the tag that detects tag active means.

That means tag labelled with "active". It can be labelled with any label you want but it must be same in every checkpoint.

Is there a way to make this work with that many or no?

I haven't tested it but it should be easy.

Just create four different sackbots tagged as player and tagged as player number.
Copy the logic Inside of MC apart of tag "active" four times and set all mag sensors to detect each different player and set all the emitters to emit sackbot corresponding to the controlling player.

This should work but with a problem.
It cannot tell if there is others close to the checkpoint and will emit new sackbots outside of the camera.
This can be fixed with additional mag sensor that activates the check of dead players via one more microchip.
It needs also check if there is no sackbots at all using tag sensor.

If you want make a versus level it can be lot more complicated than this depending what kind of checkpoint behavior you want.

If you cannot figure this out I can help you in game depending when you can play. Just send a friend request and I will show it to you.

I really should make a level explaining this.
2011-01-30 19:29:00

Posts: 282

I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place to ask, but how would I get a Sackbot to display emotions in the exact same way as a Sackboy, when being controleed by a Controlinator? My problem is mainly that each D-Pad button isn't individually marked (you have Up/Down instead of one for up, one for down), and returning to neutral if the opposite button is pressed (e.g if you are happy, and you press sad, he goes to neutral).2011-01-31 08:06:00

Posts: 1893

My problem is mainly that each D-Pad button isn't individually marked

You can use directional splitter for that.
2011-01-31 15:06:00

Posts: 282

You can use directional splitter for that.

Ah! Thanks. I then connect those to a selector, right? That's a big help, though I still need the resetting to neutral.
2011-01-31 15:58:00

Posts: 1893

I still need the resetting to neutral.

Hook all of each emotions outputs trough OR gate and opposite emotions ORs trough AND gate and then hook those outputs to neutral emotion.
2011-01-31 16:26:00

Posts: 282

I believe if you just hook the up down from output to input, you'll get the same effect, though I'm not 100% sure.

So I'm almost done setting up for my level that uses multiple sackbots for control, but I'm still having issues spawning them.

There are 4 different colored sackbots in the level, blue green yellow and red, and I want them to be able to activate a spawning "tube" of sorts that spurts out a replacement sackbot when it dies, and also drops a value written on a display by one, when it hits 0 the game ends, essentially its a special checkpoint.

Whats different about it? Because there are 4 different colored sackbots the checkpoint can emit 4 different bots. I want it to be activated when a sackbot grabs onto his colored pad situated below the pads output chute. Thus, the red sackbot might have one checkpoint activated while the yellow sackbot has a totally different checkpoint activated, note though that all 4 of the sackbots can also have the same checkpoints activated.

Emitting a sackbot that can be controlled by the controllinator I already have done, that system works perfectly. But detecting their deaths and responding by emitting the right colored bot at the right activated check point AND decreasing its value by one is much much more tricky D:
2011-01-31 17:00:00

Posts: 200

..... Anyone with suggestions on a combo counter ? It's like the only thing I have left to figure out... much help would be appreciated.2011-01-31 17:22:00

Posts: 28

Alright, I'm going to record as much of these tutorials as I can actually do myself and make it easier for some people if thats ok.
I have a capture card.
2011-01-31 19:45:00

Posts: 89

Hey, instead of Tag sensors you could use player sensors and it would follow the sackboy. Or put the tag for the tag sensors on a sackbot if you're controlling a sackbot.2011-01-31 19:51:00

LOLinator v1.02
Posts: 101

I have an entire level called my lab that's entirely for screwing around with stuff in lbp, logic, circuits, and all the various tools and enviornmental effects + sounds to see what I can do.

You should put in a lbp.me link.
2011-01-31 20:00:00

LOLinator v1.02
Posts: 101

Oh dang, it didn't work. It won't accept the D-Pad presses in the controlinator at all :/

Is there anything I have to do, or is my game screwed up (no controlinator I made has ever worked with the D-Pad for me, ever).
2011-01-31 20:31:00

Posts: 1893


Try disabling popit in controllinator


That would be great :o


If you could get a seperate checkpoint for each player/sackbot then you could have a counter recognize everytime it is activated? That's what I would try, but I haven't done this so Idk.
2011-01-31 22:03:00

Posts: 1800

Alright, I'm going to record as much of these tutorials as I can actually do myself and make it easier for some people if thats ok.
I have a capture card.

Wonderful! and i'll update my tutorial list here and on E-mpire so that more people can be linked here!!!! i love this forum
2011-01-31 22:06:00

Posts: 3910

Not to be a n00b, but how did you get inputs for the controllinator? It just shows outputs. Is this the beta?2011-02-01 05:09:00

Unknown User

It needs to be inside of a sackbot for inputs.2011-02-01 05:46:00

Posts: 1800

oh, thanks. I haven't really used sackbots a lot.2011-02-01 15:16:00

Unknown User

Whats different about it?

It's not really different.
You must copy one player checkpoints logic four times and then replace activation methods with your pads (use AND gate with grab switch tag sensor combo to prevent different colored sackbot from activating others checkpoints).
Then change all the sensors that are detecting deaths to detect players tags(Tag all sackbots with different tags like "player 1", "player 2"...).
Also change the sensor and key that tells which checkpoint is active different for each bots checkpoint logic("active player 1", "active player 2"...).

To get limited health just use selector and set it to toggle trough states and outputs to emit the numbers. When it is in last state deactivate the activated checkpoint and/or activate game ender.


I have (http://lbp.me/v/xejgwe) published showcase of basic checkpoint system.
2011-02-01 15:18:00

Posts: 282

I just created and published a controllable sackbot army. They have squad based tactics and follow orders. They even can fight along side you with a paintball gun! The army is free to copy so that it can be modified. My aim was to create a framework for advanced bots. Be sure to check it out!
2011-02-01 16:08:00

Unknown User

Hook all of each emotions outputs trough OR gate and opposite emotions ORs trough AND gate and then hook those outputs to neutral emotion.

I gave this a try, and didn;t exactly get what you ment, sorry. Could you use a bit more detail?
2011-02-01 20:06:00

Posts: 1893

I have a request. Could you write a short tutorial on how to make a sackbot lie dead on the ground, without sliding or anything?2011-02-01 20:31:00

Posts: 302

Sackbot A.I and LogicTutorialshttp://i55.tinypic.com/289dauo.jpg

Just thought I would make this thread for people who might be having trouble/want to get more out of sackbots.

I'm going to use MC instead of MicroChip simply because it gets tedious having to keep typing it.
Also, DCS = Controllinator for those that don't already know.

Basic A.I - Sackboy controls
[spoiler] You'll see me using a lot of MicroChips, that's to keep it neat, I suggest you do it too.

Then hook the top four to each their own MC and put a DCS in them. (The reason to hook them into the MC is so you can turn the DCS on/off which is the most important thing in Sackbot A.I)
Why call a Controllinator DCS?
2011-02-02 17:00:00

Posts: 122

What is a DCS?

Um, it says it right there, but a DCS = Direct Control Seat, which was what Controlinator's used to be called.

EDIT: That's what they were first called.

I have a request. Could you write a short tutorial on how to make a sackbot lie dead on the ground, without sliding or anything?

Would putting a Anti-grav tweaker with 100% dampening work?

EDIT: Yes it does.
2011-02-02 17:07:00

Posts: 1893

I'd call it a Controlinator.2011-02-02 17:10:00

Posts: 122

Could you use a bit more detail?
Scrap that, I just realized that it wouldn't work.
2011-02-02 17:55:00

Posts: 282

Could someody explain Aiming Emitted Objects/Shooting to me? I don't understand it.2011-02-02 20:04:00

Posts: 15

so once everything is hooked up for the basic a.i. part of the tutorial is the sackbot going to jump and grab onto things on his own or is someone going to have to remotely control him? I have a level that involves grabbing onto swings and then swinging and jumping onto the next one. I was hoping that the sackbot would follow the player throughout the whole level, but i dunno how to make the sackbot do all of these things on his own2011-02-03 00:59:00

Posts: 4

so once everything is hooked up for the basic a.i. part of the tutorial is the sackbot going to jump and grab onto things on his own or is someone going to have to remotely control him? I have a level that involves grabbing onto swings and then swinging and jumping onto the next one. I was hoping that the sackbot would follow the player throughout the whole level, but i dunno how to make the sackbot do all of these things on his own

That A.I tut is so the sackbot can be controlled with tags.
Just setting the sackbots behavior chip to follow might work for you.
2011-02-03 01:19:00

Posts: 1800

well right now when i jump the sackbot will not grab onto what i want it too, thats why I looked at this. The problem I'm having right now is hooking up those grab sensors and actually making them detect the tag. I put the tag sensors in the microchip and i'll place a tag right next to a sackbot but nothing will happen. I don't really know what I'm doing wrong. Also, if I place a sackbot on a grabable surface he won't let go at all.2011-02-03 01:39:00

Posts: 4

How do you make it so that when you press a certain button it plays a recording once then stops and each time you press that button it plays the recording again (when you are controlling a sackbot)2011-02-03 07:18:00

Unknown User

Scrap that, I just realized that it wouldn't work.

Ah, ok, thanks for the help with the D-Pad anyway. Anyone else know how to get Sackbot (being controlled via a Controlinator) emotions to be exactly the same as sackboy's?
2011-02-03 07:55:00

Posts: 1893

How do you make it so that when you press a certain button it plays a recording once then stops and each time you press that button it plays the recording again (when you are controlling a sackbot)

Depends on what you want the sackbot to be doing when you are not pushing a button, but basically all you need to do is have the DCS button hooked up to a scene controller with 2 steps in it, both of which are sackbot AI settings (preferably dupes of your default AI you want the sackbot to be in), not repeating.

Hook up a not switch to said scene controller's reset, and feed the same button to that not gate.

Set the first AI to a recording, and record it doing the action you want, and then finally set the per step timing for your scene controller to last as long as the recording.

The result should play the scene controller whenever the player pushes the button, playing the action animation of the sackbot before setting it back to normal.
2011-02-04 01:39:00

Posts: 200

Anyone else know how to get Sackbot (being controlled via a Controlinator) emotions to be exactly the same as sackboy's?

It were hard to make and it is bit messy but it works.
To get it play my level: "Sackbot emotions" http://lbp.me/v/xctx4e
2011-02-04 16:02:00

Posts: 282

It were hard to make and it is bit messy but it works.
To get it play my level: "Sackbot emotions" http://lbp.me/v/xctx4e

Thanks! I'll give it a look.
2011-02-04 20:15:00

Posts: 1893

Those 2 Microchips inside of one MC are Let Go and Grab, Let Go is where you put the NOT gate and Inverted AND gate.
Your Let Go Tag Sensor hooks up into the inverted AND gate, the Grab Tag Sensor goes into the NOT gate, the NOT gates ouput does into the other input for the inverted AND gate, then the output of the inverted AND gate goes into the ON/OFF input under the Grab Microchip.

The Let Go and Grab Microchips in the pic look like they are just in their own MC, I do that to organize and save space.
It seems all mixed up, cause I did what you say and the two tags were inverted, I had to relable the tags (Grab is Let Go and Let Go is Grab)
Read back your tuto, cause it is really confusing, I think you mixed them or I'm the one mixed up
Who cares, now it works and it is great, I don't understand really what I did in the grab and minijump, but it works and I made a small track and the sackbot jumped around and I'm happy I'll be able to make a movie ! And there is something I thought : use the invisible DCS on an invisible holo thing, but don't make it transmit. Now the cam will follow the bot controlled by AI !

EDIT : Oh, sackbot emotions ? You need to make 13 behaviours (3 intensity of each emotion, one neutral) and then link the arrows to counters. Long, and it is waaay simpler if you don't have a neutral one. Wanted to make it, got tired.
2011-02-05 04:01:00

Unknown User

wow O.o my mind just exploded.

really really really really really

2011-02-05 04:03:00

Posts: 304


this thread shows you how to tweak the sackbot's basic AI controls in 5 steps

and it also shows you how to have a camera follow the sackbot with out that hologram movie camera thing.

good luck!
2011-02-05 06:11:00

Posts: 304

It were hard to make and it is bit messy but it works.
To get it play my level: "Sackbot emotions" http://lbp.me/v/xctx4e

Huzzah it worked! Thanks a bunch, just what I needed.
2011-02-06 19:33:00

Posts: 1893

Sackbots can walk/run on water without dying using an antigravity tweaker.
You can run up to the sackbots knees in water. (The Water bends around its feet going lower which allows you not to die.)
I just found this from messing around, thought it was cool.
Oh, I also found a workaround that lets you move sackbots underwater.

Apparently this was already known to people, they just weren't sharing the info.
2011-02-08 05:46:00

Posts: 1800

Added a tutorial on having sackbots move underwater/ "swim". 2011-02-08 10:51:00

Posts: 1800

Sorry I don't understand all this. o_O2011-02-11 05:45:00

Posts: 59

What don't you understand?2011-02-11 06:11:00

Posts: 1800

RE: Wall running

I improved on this so that it can rotate the sackbot to the correct orientation on either left or right facing walls. (the version in the OP only works on walls facing one way, on walls facing the other way it looks wrong)

All I did was delete the gyroscope and add a microchip that is activated by the impact sensor. Inside, I wired the left/right output from the left stick to a signal splitter, with each output going to a separate gyroscope, one rotated left and one rotated right. Easy peasy! (you could probably also do the same with the up/down of the left stick and higher dampening on the gyro and have the sackbot capable of running on the ceiling! Not sure, haven't tried it yet though)

Of course, if you actually want it to really look good, you could also rig up some sort of system to play a recorded run animation. And if you REALLY wanted to get nutty, you could maybe use a speed sensor https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=48824-LOGIC-TOOLS-Speed-Sensor-Signal-Change-Sensor&highlight=speed+sensor to determine whether to play a walk or a run animation...

2011-02-22 19:37:00

Posts: 51

another way to aim is to use the new and improved bolt glitch

RE: Wall running

I improved on this so that it can rotate the sackbot to the correct orientation on either left or right facing walls. (the version in the OP only works on walls facing one way, on walls facing the other way it looks wrong)

All I did was delete the gyroscope and add a microchip that is activated by the impact sensor. Inside, I wired the left/right output from the left stick to a signal splitter, with each output going to a separate gyroscope, one rotated left and one rotated right. Easy peasy! (you could probably also do the same with the up/down of the left stick and higher dampening on the gyro and have the sackbot capable of running on the ceiling! Not sure, haven't tried it yet though)

Of course, if you actually want it to really look good, you could also rig up some sort of system to play a recorded run animation. And if you REALLY wanted to get nutty, you could maybe use a speed sensor https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=48824-LOGIC-TOOLS-Speed-Sensor-Signal-Change-Sensor&highlight=speed+sensor to determine whether to play a walk or a run animation...


actually, the sackbot still the walk/run animation on the wall whether there's a speed sensor or not
2011-03-21 20:00:00

LOLinator v1.02
Posts: 101

Hi guys jump into creating levels. i LOVE this thread a lot, but i too am a little short sighted here and i have a really dumb question to ask...are you ready?

what purpose does the dcs have for what is basically a NPC?
2011-03-31 07:46:00

Unknown User

You can use a dcs in a sackbot to make external tags turn into sackbot actions.
If you just want regular actions, you can record in a behaviour chip.
Also you can mix those to get more complex actions.
2011-03-31 13:29:00

Posts: 1800

oh ok thank you so much Bremnen. can't wait to try this out!2011-03-31 14:10:00

Unknown User

Can you do a tutorial on how to give something a timer activation and recharge? Say, I wanted my bot to be electric for 10 seconds after the press of a button, and then for 10 seconds afterwards would not be able to do this again.2011-04-03 16:08:00

Posts: 248

Alot of these helped me! Thanks alot, dude. I was just wondering though, is there a way to make sackbots fall down after you kill them so they don't dissapear like normal?2011-04-03 20:39:00

Posts: 125

Can you do a tutorial on how to give something a timer activation and recharge? Say, I wanted my bot to be electric for 10 seconds after the press of a button, and then for 10 seconds afterwards would not be able to do this again.

>See Comphs tutorial videos

Alot of these helped me! Thanks alot, dude. I was just wondering though, is there a way to make sackbots fall down after you kill them so they don't dissapear like normal?

Tag detection > Gyroscope > Set a behavior chip to something that makes it turn left or right
2011-04-03 20:57:00

Posts: 1800

Can you do a tutorial on stopping sackbots from moving past invisible walls or enemy BOTS, its something to do with tags but atm im confused...2011-04-04 15:50:00

Unknown User

Tag detection > Gyroscope > Set a behavior chip to something that makes it turn left or right

I can't thank you enough! I've been trying to do this for ages, this really helped me! 8D
2011-04-04 22:18:00

Posts: 125

Can you do a tutorial on stopping sackbots from moving past invisible walls or enemy BOTS, its something to do with tags but atm im confused...

Invisible holo wall with impact sensor > Logic set up in sackbot for walking left/right > Impact sensor = on then have tag make it walk to whichever side. Change frequency of Battery in DCS depending on what you need.

Or if you're talking about boundaries when flying, have a mover or something push them away.
2011-04-06 09:03:00

Posts: 1800

I'm having trouble getting the wall walk to work, I did everything, followed the picture, still nothing? For the record, do you mean, walking along a wall, like prince of persia style, or UP a wall? Please help, and also, there seems to be an extra wire output from the impact sensor, maybe thats it? It isn'tt mentioned in the wall walk tutorial. 2011-04-26 21:55:00

Posts: 357

I'm having trouble getting the wall walk to work, I did everything, followed the picture, still nothing? For the record, do you mean, walking along a wall, like prince of persia style, or UP a wall? Please help, and also, there seems to be an extra wire output from the impact sensor, maybe thats it? It isn'tt mentioned in the wall walk tutorial.

Not sure what you mean by Prince of Persia style, but yes, walking up a wall. That wire seems to be useless.
If you do everything in the tutorial it should make it so that when you jump towards or walk towards the wall, you turn sideways and can walk up/down it.
2011-05-10 15:39:00

Posts: 1800

you do know that you can link your sackboy to a sackbot right away, don't you??2011-07-03 01:57:00

Posts: 84

How do you make it so that when you press a certain button it plays a recording once then stops and each time you press that button it plays the recording again (when you are controlling a sackbot)

Couldn't you just hook up the button to a brain that has the action set to play once? Or would you have to wire the button up to a pulse generator (a counter set to 1 wired up to its reset and to something else) which you wire to the brain? (Or does the pulse make it play for one frame...?) Try both of these. See which one works.
2011-07-03 22:47:00

Posts: 13447

Hi all!!!

I've been reading through the replies and you've all got your sackbots doing some absolutely AMAZING things so I feel like a real dummy for asking this, but I've been working on it for three days and can't seem to get it. It's probably something really, really simple which will make me feel even more stupid, but whatever.

I need to get a sackbot who will do the following:

1) Follow if I (or the player) presses a button L1 for example.
2) Idle if I (or the player) presses a different button R1 for example.

Sorry for such a stupid question when you guys are all clearly creating sackbots that will take over the world. lol.
2011-10-21 21:20:00

Unknown User

Quite a simple thing to do, I think. Just set up an invisible (0% brightness) hologram with a Max (speed, high range, etc.) follower in a nearest player controllinator. Place a selector and two sackbot behavior chips in your sackbot, one set to the follow settings you want and for the other set to the idle actions you want. then hookup the L1 and R1 buttons to each selector input. It should work.2011-10-22 02:19:00

Posts: 111

Hi all!!!

I've been reading through the replies and you've all got your sackbots doing some absolutely AMAZING things so I feel like a real dummy for asking this, but I've been working on it for three days and can't seem to get it. It's probably something really, really simple which will make me feel even more stupid, but whatever.

I need to get a sackbot who will do the following:

1) Follow if I (or the player) presses a button L1 for example.
2) Idle if I (or the player) presses a different button R1 for example.

Sorry for such a stupid question when you guys are all clearly creating sackbots that will take over the world. lol.

If you are using a sackbot for the player: open both sackbots, put controllinators in each sackbot, set to same color, set player sackbots controllinator to transmit and follower sackbots to recieve, place 2 sackbot behavior chips into the followers bots controllinator, set one to follow/one to idle, hook L1/R1 into respective behavior chips.

If you're not using a sackbot for the player: you need a peice of 0% brightness hologram following the player with a controllinator in it and follow the above steps, OR you could have just the follow sackbots controllinator and set it to nearest player, but you would need to be close for the inputs to work
2011-11-02 20:43:00

Posts: 1800

Of course! Does this allow for the player to follow the Sackbot absolutely anywhere, or are there collision issues to keep in mind?

hehe i actually use this a lot in my in production levels, it works very well no collisions everything is fine... now how about sackbot respawning? i have a very good idea on how to do it but i have not tried it yet, i hope i didnt miss reading it in the topic, i didnt mean to if i did, i just already know much about sackbots, that is the only issue i have.

I mean... i have seen sackbots respawn out of an infinite checkpoint, am i missing something? because i didnt think this was possible. and still dont, i think i am just missing some essential key in the design.
2011-11-03 14:11:00

Posts: 390

I was reading through the whole "Swimming Sackbots" section, and was wondering if it was possible to hook a Battery to the sackbot's head tilt Left/right in a DCS inside the bot.
Only problem is, I am Kind of thinking that the battery would not have enough time to swivel the Bot's head when it is deleted in .1 of a second and also that when changing every different direction, numerous tilts would have to be emmitted.

I think there would be quite too many directions and the bot would end up breaking at some point... So is it possible?
I am very experienced in Sackbot Logic, but the whole swimming underwater concept was a little new, and it perked my interest and I thought it could be somewhat useful.

Anyway, the numerous (16 or higher) battery combinations might be a little much for things, as I believe only 8 directions is the max with emmitteng because the DCS only sees if you hit a button, not how hard you hit it. I would be pretty interested to see if there WAS a way to do it though.
2011-11-03 14:32:00

Unknown User

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