"Play my level!!!"
Archive: 3 posts
Anyone else getting annoyed with every other level comment saying this? I'm wondering if I can can 'good grief' them, but since 'spam' isn't one of the supplied reasons, I think it'll probably get ignored. | 2008-11-08 04:51:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Anyone else getting annoyed with every other level comment saying this? I'm wondering if I can can 'good grief' them, but since 'spam' isn't one of the supplied reasons, I think it'll probably get ignored. Yes. Very annoyed. And I dont even have any levels published yet (almost though). If I see an interesting level online, I'll often look at the comments afterwards to see what others thought of it, and half the time, there it is, "Oh, this level is awesome but so is MINE come play it right now!!11111" In my view, that makes me MUCH less likely to play whatever it is being advertised there..... | 2008-11-08 06:02:00 Author: Bridget ![]() Posts: 334 |
In my view, that makes me MUCH less likely to play whatever it is being advertised there..... Agreed. I think it'll stop (or at least happen much less) in a few months. | 2008-11-08 06:43:00 Author: aer0blue ![]() Posts: 1603 |
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