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Recovering lost LBP1 unlocks in LBP2

Archive: 5 posts

My PS3 died, taking with it all my LBP1 unlocks. I still own the disc. Is there any way to get that content unlocked in LBP2 without replaying all of LBP1 again? It's hard to get excited about doing that with so much LBP2 to dive into.2011-01-19 07:46:00

Posts: 324

I believe not unless you backed up your LBP profile to external storage before your ps3 broke.2011-01-19 09:20:00

Posts: 2662

yeah if youve backed up ur profile use that, but if you havent theres no way. you have to play all the levels in lbp1 again. =[2011-01-19 12:16:00

Posts: 153

I believe not unless you backed up your LBP profile to external storage before your ps3 broke.

...or if you can get it repaired.
2011-01-19 20:19:00

Posts: 2870

Thanks for the feedback. I luckily found the only backup I ever made, from shortly after I 100%'ed the original game, so now I only have to play through the DLC.

Incidentally, for anyone reading this thread in the future, I thought I was going to be able to take the hard drive from the old PS3, plop it in the new one, and copy my save files off it that way. But it turns out the PS3 hard drives are encoded to only all access to the data from the original PS3 they were set up with. So if the hardware burns out and isn't repaired, the drive may as well be wiped. The data is irrecoverable.
2011-01-21 21:29:00

Posts: 324

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