The Music you listen to.
Archive: 13 posts
Well after a short while of being on Little Big Planet Central I discovered a lot of interest in the genres of music. I am working on a project of what the majority of people listen mostly genres I would like to see songs to if possible. After long hours of research I almost discovered 75% of the United States listens to Pop/Hip-Hop; 20% of the United States listens to country; And only 10% of the United States listens to Metal *note: Metal goes for all types*/Punk I really hope this helps me this is my first post. This goes for all this post will only last about a month or two -Gladly accepting friend requests ![]() | 2011-01-17 16:01:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
This thread would have better been suited to the general media forums. In fact, there is already quite a similar thread there already. It might help you: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=43361-What-s-your-music Oh, and sorry, but I can't really answer your poll as I don't listen to any of that stuff. ![]() | 2011-01-17 17:53:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
I don't want to vote for metal, I'd rather vote for rock or punk, re-do your poll for me! | 2011-01-17 19:16:00 Author: ApeCheese ![]() Posts: 369 |
Metal and screamo for me, friend request coming your way ![]() | 2011-01-17 20:12:00 Author: Hellobob5 ![]() Posts: 382 |
This thread would have better been suited to the general media forums. In fact, there is already quite a similar thread there already. It might help you: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=43361-What-s-your-music Oh, and sorry, but I can't really answer your poll as I don't listen to any of that stuff. ![]() Oh ok ill try another poll soon if you want so you can answer. do you listen to like beethoven stuff just wondering | 2011-01-17 21:17:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Oh ok ill try another poll soon if you want so you can answer. do you listen to like beethoven stuff just wondering Lol, I have been known to listen to Beethoven. But please, don't think i'm a music snob or anything! ![]() ![]() | 2011-01-18 00:30:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
Lol, I have been known to listen to Beethoven. But please, don't think i'm a music snob or anything! ![]() ![]() You really do. You basically listen to anything that isn't full eleffant poop. If u know what I mean... | 2011-01-18 08:18:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
You didn't put "Blues/Jazz" as an option | 2011-01-18 14:58:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
I like the popular genres. As long as I can see hardworking talent in that genre I like it. I really dislike things like Black Eyed Peas, Far East Movement and anything else that uses auto-tune. It's a sign of a lack of talent. | 2011-01-18 17:10:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
How can you put Hip-Hop/RnB/Pop in the same category? Arguably Metal and Scream are the most similar genres you listed. | 2011-01-18 17:26:00 Author: TehUberZac ![]() Posts: 587 |
I like the popular genres. As long as I can see hardworking talent in that genre I like it. I really dislike things like Black Eyed Peas, Far East Movement and anything else that uses auto-tune. It's a sign of a lack of talent. Everyone uses autotune. It's generally written into contracts that autotune is used to correct the vocals to perfection (at least, on most major labels. I'm not sure how places lie Roadrunner do it. Roadrunner are awesome.) And While I would vote metal, the differences within that genre are massive, and I don't like a lot of it. Grindcore, for example. Or 'Crabcore' (though the name is hilarious.) Death metal is meh. I don't mind some of it (I believe Children of Bodom would be classed as Melodic Death Metal (don't ask, even I can't claim there is much melody) but I dislike a lot. I love Thrash metal, and Metalcore (A7X, BFMV, Trivium, KsE etc.) I also like hard rock - Guns N' Roses, Alter bridge, bands like that. But they don't all fall under the same genre, and so voting in that genre would be somewhat misguiding. | 2011-01-18 18:38:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
http://www.zmescience.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/headbanger.jpg Is that enough? ![]() | 2011-01-19 06:48:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
Everyone uses autotune. It's generally written into contracts that autotune is used to correct the vocals to perfection (at least, on most major labels... You're talking about pop, I guess, right? I can't imagine any decent rock bands would use autotune except as a joke. | 2011-01-28 05:01:00 Author: ApeCheese ![]() Posts: 369 |
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