How do I change the color of clothing?
Archive: 5 posts
Hello LBP Central! I'm sure this has been asked before, but my searches yielded no relevant results. I have seen pictures and videos wherein users have changed the color of a seemingly un-alterable article of Sackboy clothing, such as the Red Boxer Shorts appearing gold. I realize that I can put stickers on my Sackboy, but they only reach the front and going too big makes it easy to spill over onto unintended areas. Do I just need to refine my avatar stickering technique, or am I missing something? Thanks! | 2011-01-16 02:33:00 Author: Donny_Lurch ![]() Posts: 7 |
I have a few tips. If you change your pop-it color it will effect some clothing pieces. Not all of them. For stickers-> Making a sticker really big will paint the entire object you're putting it on. If you are trying to do a small section try using the colored circle stickers, which you get from doing the tutorials. They usually keep in a small area. The squares tend to go out of the area you want to paint. Some clothing pieces are just plain difficult to sticker up no matter what. Also try moving the sticker just a slight bit. Depending on where you place it will color outside the area you want and if you move it the tiniest bit sometimes it will prevent that. Also it's good to get some custom stickers. NemesisNinja has a huge selection of these in LBP. You can make your own as well. Hope i helped you out. EDIT: The gold shorts MIGHT be from the Ape Escape costume. They are yellow and look just like the Red shorts. | 2011-01-16 03:18:00 Author: Kitkasumass ![]() Posts: 494 |
Thanks for the advice, I'll give it a shot. EDIT: The gold shorts MIGHT be from the Ape Escape costume. They are yellow and look just like the Red shorts. Actually, the tutorial I was viewing specified the item as Red Boxer Shorts. There was also a yellow Ringleader's Top hat, still with black band too. | 2011-01-16 03:47:00 Author: Donny_Lurch ![]() Posts: 7 |
I find creating a costume in create mode helps if you make a mistake it can be simply undone | 2011-01-17 21:53:00 Author: PerfectlyDarkTails ![]() Posts: 269 |
Yea the hat still had the black band. Some items are just easy to sticker than others. Depending on how big you make your sticker i will paint the whole thing or just a certain area. | 2011-01-17 22:06:00 Author: Kitkasumass ![]() Posts: 494 |
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