Weekly Creator Interview Episode 42: Aselrahc
Archive: 9 posts
Hello everyone, here's the 42nd interview for you, this time I interview Aselrahc, creator of the "Land of Crumb" series. Like the interview with xQziCyFlaMeZxQz, I sent the questions to this interviewee before I added other questions. Anyway, here's the interview. http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=29355 1. Out of all the levels, objects, or something else in Little Big Planet you've published whether they're still up are no longer available to play, which would be your favorite? Of all my levels, my favorite would have to be Land of Crumb 2. I think parts are a bit confusing and could have been built better, but I still enjoy it. 2. Are there any levels, objects, music or something else in Little Big Planet that you're working on and if so, you could you give us some information about it? (This could be anything like the title, theme, plot, pictures or even a trailer) I am working on some levels. From a steampunk inspired transporter to mystical forests and epic space sagas! Truthfully, I am practicing for LBP2. I am excited about the new tools, especially sack bots. Many of my ideas require more than the standard cardboard cut out characters we made for Lbp and the sack bots will fill a much needed void! 3. Are there any levels or creators in Little Big Planet that inspire you to keep creating or that you at least like? Creators who inspire me? Well, in no particular order: Comphermc, Mrsupercomputer, Luosdesruc, Ccubbage, Rangerzero, Poms, GruntosUK, and many others. I've been playing a lot recently, and have come upon a lot of great levels whose creators I don't recall. My apologies to all the great ones I've forgotten! 4. When and how exactly did you get Little Big Planet? I purchased Little Big Planet shortly after it was released. I didn't own a PS3, so as a Christmas gift to myself, I bought one, and LBP. It was the first game I was truly excited about for a year before it was released, and the only game I have bought and not traded in for something else after playing it. 5. How did you get the name Aselrahc? Aselrahc. You want to know how I got this name? Well, I was trying to come up with an email address name without numbers after it and I have a fairly common first and last name, so I was always saddled with AWolf33442296845839 or something like that. Aselrahc is simply my first initial, A, followed by my middle name backwards, Charles. 6. Is there anything or anyone outside of Little Big Planet that inspires you to create or that you just like? Outside of LBP I am inspired a lot by children's books, movies and literature. I have always love traditional sci-fi and fantasy. I love the thought that there is a magical world full of talking rats under our feet where glowing mushrooms are harvested by gnomes in a wonderful, lost and forgotten place in the cracks and crevices in between the sewers and the deepest caves. 7. Are there any tips or tricks you could provide for creating(This could be a basic tip like to not use too many corners if you wanna save thermometer or something more detailed like certain stickers tat help or well, any tips you find useful. It could be about lighting, stickers, music, objects, platforming, saving thermometer, etc.) Gosh, tips for keeping the thermo low. I still have trouble with this. I have learned to use the corner editor to rid my shapes of corners I don't need. You know, the ones that you would never see because they are so small, but take up space anyway! I also use a lot of dark matter circles to stick my pieces in the air. I've heard they take up less space because they have no angles. I don't know if that's true though. My tendency is to build such an elaborate opening that my thermo is half full before I even get to the level building proper. So many times I have to go back and simplify the beginning. 8. If you could add or change something in Little Big Planet or in Little Big Planet 2 that you haven't heard being added or changed, what would it be? If I could add anything, I wouldn't. A bit ago I was going to write and suggest they make the thermometer toggle visible and invisible because it was burning into my tv screen. Then I learned I could turn it off in the menu, lol! Other than that, I am simply excited to work with the tools I've already heard about. 9. Are there any other games that you enjoy that you're currently playing, used to play or just a game that you're lookinng forward to besides Little Big Planet or Little Big Planet 2? Other games I play would include the Assassin's Creed games, the Uncharted series, Bioshock was a favorite, and various others. I grew up playing Mario and wrestling games, and I spent thousands of hours as a kid in the arcade shoveling quarters into Elevator Action, Metal Gear, Double Dragon, Street Fighter, Rolling Thunder, Mortal Combat 1 and 2, Pac Man, Contra, etc, etc. I'm an older gamer. I'm turning 36 soon, and I have had a passion for gaming since I can remember showing all my friends how to jump the 3 crocodiles in pitfall in one quick move without getting chomped! I can't wait to see what the LBP community will do with the new tools in LBP2! And I'm super stoked to create better and better levels myself! Hey, and thanks for the opportunity to answer your questions. And thanks for digging what I've built so far. Check back soon. I will have more! | 2011-01-16 01:04:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
another good creator being recognized because of you dragon ![]() | 2011-01-16 02:22:00 Author: vezonfan01 ![]() Posts: 293 |
Not sure if he'll get recognized any more by much because of me but thanks vez ![]() | 2011-01-16 14:23:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Yay, I'm so pleased to hear Aselrahc is going to get back into creating again. I loved his Land of Crumb levels when they were first published and was sorry when he took a break from creating. This is really good news. Nice to get more of an insight into Aselrahc as a creator, too. Thanks Dragonvarsity - these interviews are a great idea. ![]() | 2011-01-16 20:04:00 Author: shropshirelass ![]() Posts: 1455 |
Thanks a bunch shropshire. Also, you're not the only one glad to see Aselrahc's creating again ![]() | 2011-01-17 02:12:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Hey, cool! Just noticed this! I LOVE his stuff - the Land of Crumb games were fantastic. Nice interview! Love the idea for the PSN name - my first name is Charles, so you would have THOUGHT I would have made the connection.... Especially after realizing Luos_Desruc was Cursed Soul spelled backwards.... ![]() | 2011-01-17 20:54:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
aselrahc rules, but ive said that for more than a year now : ![]() | 2011-01-19 10:07:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
Hey, I finally found this article, lol. Thanks guys. I appreciate all the kind words. | 2011-02-26 15:11:00 Author: Aselrahc ![]() Posts: 185 |
These interviews are really a great post. I've been reading for a while now but finally remembered to reply - many thanks, it's great to pick up so many little tips from seasoned creators! | 2011-02-26 17:07:00 Author: rialrees ![]() Posts: 1015 |
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